Proprioceptors That Detect Lengthening

What's the formula for determining percentage elongation?

Percent Elongation = (Final length  - Initial Length)/Initial length  x 100

How do muscle spindles detect a decrease in muscle length? My textbook says that muscle spindles detect "change" in muscle length, yet all it talks about is detecting the increase in muscle length only.

Hi, 1. Here is a definition of Muscle Spindle medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.comMedical Definition of muscle spindle. : a sensory end organ in a muscle that is sensitive to stretch in the muscle, consists of small striated muscle fibers richly supplied with nerve fibers, and is enclosed in a connective tissue sheath — called also stretch receptor.2. The Golgi Tendon Organ is the muscle spindle proprioceptor, sense organ that receives information from the tendon, that senses TENSION (length tension relationship. Concentric (shortens) Eccentric (lengthens). For instance, when you lift weights (or daily activities), the Golgi Tendon Organ is the sense organ that tells you how much tension the muscle is exerting. If there is too much muscle tension the Golgi Tendon Organ will inhibit the muscle from creating any force (via a reflex arc), thus protecting the you from injuring itself. Note: There are times when the Golgi Tendon Organ with caution can be retrained by holding the tension of the muscle until it fatigues enough to relax. This can “safely” lengthen the muscle. This is an option when there is “old” muscle memory that doesn’t recognize the injury has been healed & is “safe” to lengthen to a greater extent than before.Hope this helps answer your question. Kettlebell Lady Leanne Wylet,