Philosophy Philosophy Is To Think To Ask To Answer. Is It Easier To To Not Feel

Philosophy is creative or not??????

so this is my question...... does creative related only with art? something which is not related with arts is not creative? please give me a good idea about creativity, arts and philosophy.

Why do people think that philosophy isn't important?

This answer will probably seem quite condescending, judgmental, and harsh, but I believe it’s just as true as Socrates’ claim that “the unexamined life isn’t worth living.”Most who deny or doubt the importance of philosophy suffer from one or both of two delusions:they don’t truly and fully understand what philosophy is - but they surely believe they do; or,they fail to realize that their own life subliminally and unconsciously manifests its own philosophy, which means their life is controlled by powers and forces beyond themselves - i.e., any claims to being truly free are mistaken.Math is applied logic, and physics is applied math. Sociology, history, and the other natural and human sciences are all grounded in philosophy of science. Logic itself is the product of formal analytic philosophy.Cognitive humans can no more live without philosophy than fish can live without water. The tragedy is that so very many humans scoff at this fact of life as if they need philosophy like a fish needs a bicycle. Yet they never pause to discover that they in fact live and breathe their own personal philosophy - knowingly or not - all day long, every day, throughout their entire lives.Almost as tragic are those who suppose that reading a few books and having chats now and then about philosophical matters over a latte or a beer or 12 will eventually bring the matter to a personal close and they won’t need to bother about it after that (finally!). No.If you spend six months rigorously eating an entirely healthy diet and vigorously exercising to reach your peak physical condition, are you going to stay that way without keeping that physiological discipline going? No.So it is with philosophy: ‘peak philosophical condition’ is an ideal to be approached but never quite fully achieved and can only be acquired at all with ongoing diligence, discipline, dedication, etc.I think Socrates may have understated the truth: perhaps the unexamined life isn’t life at all.Here’s a related Q&A that may also be worth reading: Terry Rankin's answer to How does one differentiate between the character Socrates and the philosopher Socrates?

Do you think us Philosophers tend to over analyze things?

I think the stereotype that thinking too much (or being too intelligent) makes one unhappy is a myth. It could be that depressed people may be attracted to philosophy in an attempt to explain the world around them, to find meaning. But being a philosopher or other thinker in itself does not cause unhappiness.

As for over-analyzing things, I suppose that's like asking if body-builders over-lift things. Perhaps, but they do it because they can.

I'm philosophical, my girlfriend's... not?

I really like my girlfriend, first off. She's a great girl, very funny and kind, the usual stuff about good girls.

One of our few relationships issues is just talking to each other, though. I prefer more deep, "philosophical" things such as why people think the way they do, human interaction, general psychology, etc. Not to say that it's all I talk about, but I enjoy intelligent discussions about meaningful things more than talking about... say, what's on TV. Which is what my girlfriend likes to talk about.

I'm unsure of how to approach this with my girlfriend. While we still talk and it hasn't come to be a problem yet, I've noticed we aren't talking as much as we used to. I'm just asking for general advice of what to do, to nip the problem in the bud.

And saying, "Just talk about TV with your girlfriend," while an apt solution, is thoroughly unhelpful.

Is philosophy really anything more than mental masturbation?

as an example - do you think buddhists ( who base their lives on a philosophy) are good people or mental wankaz?
- i like the way they are.

i personally have a moral metaphysics which engenders quality action on my part and i was saved from insanity by an ontological search. philosophy made me a functioning member of my society

your flawed method of asking has brought the expected answers clamouring for your 10 points by being a mirror to your ideas. You make me think you should be more mindful perhaps some philosophy will help!

Something I don't understand is why there is little philosophy in this section?

I've noticed that in this section I see many religious questions. And yet you see very few philosophy questions (and answers)... If this is indeed a philosophy section then please ask your religious questions in the Religion & Spirituality section. So I ask: is there are reason for this mockery of the section? Give your best answer please...

Philosophy class is making me cry! plz help?

First of all, give yourself some credit. It is your FIRST philosophy class. And the circumstances (it being an online class and possibly not the first kind of philosophy class one should take) makes venturing out into such a topic difficult.

The key to philosophy course work is to understand (especially pertaining to Western philosophy topics) "critical thinking." Understanding the basics of logic, argument formation, spotting fallacious arguments, etc. make such studies easier.

What is the class anyway? What's the name of the course?

Knowing that might help us provide some more specific help.

P.S. - Here's a couple of quotes to keep in mind when the stress really starts to mount and you start feeling less intelligent than others in class:

“Philosophy is to the real world as masturbation is to sex.”
-- Karl Marx quotes (German political Philosopher and revolutionary, 1818-1883)

"Linda Emery: A philosophy major? Now, what can you do with a philosophy major?
Bruce Lee: You can think deep thoughts about being unemployed."
-- Memorable quotes for Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story (1993)

So, don't take it so seriously.