Politics Why Is It That The Us Is The Only Country Blamed For Acting And Not Acting In A Crisis

What Caused the Economic crisis of 2008?

Hey Jill, well both 2 and 3 aren't what caused the economic crisis.Greed is the closest to reality. The crisis we are experiencing is global. Which means it takes more than one administration and stocks to put the whole world in a economic crisis. The cause behind the economic crisis and in general the crisis in education, breakdown of the family unit, drugs, depression, science, ecology, threat of war, etc is because of all of humanity's egoistic connections with one another. Mankind's global egoism. We are reaching a point in humanity where our egoism is hitting its peak. In addition to this development we now live in a global integral world. It's being revealed more and more each day how much all of humanity is interconnected and dependent of one another. Like one global family.Global meaning reciprocal, a complete connection. Connected like the butterfly effect. One unit. Its a law of Nature that all parts of one unit have to behave altruistically to reach balance. This isn't utopia, we are speaking about the law of Nature.

The crisis is to make us realize that we are treading the wrong path and must change our egoistic thoughts and actions of only for self benefit. Our good future depends on us choosing to correct our egoistic connections between one another in favor of benefiting the whole of humanity. If not the blows we feel in our daily lives and the global crisis will grow in all areas of life.So when will the crisis end? The crisis will end when each person will begin to think about everyone else instead of himself. When our connections will become altruistic, all or our social systems will flow again in a good fashion and better than we have ever experienced. The global crisis is actually a golden opportunity for all of humanity to rise above our selfish egos, unite and reach a new level of life. Hope this answers your question and the links say more. Wish you well....Peace

As a Greek, what/who do you blame for the crisis?

In order of effect:Myself and my fellow GreeksThe inflexibility and short-sightedness of EU institutionsWhat? No, blame on the politicians?As far as I know we live in a democracy. We decide who the politicians in power are. So, no, not the politicians. WE are the people responsible for the mess.That being said, we’ve been whipping ourselves for the past 9 years. We even voted for a radical left party (SYRIZA), in an effort to try something different in our political system.And here is where Blame No.2 comes to play.OK, we are all lazy Greeks who evade taxes and vote for incompetent and corrupt politicians. It doesn’t matter that we work the longest hours in Europe and most of the world. It doesn’t matter that we are not No.1 in tax evasions or that there are countries, even in the EU that actively seek investments from multinationals giving them lawful tax evasion methods. It doesn’t matter that there are other countries, even big ones who also vote for morons, potential dictators, thoroughly corrupted career politicians.However… Since 2009 our economy is more or less (nowadays more or even more is more accurate) controlled by the Troika[1] . How is this working out?How was ECB’s purchasing of Greek debt in 2012 and its immediate change to Euro and British Law beneficial to Greece? Or the rest of the EU taxpayers for that matter?How is Greece’s absence from the QE[2] initiative beneficial to Europe as a whole? Greece is one of the first countries in need of QE money influx to stimulate the economy!How is internal devaluation beneficial after a 40% drop on the GDP and an even larger drop in GDP/capita and PPP?How is under-selling of Greek infastructures and companies running a profit beneficial for a debt programme that is supposed to be in effect until 2060? (yep, no kidding)And PuLEASE do not tell me that these are not measures that are enforced on Greece and that the Greek government(s) chooses what measures to implement. This fairy tale died. Many years ago.Footnotes[1] European troika - Wikipedia[2] Quantitative easing - Wikipedia

If a country goes through an economic crisis, which minister/government official is the one to be mainly blamed?

Usually the economic plans that are made is done by the Economic Advisory Council in Consulatation with the Reserve Bank of India. The chief economic advisor consults the Prime Minister on the economic policies and the Five year plans which are then fwded to the Finance ministry.So if an economic crisis happens, every department of the planning council will be responsible for it including the Reserve Bank which failed to contain the inflationary or deflationary conditions in the economy.The aftereffects could mean that the government could collapse depending on how severe the crisis is.

Will black Americans ever shed their tribe mentality and actually work toward a better future?

I would like to think so, but I do not see that happening for a long time. Its not because their black, its because they have a horrible leadership among the black community.

Most black leaders today are constantly feeding the propaganda that white people are to blame for all their problems and that there is no need to take responsibility for their own lives.

These black leaders are perpetuating the *Us vs Them* attitude.

But there are black leaders starting to emerge who are finally starting to realize that they cannot keep holding on to the past as a means to avoid self-responsibility.

Some people complain about the USA being "world policeman" but what would happen if they actually stopped.....?

To be the world's policeman is very difficult - for any country - but particularly so for the US because they are so unpopular. The economic crisis is blamed on the US in total (not the greedy so and so's looking to make a fast profit) and our military action into Iraq and Afghanistan. Now, if a country or region came to the US and asked for help I would like to think we would consider it - but what if the reason for doing so would harm another country or region? It seems to me that if we went to the aid of one we would be criticised for not helping the other - that's a no-win situation.

I believe the US should always be ready, willing and able to come to the aid of another country. The US is a country founded by immigrants and people identify themselves not only as Americans but, also from where their families originated. That makes them very interested in what the world does and what the US role should be. All countries should be interested in preventing the growth of oppressive regimes and the denial of basic human rights. If the US is more interested in ensuring the downfall of political despots and providing assistance to countries in social turmoil and economic upheaval, then so be it. Someone has to do it and traditionally the US has always been the first responder.