Products Similar To Rose Soothing And Protective Moisturizer By Mv Organics

Is aloe vera gel really beneficial?

Yes it is.The incredible Aloe vera needs no introduction. Be it a sunburn or a nasty case of acne, Aloe vera is a treatment you can forever rely on.The Aloe vera plant is about one or 2 feet tall with prickly and bitter leaves. The leaves hold a icky semi lucent gel, also extremely bitter, and best-known everywhere for it’s unbelievable healing properties. This semi lucent gel is formed of approximately 96% water, some organic and inorganic compounds, a type of protein that contains eighteen of the twenty amino acids found within the body and finally, Vitamin A, B, C and E.Aloe vera or aloe vera-based products are often utilized in the winter as well as in the summer and by individuals of all skin types. One way to use Aloe vera is to use the gel directly; another would be to make a pack using Aloe vera together with some other special ingredients from your kitchen.Aloe vera to moisturize Skin: Aloe vera gel can be directly extracted from the plant and applied to your skin. Peel off the outer layer of the succulent leaf to get to the gel. Scoop out the gel and gently massage the gel on your faceAloe vera heals External Wounds and insect Bites: Aloe vera gel are often used as a topical treatment for small cuts, bruises, and bug bitesAloe Vera for Dry Skin – Take half Aloe vera leaf, a pinch of haldi (turmeric), a teaspoon of Madhu (honey), a teaspoon of cow’s milk and a couple of drops of rose water. mix this combine until you get a paste. Apply it and leave in for about twenty minutes and wash off.Aloe Vera Scrub – Take half a cup of fresh Aloe vera gel, a cup of sugar and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. The sugar will help exfoliate and scrub off dead skin, the Aloe vera can deep clean the skin and the lemon will help fade away scars and tan. Stir the 3 ingredients together and use it to scrub each face and body.Aloe Vera for acne – one tablespoon Aloe vera gel, two to three drops lemon juice. Add the juice to the Aloe vera gel and mix them together. Massage the gel on your face.Aloe vera for Sun burns: Aloe vera gel is applied onto the sunburnt area.Heals External Wounds And Insect Bites: Gel is applied on the insect bite.Eases Heartburn And Acid Reflux: 20ml of the juice with equal amount of water empty stomach in the morning.ALOE VERA – The wonder plant

Which is the best moisturising cream for winters as my skin is very dry?

Dry and flaky skin is a common complaint in the winter time. Cold, dry winter air sucks the life out of silky, smooth skin. Other factors that contribute to dry skin include aging, nutritional deficiencies, and a genetic predisposition.No matter the season, a moisturizer is essential for beautiful skin. Using a moisturizer every day can make your skin glow and provide deep hydration. The sun’s UV rays, along with seasonal changes in weather can cause a lot of damage to the skin, making it very dry. This dryness further leads to itching, dry patches, and many other skin problems. If you want your skin to stay free of these problems, you’ll need to moisturize it daily.Achieving healthy skin depends on more than just what moisturizer you choose. How you apply the moisturizer is also important.Firstly you can consider oil as moisturizer. Out of which jojoba oil is best.Our sebaceous glands are microscopic glands in our skin that secrete an oily or waxy matter called sebum. The texture and use of sebum is very similar to jojoba oil, so as we age our sebaceous glands produce less sebum, which is why we get dry skin and hairA jojoba oil benefit is that it plays the role of sebum and moisturizes our skin and hair when our body stops doing it naturally. On the other hand, too much sebum, which happens during puberty or when hormone levels are high, can result in oily skin and acne.don't be afraid to use jojoba oil if your have oily skin. Jojoba oil reduces excessive sebum production which means no more grease all over your face, and can help reduce acne.Here are some tips for getting the most out of your moisturizer:Apply moisturizer when your skin is still a little damp after your shower or bath.If you have sensitive skin, use moisturizers with soothing ingredients that are free of acids, fragrances, and dyes.Do a patch test before using a new product.Buy from a reputable brand you trust.Avoid extra hot water for showers and when washing your face.Stay hydrated by drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day.Consider using a humidifier at night, or keep a small one on your desk during the day.Moisturize at least twice a day (more when your skin is especially dry).Add a protective facial serum under your moisturizer for added benefits.Take care :)

How do we cure dry lips?

There are several causes that make the lips chapped and dried out. A slight change in weather can take away the moisture and make it look pale and lifeless.Rather than going for lip balms available in market try out this remedies to moisturize it and make it supple.Milk/home made cream:The home made butter has great properties of healing the withered skin. Take a small quantity of it on your finger and massage the lips throughout. Apply whenever needed. Or dip a cotton ball in milk and keep it over the lips for 15–20 minutes. Repeat if needed.Ghee:Ghee or home made clarified butter is rich in hydrating agents and can immediately softens your skin. It seals the moisture and protects it from other elements. Apply some amount on chapped lips and keep it overnight for wonderful results. With the help of a tissue absorb the extra butter that gets out.Rose petals:Roses are known to give that pinkness and that glow to the skin. Dry out some rose petals and crush it to make fine powder. Mix it with butter until it forms a paste. You can store it in refrigerator and use as a homemade lip balm.Essential oils:Coconut oil, almond oil, lavender oil and many other give the skin all the moisture it needs. Mix the oils of your choice and cool it. Use the mixture whenever needed.Exfoliate:When the skin gets accumulated by dead cells, it doesn't allow the oil to secrete and cloges it. Take a tooth brush with soft bristles and apply some moisturizer on it. Gently scrub the lips out and wash it. You can even use sugar and cream and exfoliate the lips. Don't over scrub it as the skin is too thin and it can give you cuts and bruises.Some tips:Keep your self hydrated everyday.Protect the skin from direct sunlight by covering it with a scarf.Avoid using harmful products containing alcohol or petroleum.After removing the make-up immediately moisturize the skin.Stop licking or biting your lips to take out the dead skin, exfoliate instead.This will surely help you, and get you the required results in short time.Thank you!