P.e.e Paragraph On French Revolution

How do I pronounce "Sans-Culottes," the revolutionaries in 18th century France?

Well, the most accurate way to write pronunciation is using IPA symbols...if you understand those, let me know and I'll write it out for you that way. Otherwise, here goes:

ss(ahn) keu-loht
**The (ahn( is nasalized, so if you haven't ever heard that sound before, it won't make any sense to you. Also the "u" in culotte is a very tight u sound, formed by making the inside of your mouth as you would if you were saying the "ee" in cheese, and while holding that, make your lips in an "oo" shape.

**Bs are normally pronounced as Bs, but when you say his name, the B undergoes a linguistic transformation called in French "assourdissement" or in English, devoicing.

If you want the very precise pronunciation, it would be:

I'm curious. How do French people feel about the LGBT+ community and their rights?

Homosexuality was legalised in France during the French revolution. Since then, homosexuals lived their live. There is a strong tradition of freedom and privacy in France that is quite different from the US. You are free to do what you want at home, but it shouldn't be visible in the street. The media had a tradition of never speaking of the private life of people (except of celebrities who live of gossip of course), you had homosexual couples among top politicians, the Paris aristocracy knew, but it was taboo to speak about it in the media. The concept of outing is weird in France, because what is private should remain private. Your relatives know, the others don't need to know. That's true of all subcultures. That's how the French culture allows different people to live together. A gay pride in France is something that is quite alien. Create as many gay clubs as you want, but don't show any sign of homosexuality on the streets. This is not an issue of homosexuality but of social peace. If you want peace in a nation, hide the things that can cause troubles. That's also how religion is supposed to be handled in France, how politics is supposed to be handled and so on.In the US, you have the complete opposite. Freedom is aggressive and must be exposed with noise on the streets. Coming out means "fuck you, I'm free to yell on the streets too". In the US culture, gay prides are meaningful, they are part of the fuck you freedom of speech. What is quite weird for me is that the US is supposed to be about radical freedom, but this is the country with the most people obsessed about telling others how to live.Today, US-style freedom is corrupting the French way of managing harmony between the different subcultures. Many are trying to imitate US activism because if it's from the US it must be cool. Thanks to this, France is more divided than ever, there is a giant gap between the left and the right from a social point of view. The democratic debate has weakened, just like in the US.

What is the impact of Russian Revolution on India's Independence Movement?

Czar Nicholas two was still ruling Russia in his old world fuedal style while the revolution was sprouting.The final culmination of the revolution had widespread results in Russia and the world outside .IMPACT ON INDIA.Second world war was going on and Indian moderate leaders had not gained substantially from British Sarkar.The younger group called extremists found a new light in ways of Russian revolutinaries .To name a few khudiram Bose,prafulla chaki and many more.2.It gave Indian peasants a sense of confidence against the powerful British .3.It also created a sense of awareness in the peasants about the luxury enjoyed by the zamindar class ,princes and found a source of their pitiable condition.4.After independence too the Constitution accepted semi socialism by abolishing and returning lands from the zamindars who owned most of it.

African babies don't wear diapers? So, do they just poop and pee on their mothers?

You always see African women and people of less fortunate nations carrieng naked babies. When the babies "do the deed" do they hold the baby away from them, or just let them wet and poo on them? Hey! I know it's a stupid question! That's what this service is for!

For a travelling enthusiast like me, travelling can get irritating at times due to unhygienic public washrooms. I have heard of these stand and pee for women. Are they actually useful and where can I get them?

The less said about the state of public toilets in cities or along highways, the better. Besides the pungent stench, these toilets are swarming with germs. For women, however, using these toilets is not less than a health hazard, and in times of emergency, many often prefer to relieve themselves in the safe confines of their home.“71% of public washrooms are not cleaned on a regular basis, and women suffer from immense difficulty as they have to sit every time over the toilet seats while peeing and get infected by the germs and infections over the toilet seats. They don’t have other alternatives either they either have to hold the urine or wipe the toilet seats,” a simple one-handed use and throw apparatus women can use to pee in public places.Safe and clean public toilets are a serious civic problem, but two students from the Indian Institute of Technology-Delhi and their professors aren’t waiting around for officials to act. Instead, they decided to develop it , a short-term and environment-friendly fix for this issue.Women’s can use pee buddy to pee anywhere

How did Antoine Laurent Lavoisier's work affect the world and how did it benefit science?

Antoine Lavoisier mainly showed that matter(mass) was conserved in all chemical reactions. At the time, it was not known that a decrease in mass often accompanied the production of a gas which was lost to the environment before it could be measured. To show that mass was conserved, Lavoisier had to design many new devices. Most of his experimental instruments and methods are still used today. He also kept excellent records and followed the scientific method meticulously. He also wrote the first Chemistry textbook. For all of his accomplishments he was beheaded during the French revolution. He had married into nobility. Truly a loss.

Peeing frequently can it be because of fat burners or protein powder?

Hi I just started taking hydroxycut fat burners and also started taking whey protein isolate its my 1st day but i have observed that i am urinating a lot frequently I am just a bit worried now is it normal with fat burners or protein powders???and i do not have diabetes...