Part Of My Throat Hurts When I Yawn

Why does my throat hurt when I yawn?

TMJ Dysfunction and "jaw work" is one of my specialties .First, I must say get it evaluated by a medical doctor to rule out anything serious. Second, it can indeed be an overly tense muscle(s). There are very deep layers of muscle that can't be easily accessed by merely pressing on them. They are the same muscles used by opera singers (or any singers) and orators- in addition to the intercostals (muscles that elevate and depress the ribs) and diaphragm, used in breathing. These are also the muscles used to swallow. This is why professional singers must do vocal warm-ups and exercises- these muscles can be pulled and get tense just like any other muscle in the body! Many professional singers get bodywork that specifically focuses on this kind of treatment because it totally enhances their performance capacity.There are ways to work on these muscles, but it requires specialized training and I won't get into it here (as you can see in the first photo, there are vascular and nerve structures that you DON'T want to press on- very adverse effects can occur if it is done improperly). Please do not try to access these muscles on your own by applying pressure, however, proper stretching of the neck can be a safe and beneficial way to relieve the feeling of your "throat hurting" whenever you yawn (as we said earlier, get it medically evaluated first to rule out anything serious). Find someone, maybe a singer friend or a vocal/speech coach that can help you learn how- proper diaphragmatic breathing and proper vocal warm-ups (yes, the same kind singers do) can really help relax this area.Strangely, tight jaw muscles can produce other strange effects like ringing in the ears, watery eyes, sensitivity to light, sinus trouble, headaches, eye twitches- ALSO, feelings of a sore throat. If medical/neurological problems have been effectively ruled out, then it could indeed just be tight muscles- it can stem anywhere from the jaw down through the neck. Find a professional massage therapist (or other therapist) who has experience with TMJ dysfunction, specifically treating the deep, intrinsic muscles around the throat. That combined with proper stretching and gentle vocal exercises should really help.Good luck!

My throat hurts when I yawn?

It's been going on for 2 days now, and it's not my tonsils and nothing is swollen and it only happens when I yawn and swallow sometimes. It hurts in the middle of my throat on the left side and at the bottom of my throat in that area. And it feels like something big is stuck in their I guess? I don't really know how to explain it. Like imagine if you had something big that your trying to swallow down but can't and so it hurts. So like that, but I can breathe normal. What is this? Thx

Sore throat hurts when I yawn?

Try some brand of sore throat spray to relieve the pain.. it sounds like its going away. The pain could be triggered by cold air rushing into your mouth or just air period while u yawn where the infected area is still sited.

My throat hurts when I yawn?

For the past two weeks my throat has been hurting on and off. Its like a ripping sensation when I yawn located right below where my mouth turns into my throat (that's the best way to describe it). I'm not coughing and I don't exactly have a fever. Also my glands ARE NOT swollen nor do I have any blotches on my throat. Does anyone know whats wrong?

The right side of my throat hurts when I swallow and yawn.?

The right side of my throat hurts when I swallow and yawn. I have a fever (37 Degree Celsius). I also have phlegm but I don't have any colds or something. I also have this headache but it's gone now. Also, my ear hurts too.

Why does my throat hurt to yawn?

You have a muscle under your chin that when it gets tight it narrows the passageway in your throat and it's possible that is the reason for your throat to hurt. Here is how to release that muscle:
Under your chin:
Place your thumbs up under your chin near the front. Feel the muscle between them for as tight as it can be. Press on it and hold. Relax, take a deep breath and exhale and don’t tense up any part of your body. When the muscle starts to release, slowly look upward until your neck is fully extended. Then release the pressure but hold your head there for one minute longer.