Parents Hate My Dog Because Of Her Looks

I hate my parent's dog!?

Ok let me set up my "situation" before I explain why I hate the dog...
-I'm 25 years old.
-I live at home because I am medically unable to work.
-I am pregnant and will be having my baby girl in about a month and a half.

Other facts you should know...
-The dog is male and is 4 or 5 years old.
-The dog is a jack Russell/ Chihuahua mix.
-I have a 9 year old little brother in the house as well.
-My parents are very stubborn, what they say goes. No questions, no arguing. It doesn't matter if they say the sky is green. It's green. Period.
-I live in my parent's home... So I try to be very respectful of their rules. Therefore it's hard to question why they still have the dog.

This is why I HATE their dog...
-He poops everywhere. No overreaction, I have NEVER seen him poop out side. EVER. (Neither has anyone else.)
-He pees all over everything. It's so bad that some rooms in the house wreak of dog pee. The rugs and couches are soaked... He's even allowed to pee in my little brother's room!!
-My parents know he poops and pees everywhere and they don't care. They don't discipline him or even try to get him to stop.
-The dog is MEAN to kids (nice to most adults though). He "goes after" my little brother all the time.
-When my little brother has friends over the dog literally tries to break through doors to attack the kids.
-I guarantee that if he got ahold of one of those kids, he would attack "to kill". If you saw his reaction to a child, you would understand.
-My parents do nothing to get him to stop trying to mauling children.

-They know everything that he does and don't view it as a problem.
-I've spanked him before for BITING MY LITTLE BROTHER (blood was drawn) and I got yelled at like no other.
-I try to explain to them that if the dog attacked a child (or anyone) they could get sued. They deny it.
-I'm scared my daughter will get bit!

What do I do?
How can I get them to get rid of the dog?

My parents hate dogs,how can i get a puppy? :(?

Well for starters, how about trying the following:
#1 Cleaning your room and making sure that it STAYS clean and tidy.
#2 Making sure that your homework is done and handed in on time.
#3 Sweep the floors in the living room and kitchen without your parents asking you to.
#4 Wash and/or dry the dishes.
#5 Do not fight and argue with your sisters & brothers.
#6 Eat what you are given and don't whine or make "yuck" faces when given it.
#7 Don't talk rudly to adults
#8 Always share with other kids.
#9 Go to bed when you are told to.
#10 Research the pet and breed you want to be 100% certain that it is the right one for you.
# 11 Ask them about getting this new pet in a nice way and don't beg and whine about it.

If 100% sure that if you give those a try, they will see that you are serious about wanting to add a this pet to you life and family. :)

My parents hate animals, what do I do?

Just wait until you move out.. It will be SOO much less stressful in the long run.. Why? You can't always be home to protect your pet from your parents..
My mom was a particularly terrible woman when I was a teenager. She would say I could get a pet, I would get one, keep it in my room, keep it clean so she could hardly tell it was there and then one day I'd come home and it'd be gone. She actually had my kitten put to sleep while I was at work, let me look for it for several hours and laughed about it when she showed me the receipt from her having it euthanized. It wasn't sick, wasn't old nothing like that, my mom just killed a kitten to manipulate my feelings.
They also used any pet I had to control me. I worked 60 hours a week in their laundromat for free or else they said they would bring my dog to the kill shelter. This was when I was already in college and had a paid job elsewhere.
If your Dad will kick a cat, then he will use any pet you get to manipulate you because he doesn't care about the cat. He probably won't let you take it to the vet or buy it decent food and so on. My parents insisted we buy the junkiest pet food we could find. They would throw out anything decent I bought..
There is no reason for any animal lover to go through the strain of keeping a pet in a family that hates them. You will save yourself a lot of grief if you just use this time now to work hard and save up for the expenses of moving out and getting a pet in the future..
My parents have gotten a lot better about pets in recent years, and my mom is finally through menopause and no longer psychologically tortures me when I come to visit. But, they've had the chance to observe how I keep pets in my own home and how that works out for us. They get to see that providing better care actually is better for the pet keeper too..
If I had it to do over, I would never own a pet while living at home as a teenager.. It was a lot more pain and suffering for all parties involved.

My dog hates me, but loves my parents.?

