Owe A Friend Money But Been Threatened To Damage My Property

If you accidentally damage/destroy your friend's property, then who is responsible for paying the damage?

Not always you, but most of the time. There are several key issues that are not presented in your question and which will impact the ultimate question. For this response I’ll address only one type of instance where the accidental damage may be completely excused. It is known as “authority” and means the right of the individual to use the property even when there is a chance of damage.Some property can only be used when there is a chance it is damaged. Normal wear and tear is an example. Also, any property which is used in a demanding or circumstance with a likely chance of harm, even under normal use. If the owner has given you permission to use the item, and has acknowledged the chance of damage, then “accidental” damage could be excused.As an example, I am golfing with a friend and I run out of balls. He then loans me three brand new balls to use while we finish the course. While I never intend to cut a golf ball, it does happen from time to time. So on a particular swing I catch the ball with my 2-Iron but cut it deeply. It was an accident, but by the nature of golf there is an understanding that balls can be damaged. Therefore, my accidental damage is excusable.There are other circumstances when the accidental damage to property may be excusable. The point is to simply understand that there is no hard-and-fast rule as to liability for damaged property. Every instance will demand an individual evaluation to see if liability is proper.

What should you do if someone threatens to kill you and your family?

Call the police immediately, report ANYTHING you know about them. Phone number, what they might look like, approximate height, etc. Doesn’t matter if they threaten to kill you if you report them if their initial threat is to already kill you, either way report to the police and tell them there’s a death threatMove out of your house, at least for a while. Move from hotel to hotel, make yourself unpredictable. If you can manage to keep renting different cars that’s even better.try not to use your social media too much and if you do use a VPN, although not very easy, it’s definitely possible to track you through your social media, using a VPN will hide you betterAre you just genuinely curious or is someone actually threatening you?!

Is it unethical to threaten someone with small claim court?

No, not at all. A fair, effective court system is inevitably expensive. It’s not realistic for the cost to be born by anyone except the litigants. Sensible people should do everything possible to resolve their disputes without going to court. Generally, it would be unwise and unethical not to forewarn the person you are in a dispute with that you a considering suing them. One major exception is if you know you are in the wrong, but hope they will pay a figure likely to be less than the cost of mounting a defense in court. Since there are unethical people who do this, the courts need to do a good job of ending frivolous suits quickly, and putting all the cost on the plaintiff.

Roommate threatening to throw stuff out?

My friend and I got into a fight while on vacation, we're home now and she's threatening to "throw my stuff out" and "kick me out." She pays for the house we're living in. I give her rent, but we don't have a lease or a written agreement that I live there.

I want to move out too, but she wants me out TODAY and it's not possible to move everything out in one day.

Can she kick me out today? What can I do if she touches my stuff? I don't want to stay here tonight. I want to leave and come back to get all of my things tomorrow but I'm scared she's going to ruin/throw away my things.

My friend owes me 20 bucks?

This is long but at least entertaining. I need to know what to do now:

I know it doesn't seem like a lot, but honestly, it could get me half a tank, a gym payment, a manicure... and I'm low on money.
About a month ago (Oct. 1st) I gave my friend 20 bucks and asked her to buy me something and give it to me Oct. 5th.
She didn't end up giving it to me so she said she'd give it to me Oct. 7th when she saw me again... I was mad but I just wanted my money back.
So she didn't show up to our class for a few weeks and when she finally did she told me she didn't have the money. I thought she meant she left it at home. I texted her last night asking her to bring my money today to our class (we had a midterm so I figured she'd show). She said she would.
This morning, she texted me asking her to buy her a scantron and I told her I would if she gave me my 20 bucks back. She said she didn't have it. I told her I didn't give her that money to spend on herself, so she shouldn't have spent it. She responded by calling me a b*tch and said "I do you so many favours and the one time I can't repay you immediately you're a b*tch! F*ck you!" I told her I didn't LOAN HER the money, she had no right to spend it! I said "call me a b*tch but you're the one who an irresponsible moron". Besides, it's not like she can't pay me back immediately, she can't pay me back a month later!
Then she didn't respond and didn't show up to our midterm. Proves my "irresponsible" statement to be true. On top of that, she is saying that I don't deserve my money back immediately because I didn't make her a cheat sheet for our midterm when I told her I wasn't going to. She decided to get drunk on a Tuesday before midterms, not me.
I work for my money and she doesn't even have a job. If she asked me to loan her 20 bucks and didn't pay me back right away I wouldn't be so mad, but the main point is she had no right to spend it in the first place. It'd be like if someone asked you to buy them lunch and gave you money and you decided to buy yourself a new shirt instead... and then didn't pay them back the money. WFJSDKFJSD!!!!!!

I don't know how to get it back. I don't care whether we're friends or not, I just want my money back. If she won't text me back or pick up my calls how do I get my money back?

