Organizing Help How To Get On The Right Track

How do you keep track of and organize your daily tasks?

There are few things I do.My tomorrow actually starts from today; before leaving work I try to prepare my “things to do” for next day. Once I am at office, I quickly check my emails (I know it is not advised by many professionals) but I can’t help myself. So, that gives me some more perspective of what are many important things and I fill my schedule with them.In my company, we create a “To-Do” list and submit on slack; we call it daily head start and on scrum every manager quickly explains what they will be doing. I arrange my list from highest to lowest order so even If i cannot do everything, I still know I have done most of the tasks with highest priority.

How can I organize a protest in India?

I have a fundamental right to peaceful protest but there are some restrictions regarding it, so we require permission of government for protest.Article 19 which is one such fundamental right deals with protection of certain right regarding freedom of speech etc. Holding a protest rally can be protected under Article 19 (1)(a),19 (1)(b) and 19 (1)(c).These three articles provide the citizens right to freedom of speech and expression, right to assemble peaceful without arms and right to form association or union.

Why is it important to stay organized in high school?

When you're organized its a lot easier to do well in school. I know this gets said a lot but here's why!

-if you keep everything for one class all together in a folder/binder it becomes way easier to study. If you have a history test the next day you can just grab your folder/binder for history and have all the notes and papers together from that chapter and study right away. This eliminates time it would take searching for all those papers and the possibility of lost papers or notes

-keeping a homework folder/binder where you put all finished homework and all the homework that needs to be done will eliminate losing homework sheets and also forgetting assignments at school

-having an organized and clean locker makes it easier to find books, papers, or supplies and will make it so you are not late to class and so you don't lose anything

-having a planner will help you keep track of assignments (homework, projects, due dates, etc.) as well as dates with friends or important school or club events

Those are just a few reasons, hope this helps!

Which one is more organized for school!?

Separate binders for sure!

Have one binder for each class... Then, have dividers in your binders. Have one section for homework/assignments to be completed, one for notes, and one for past assignments. You can even add other sections as you feel need be.

For homework, I suggest having an entirely separate binder. This is what I did. I had one binder just for homework. I had three dividers in there. One was for other things for school (registration papers, etc.). Next I had one for homework to turn in. Plus I had one for homework to complete. This really helped me keep organized. However, when you get the homework check to see if you will need notes or something from the class to help you do it so that way you don't forget to bring it home. Whenever you visit your locker put the things you won't need to bring home away, and keep the things you will need to bring home in your backpack so you don't forget anything.

Also, it's a really good idea to have a planner. Make sure you use it though. Write down when projects are due and what homework you have for the night. Write down phone numbers you need to work on the project with someone and deadlines you have for yourself (i.e. finish rough draft thursday, final draft friday, etc.)


What tools do you use to keep your business organized?

Automation Resources to Super-Charge your Business SystemsRunning a business is pretty much like steering a ship towards the right direction. Each and every process is important, and it would be best if it were based on a specific workflow. Fortunately, there are tools that are readily available to help with the business organization process. They can be in a form of checklists, which is provided by Process Street. This tool is essentially a software that turns your business processes into checklists, making it easier for you to keep track of them. It is free and very easy to use, making it one of the many go-to tools used for such a purpose. Similarly, a tool like Trello is used for workflow process building. Trello is a task management system to manage teams and projects and is also widely used by companies all over the world. Like Process Street, it features a very user-friendly interface and uses a cloud-based storage system. Asana is also one tool to make use of when organizing business processes. While it can take a while to learn the ropes when using this app, but it can do both task management and project management duties. Once you get past the challenging stages of figuring the system out, it can turn out to be an effective tool to use.

How do you organize a research paper?

Two of the sites I usually direct students to are:

1. Paradigm Writing Assistant (I'm providing a link to the Planning for Paragraphs section. Read through some of the other "organizing" and "thesis support" sections - top menu.)

2. The Purdue Owl (Here I'm linking you to the Writing in Literature section - you might want to check out other parts of this site as well.)

Hopefully these sites will help get you organized and on the right track. Don't forget that your local college librarians (or public librarians) can be of assistance. You may find a chat service on your local library website.

Find a librarian near you and open a chat!

Added: Jessica gave you some helpful links also, but I would say that MLA is used as much as APA in college. The difference is in what field of study you're working in - MLA for humanities, APA for the social sciences.