Pls Help Me With This

How do you say, "help please" in French?

If you mean, "Help, please" because you are in danger or need someone to come to your rescue, that would be:"Au secours! S’il vous plait!"or"À l'aide! S'il vous plait!"A slight variation that would probably come out of my head first if I was in danger:- Au secours! Aidez-moi, quelqu'un! (To my rescue! Help me, somebody!)Now, if you mean "Help, please" as in "Could you please help me", then that would be:"Aide-moi, s'il te plaît" (singular)or"Aidez-moi, s'il vous plaît" (plural or formal)

Can someone help me with my code?

In your constructor you are not assigning your class variables, instead you’re instantiating new variables in the scope of the method they’re called, in this case the constructor.All you have to do is remove the String and double type declarations from in front and the compiler will find the existing variables to assign to.Below should work:public Student(String nam, double gra) {name = nam;grade = gra;}In the future if you want to name your methods parameters the same thing as the class variables you can still assign them using the “this” accessor which explicitly references class declarationspublic Student(String name, double grade) { = name;this.grade = grade;}

Could you help me solve my problem?

Siddarth nailed it!No, nobody can do that but yourself! Only you know what the problem really is, only you can look into yourself and find the answer, only you can decide if you need a specific helping hand from somebody else (but you know exactly what that is, and it’s not solving “all” your problem!), only you can take the decision to do so, for if you want to solve the problem but don’t take the decison to do so, nobody in the world can do it for you!So, look at the problem, find the solution and get going. If it doesn’t work look at the problem again and start all over, etc., etc., until your problem is solved.Remember that all thousand mile trips start with but one step…so get going and take that step!

Please help me with this math conjecture?

Inductive reasoning to make conjectures:

Find the next item in each pattern:

1. Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, ________

2. The number of diagonals that can be drawn from one vertex in a convex polygon that has n verticies is ?

3. For any integer n, n^3>0

4. Each angle in a right triangle has a different measure. (Show that each conjecture is false by finding a counterexample)

Please help me do the right thing here. Thanks.?

My friend in high school Wanda and I were talking one day and she told me she had a step sister Connie that was 18, beautiful, and had never had a date. I asked her how that was possible. She said Connie was sexually abused when she was younger and she was afraid of all men. Wanda asked me if I would take her on a date and show her that not all men were pigs. I was very reluctant to do that as I did not know anything about sexual abuse. Wanda said “Please, it will help her lead a normal life” so I agreed to do it.

I thought I knew on my date with Connie the most romantic thing I could do was hold hands. However Connie had other ideas. She wanted to cuddle and kiss a lot. To my untrained eye, it looked to me like she was trying to make up for all those lost years of not dating. I thought to my self, how could this be for someone that was sexually abused when she was younger. We both had a good time on our date.

The next day Wanda called me and said Connie REALLY ENJOYED the date and wanted to do it again. I like to help people when I can but I am in way over my head in knowing how to treat someone that has been sexually abused. The LAST thing I want to do is cause her any problems after all the problems she has had in the past.

Can someone give me some advice on this please. I like her but I am scared to death I will do the wrong thing and cause her a problem. Should I just treat her as any other date and follow her lead.


Can you please help me with this probability question?

I think that the above method is unintuitive and overly complicated. Look at it this way: There are 120 students in the group. Of them, approximately 1/6 rolled 5 and 1/6 rolled 6. So 4/6=2/3 of them rolled 1-4 and answered honestly. 2/3*120=80. So 80 students answered honestly. Of the 76 students who answered"Yes":On expectation, 20 of them rolled 5 and were asked to answer yes. 0 of them rolled 6 (since if you rolled 6, you must answer no).Thus, 76-20=56 of them rolled 1-4 and answered yes honestly.56 of the 80 students who answered honestly answered yes, 56/80=7/10=70%. So approximately 70% of the students cheated.