My son owes me money and when i asked for some of it back his wife got very snotty?

I am sorry this has happened. You need to be angry at your SON, not his snotty wife. He is responsible for this, not her. She doesn't have a leg to stand on that he didn't give her.
You need to start acting like an injured party, and not a whiny parent.
Did you sign any papers? Is there a verbal agreement? Did he really think this was a gift or understood this was a loan with paybacks involved?
YOU might tell him yes, you expect him to pay his bills first and THEN party and vacation. That he is no longer 5 years old and can bully his way around you.
I don't care how snotty anyone got, they owe you money. Snotty just worked to scare you off and put you on the defensive, Don't allow it to work twice. Don't get snotty right back, get legal.
Talk to your son, who is the guiltier party and the one over whom you have More leverage.
YOUR SON (and his wife) are vacationing on your nickel, abandoning you emotionally and treating you like you are begging them for their money, not yours.
Me? I would sit my son down (without his wife) and ask for a payment plan. Put it in writing and have him sign it. If this has been done, show it to him. Have him sign it again.
Tell him you expect to be paid back starting on X day. Tell him, if he doesn't pay you back, you will ____ (start court proceedings or call your lawyer or whatever.)
Do not threaten ANYTHING you will not DO. It will make you weaker, if you do.
He is already treating you like leftovers, so if you take him to court and sue him for the amount he owes you, how will this make it worse?
Call your family lawyer today and see what you can do, besides taking him to small claims court. Maybe a letter on lawyer letterhead might scare him enough to work.
If nothing else, distance YOURSELF from them. YOU are the injured party here. Tell him, you are no longer available to be kicked around. Tell him he is not a good son, really tell him off.
Tell him, you will consider taking him back in your family when he has made an effort to regain your trust and pay his debts like a man. Until then, he is not welcome in YOUR HOME and you will cut him out of your will (and DO it.)

How to ask someone for money when they owe you?

"Do you have that $20 you owe me?". The politeness is in your tone. Use the same tone as you would when saying "Did my mom come by this afternoon?" or some other casual question. Another way to go is to talk about something else you need to pay like a phone bill and how you are sure if you have enough to cover, then ask the question mentioned above.

What can I do when someone owes me money and doesn't pay me back?

Decide whether they even have the ability to pay you first. If they really cannot pay, chalk it up to experience and move on.If they have the money, but are trying to screw you, consider that a declaration of war. Take them to court.If they lied to get your money, call the pokice and charge them with fraud.Be careful…Many people that are owed money get mad and say things that make collecting the debt turn into YOU in jail.“Extortion” is a crime. If you say. “You better pay me or I'll tell your boss you stole from me (or any negative consequence),” you may be in big trouble.As an employer I've been stolen from once big time. Saying “I'll ruin your reputation in this business is you don't pay” is extortion.The better way to say it is… “I'm calling the police and talking to the Prosecutor. You've had your chance to pay. That's going to rightfully get you known for who you are… A thief.”Notice I no longer asked for money. That actually worked for me. He begged me to take the money. I told him he could talk to my lawyer. The lawyer collected, and got his fee from me former employee. The guy signed a statement that he reacged out to pay the theft back of his own free will. It was written to keep him out of jail and to clear me of extortion.

How can I force someone to pay me the money that they owe me?

There certainly are ways and means of forcing repayment however you will have to use the county courts, and ONLY if that person has realisable assets and/our disposable income.  You might need to do some detective work to establish this. Assuming he has you should start with either a county court claim.  Assuming you win which you should you can then enforce the judgment by several means should he fail to comply with the order of the court by making either full payment (default judgment) or failing to comply with an instalment order. These are,  1. Apply  for a Charging order on equity he has in any property, when the property is sold you get paid from the equity automatically. He cannot prevent this.  2. Attachment of earnings order,  (assuming he has disposable income) 3. Apply for a 3rd party debt order  which if he has any savings or investments held in a bank or building society will order the bank to freeze his account and pay you. 4. Apply for the court bailiff to enforce the debt by seizing any vehicles he has  (which are not exempt) I.e. he needs the vehicle for work and no suitable alternative is available, or tools of his trade,  basic living amenities are all exempt. SThe most effective enforcement by far if he has assets is to serve a statutory  demand under the insolvency act.  If it's served correctly and he does not apply to set aside the demand within 21 days by securing the debt with you,  then you can apply for his bankruptcy using a creditors bankruptcy petition. This will cost you well over £1000 but if he has the money and assets it will prompt repayment trust me and this will not involve going to court.  Anyone can serve a stat demand it doesn't involve a court. It will frighten the life out of anyone with assets and debts.but it MUST be served on the debtor correctly, and preferably witnessed.  I would recommend doing this. If he has nothing then unless his circumstances change fir the better within the next 6 years then I suspect you won't see a penny. You can't get blood out of a stone. Good luck. I