Ignore him for a while. Dogs are curious, but ignoring him, you'll make him curious.
It may take a while for him to approach you, and it'll be hard, but just ignore him for a few weeks.
Then, once he's approaching and sniffing you, you can randomly drop small, yummy treats. Keep that up for a while.
Observe how your parents interact with him and see what his likes are. Does he have a favorite place to be scratched? Over time, when he allows you to pet him, find that favorite place.

When we got our puppy 2 years ago, she was scared of my husband. He could not approach her, and she would only approach him if she was in bed. After some time, she would lay on the bed and allow him to scratch her belly. It took probably 6 months or more before he could approach her. Now, the second he sits down, she's in his lap.

My parents hate my dog and im not sure about give him up?

i just got a new dog and he want lots of love. My mom says that i spoil him too much and that he is an animal. My sister takes care of all of his bills but my mom says that as long as the dog is under her roof then she decides what to do with him. My mom yells and sometimes hits him, she does not allow him anywhere but the kitchen/dining room and outside. I think i should give him away but im not sure. please help.

Why do parents say no for a dog?

Because it's a lot of responsibilities. It's like having a perpetual toddler who needs constant supervision! People usually want dogs thinking they'd be a friend, something they can play with and enjoy the company of. But a lot of hard work goes behind getting that perfect companion!If your parents don't think you're old enough to actually take up the responsibilities and take care of his needs, they're bound to say no. The main reason my parents had refused earlier to let my brother and I get a dog was because they thought after a few days they'd be the ones who'll have to run after him, clean his poop, etc.If your parents are obsessed with keeping the house spotless, then that could be another reason. Your house is going to change a lot with a dog in it. Not just your house, your whole lifestyle changes. You'll have to compromise a little on having a clean house. Add to that the extra efforts you'll have to put in during the shedding seasons, it's a lot of work! Unless you're mentally ready for the extra work and be happy about the changes, Do not get a dog! One of my friends badly wanted a dog, brought home a puppy but had to give him up within a month because he wasn't ready for the kind of responsibility! It was more than what he had expected!Also most dogs as puppies could be very destructive. They'll chew up your furnitures, tear your clothes, destroy your shoes. So you'll have to constantly be around to monitor and distract him when he's chewing on something he's not supposed to.My mom was a little apprehensive in the beginning, but now she loves him better than us! He's her favorite son! And my Dad dotes on him too!

I am very responsible and can take care of myself well and I want to get a pet dog - how do I convince my parents to get me one?

There are several reasons why your parents may not want a dog:Dogs cost money.They are a lot of work.They need long-term commitment.Some people are allergic to dogs.Some people don't like dogs.The costs of a dog include:the original purchase priceveterinarian billsfoodobedience classesother things that the dog needs, such as leashes and toysOnce upon a time my parents are too in a category amongst the people who hate dogs or any other pets. its hard to convince them for dog …bacause its a responsibility.the thing me n my sister did was-explained my parents why we want a dog.i told them about all of the advantages of having a dog.i answer the concerns that my parents have about getting a dog.first we find out before convincing my parents to have a dog is what they think about having a dog. The more i find out what their concerns are, the better i put forward my ideas.and yes , Don't nag about getting a dog. It will only irritate your parents.Getting a dog has to be a family decision. If your parents really don't want a dog, your family should not get a dog. It would not be fair to the the end, we are able to convince our parents for pets,i have a pet now…her name is mini.and my mom loves her more than we did, or may be more than us. now the view of my parents towards having a dog is completely changed .they treat her like their own bacha…the thing my parents used to buy the count is increased by +1.

My parents want to get rid of our dog, what do i do? HELP!!!!?

I can't believe that your mum keeps getting dogs and then giving them away! And also if she wanted a potty trained dog then she should have got one! If after you get rid of this dog is she just going to get another one that she'll eventually give away again? I'm sorry your having to keep getting rid of dogs that you've bonded with. Just tell her it's your dog and you want to keep him! Tell her it may take time but your going to train him! Ask for some extra time to try train this dog and maybe if after that time as passed maybe then re-think if you want to give the dog away. The guy who wants your dog can easily find a different dog who will want a home! I'm sorry if I'm not very helpful I just can't believe your mum keeps getting dogs and givin them away. Maybe she should rethink getting them again if she cant handle training them.