Philosophy And Intuition- How Is Intuition A Replacement For Actual Knowledge

What is the difference between intuition and tacit knowledge?

tacit knowledge
Unwritten, unspoken, and hidden vast storehouse of knowledge held by practically every normal human being, based on his or her emotions, experiences, insights, intuition, observations and internalized information. Tacit knowledge is integral to the entirety of a person's consciousness, is acquired largely through association with other people, and requires joint or shared activities to be imparted from on to another. Like the submerged part of an iceberg it constitutes the bulk of what one knows, and forms the underlying framework that makes explicit knowledge possible.

Intuition, a phenomenon of the mind, describes the ability to acquire knowledge without inference or the use of reason.[2] The word "intuition" comes from Latin verb intueri translated as consider or from late middle English word intuit, "to contemplate".[3] Intuition is often interpreted with varied meaning from intuition being glimpses of greater knowledge[4] to only a function of mind; however, processes by which and why they happen typically remain mostly unknown to the thinker, as opposed to the view of rational thinking.

Intuition has been subject of discussion from ancient philosophy to modern psychology, also a topic of interest in various religions and esoteric domains, as well as a common subject of writings.[5] and is often misunderstood and misinterpreted as instinct, truth, belief, meaning and other subjects. The right brain is popularly associated with intuitive processes such as aesthetic or generally creative abilities.[6][7][8] Some scientists have contended that intuition is associated with innovation in scientific discovery.[9]

What is a major problem with intuition as a source of knowledge?

Fist off, Knowledge is just Intuition that has been Proven or purports to be proven. I think that the major problem is that we ignore it. Sometimes we choose to believe what is written as accurate and don't listen to our inner gut feelings... this can pose problems. Imagine if more people listened to their hearts and intuition instead of their "knowledge" during the Third Reich , or during the revolution in China? Those people all thought something was up but did not act on it for all the written knowledge that was provided for them. That is called Propaganda. They thought it was called Knowledge. For those of you who believe in God, He gave us "Intuition" for a reason. To intuitively sense danger and to know when something is going on. We sense things for a reason. And let us not forget that Knowledge is always born out of Sense.No one said that they knew SO and so was going to work, the reasoned and sensed that this would happen if....
Hope that this is along the lines of what you were asking.

Also, the example above...about the world being flat... someone intuitively knew it was round at some point before it was discovered, they may have eve knew intuitively the reasons why with out being able to explain to others. But yet someone will publish something at a later date and then it goes from intuition into knowledge. Get my point?

Do you believe in Plato's intuition of knowledge or in Aristotle's acquisition of knowledge?

I believe in a mixture of both. There is a very innate sense of things that is inherent within every human, the ability to move, cry, etc. But most things we know ornament that, and an individual is more or less defined based on the knowledge he or she has aquired and what he/she has become as a result of knowing.

You Bet Your Wife - Tell me how the mind is able to filter truth if it does not truly know what truth is, and how can the mind know truth without having first aquired it?

Is it silly to always rely on intuition?

Whenever my intuition sensed something was very wrong, I ended up being right. Whenever it sensed something was off about someone or that I had to get away from them and stay away from them for whatever reason, I later find out I'm right. and when I do not listen I end up regretting it. So would it now be silly if I started learning to my intuition to guide me in life?

I got very terrible gut feelings - an instinct that something was very wrong about my two exes who ended up being very abusive, a few toxic relationships that I had to end, and other moments that have saved my life literally. Why did I get such a strong feeling?

Proposed modes of knowledge are validated only through their degree of success. Only to the degree that the scientific method has worked in the past should we have confidence it will work in the future. Only to the degree that hunches have worked for you in the past should you rely on them in the future.I recommend exploring the experiences of those who frequent Las Vegas. Of the two types of gamblers, those who play on intuition and those who base their play on strategies, which type is most successful?I suggest that subconsciously observed patterns, often called “intuition”, do often produce successful conclusions and decisions, especially in sports and in other stimuli-enriched environments. However, there are far too many cognitive biases at play in the average human mind to make intuition a very reliable foundation for decision-making.Exploring the disparate success rates of stock traders who bases their trades on hunches, and those who bases their trades on actual data and algorithms will also be useful.

Intuition is a type of Intelligence.  Intuition, does not involve mental or intellectual effort. To intuit is to capture something directly without any intermediate thought or preconception.  It is self-evident and a self-given insight.Intuition brings knowledge into one's consciousness, but it does that by short-circuiting all goal-directed purposeful behavior or mental processes. The human faculty of intuition is for individual ‘self’-discovery.Intuition is an inward phenomenon and not an observable fact. 'Dictates of conscience' are direct intuitions, 'psychic' promptings, precognitive flashes and déjà vu etc.    Intuition is an inner authority which benefits that particular individual but is not necessarily valid for others. It is not controllable or testable. It can take on the form of that conscience, which is experienced on a personal level, though it has a universal source. It can also take the form of instantaneous awareness of distant events, precognition and various other kinds of mental impressions difficult to confirm or appraise.    Intuition comes from the power of moral reason. It is informed by a still higher Source of ethical discrimination.  Civilization always depended on it for a guiding humanity. 'Intuition' comes 'as a sixth sense.' (quoted from my book "Meditating with Masters" available from Amazon.com_

No, I do not think an artificial intelligence or general intelligence can replace a mathematician. I think the purpose and longevity in history favors the mathematician more than a few hundred years of machine and computational intelligence. This artificial intelligence can transform many direct experiences, laborious work and repetitive calculations, and even power robotics for necessary work. I feel confident that machines shall replace basic farming and agricultural systems, as well as power grids and electricity, so long as humans can monitor and intervene. We should have interest in the purpose and work of any artificial intelligence in every aspect of society. We know machines pervade many jobs, tasks, and required management of resources in all advanced economies and countries. And of course, the same human and ingenuity who created the foundations and developments for artificial intelligence, need to put the same effort into the governance and ethics of artificial intelligence. Everyone needs to get on board with a complex systems analysis and solution, and less on particular domains of artificial intelligence.

Can intuition be considered the sixth sense?

Intuition, the 6th sense

Do you also sometimes have the feeling that someones is watching you? You can feel the eyes burning at your back. And yes, when you turn around there really is someone watching you. Or when you see an object in a store and a little voice is telling you not to buy it right now, although you wanted it.

That is what we call your sixth sense. Besides the 5 well-known senses like vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch there is a 6 th sense, named intuition.

Literally intuition means “inner sight”, so insight. Others meanings are 'inner conciousness' or 'inner knowledge'. Originally the word is Latin.
According to the dictionary intuition is 'immediate mental apprehension without reasoning; immediate insight.' It is something that we all take for granted, yet is it not remarkable that somehow we can come to correct conclusions without having all the fact to hand and without using reason? How is it that we can form an immediate assessment of a person the first time we meet them and find that our initial insight is proved to be correct. And why is it that we can sometimes make a correct guess at a direction to travel or guess the answer to a question and get it exactly right? What is it that gives us these immediate insights?

Psychic (or para-normality, parapsychology, spirituality) is also known as the 6 th sense of human beings. Psychic means “beyond the ordinary” and is considered as something that's different to most people, but it's rather abnormal if you shouldn't have it. Everyone is psychic, only few people know they have it and will develop little of it.

Ever have a hunch, an instinct or an intuition? ... case studies raises the possibility that some intuitions are due to a genuine sixth sense.