Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression?

I had the baby blues for about 2 weeks after having my little boy, I loved him so much but was so overwhelmed with everything that had happened and also felt like it was too good to be true and something was going to happen. One minute I would feel like the happiest person alive, so proud to have my baby.. then I will look at him and be so confused with it all and burst into tears. Sounds crazy but as soon as I had him i pretty much forgot all about pregnancy, felt like I just woke up and had a baby given to me. It will get better, hopefully you have someone there to help you so you can get your rest and know your little one will be looked after.. Don't do it alone take up all the help you can, I kept trying to face up to it all on my own and I think that's what made me worse. Congratulations on your little girl before you know it she will be running after you calling your name :')

What are the symptoms of postpartum depression?

If the mild Baby Blues aren't gone by two weeks postpartum, then it's automatically called postpartum depression, even if the symptoms are mild. And, if your moods/symptoms are getting in the way of your life in a major way even during those first two weeks, don't wait - get help right away. The major symptoms of ppd are anxiety, irritability, lack of energy, forgetfulness, low self-esteem, guilt feelings, sleeping problems, appetite problems, frequent crying, overwhelm, and hopelessness. It manifests differently for each woman, but at least some of these symptoms will be present. The great news is that with proper help, ppd goes away!

Dr. Shoshana Bennett

Can men suffer from postpartum depression?

He could develop a form of situational depression. It would not be the same per say as post partum depression, since that has to do with a fluctuation of hormones. However, if dad is home every day and has the burden of caring for a newborn it would not be unlikely that he may suffer from feeling over whelmed, stressed and isolated.

How is postpartum depression treated?

Changes in hormone levels during and after pregnancy may bring about hormonal swings in women. Along with that there are so many factors which contributes to depression during postnatal period. These feelings are often called the postpartum or “baby blues.” The treatment for depression after birth often includes: Medication, Breastfeeding, Listening to soothing music. Check here to know more information on postpartum blues: Postnatal care & Baby Massage Services at Home - Sangopan

What are the symptoms for postpartum depression?

Sad mood, frequent crying

Lack of pleasure or interest in activities that once gave pleasure

Sleep disturbance

Weight loss

Loss of energy

Agitation or anxiety

Feelings of worthlessness or guilt

Trouble concentrating or making decisions

Thoughts of death or suicide

Decreased interest in sex

Feelings of rejection

How is postpartum depression diagnosed?

A diagnosis of postpartum depression requires consultation with a physician. There’s no blood test you can take (however, a blood test may be ordered “to determine whether an underactive thyroid is contributing to your signs and symptoms”). [1]Physicians do use tools to help them diagnose PPD. The most well known is the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS).The EPDS includes 10 questions each with four possible answers that ask patients to consider how they’ve felt over the past seven days in relation to topics like the ability to laugh or look forward to things, thoughts of self-harm, and difficulty sleeping.Physicians may screen for other symptoms of depression, such as trouble eating and fatigue. And they may also look for signs of anxiety like racing thoughts, dizziness, hot flashes and nausea, since depression and anxiety are often comorbid. A newer tool called the Postpartum Distress Measure takes symptoms of anxiety into account.While research shows that 60–80% of women experience the “baby blues”, from 3 days to two weeks after the birth of their child, 10–20% will experience something more debilitating and longer lasting, and can benefit from seeking help.Here are a few of the best resources online for women seeking help with PPD and PP Anxiety:Do I Have Postpartum Depression?Slideshow: A Visual Guide to Postpartum DepressionPostpartum depression - Symptoms and causesPostpartum DepressionThe Symptoms of Postpartum Depression & AnxietyAbout | Postpartum Health Alliance: Offers online support groups and a 24/7 “warmline” 619-254-0023 (San Diego based)Depression During Pregnancy & Postpartum | Postpartum Support - PSI: Offers online support groups and “warmline” 800–944–4773Footnotes[1] Postpartum depression

Can dogs get postpartum depression? If so, what can be done for them?

Some dogs do miss their pups, but I don't know if it's equivalent to human PPD. I'd just take her for nice long walks and spend some extra time playing with her. Dogs live in the moment - she'll forget in a month or so.