Question About Loaning Money To Coworker

What would you do if a co-worker owed you money and they won't pay?

The last thing you want to do is threaten the person. In today's world doing that is apt to get you fired or worse.

Be careful when lending money to people. Not everyone will pay you back. It is a lesson best learned early. With that said, I lend money to co-workers every now and then, but I know them well enough to expect the money back (and I let them borrow only what I am willing to lose).

If you really want the money back, your best bet would be to ask them consistantly. If you want to make a point of it ask them when you are around other co-workers. Be polite and nice when you ask, but if you let a few people overhear each time they might be more inclined to pay you back.

How do you ask your co-worker about money she owes you but never paid back?

I would say Hey sorry to be a pest but I'm a little low today and could really use that money I loaned you, this way your not being rude but you are also conveying the message that you want your money. Should she say that she doesn't have it ask her if she would be able to get it by the end of the day or tomorrow morning. If she keeps dodging you then I would suggest calling it a loss and never loaning her cash again.

Coworker owes money, should I remind her to give it back?

These are very simple things that most people make too complicated. Think bad of you....HUH? That makes no sense.
The fact is SHE should have paid you the next work day or mentioned that she would pay you on Tues or Wed.
Even if she forgot that is still not very good manners.
Keep it simple, "Hi Sue, I just wanted to remind you about the $22 for the gift, can you bring that in tmrw morning? OK, thanks." If she says anything else beside OK, your response is simple....I am sorry, but if you did not have the money you should not have bought the gift. I have a policy of not loaning money to co-workers, so we should get this cleared up tmrw.

Not that you are sorry to ask, or that you have a bill to pay, or if she needs another week you can wait, or any other non related issues.
People respect those are direct.

Coworker took money from petty cash what should I do?

It was said that morality is subjective. I agree up to a point but this is past that point. It doesn't matter if it was $1. This is an ethical violation and you need to not be complicit in any way. What should have happened? Your co-worker should have gone to the boss and said, " I'm going through a really tough time and I don't have enough extra money for gas. I need help boss. Is there a way that I could get a loan from the company for $50?" That is the ethical way of handling it. So now she's drug you into it. You are complicit in a crime. Personally I think the best way to handle it is to take the moral high road. Go to the boss and tell him everything and end by saying that you'd appreciate it if she could keep her job and be counseled. Maybe the boss will do that. I'm a compassionate guy, I probably would - once. It will demonstrate that you have ethics and can be trusted. You co-worker may be upset, but she'll also know that you are trustworthy and you're not going to lose a job over her theft. And that you cared enough to try to save her job. I don't see any other way to do it ethically.

Should I stay friends with my coworker?

I've never kept in touch with former coworkers from past jobs. This girl who's getting fired is the only one there who has my phone number and we've worked together for a year and a half probably. Her last day is Saturday and we work together both days. The truth is though that the more I think about it, the more I'm realizing why she's getting fired for having an attitude. In the past month, she has said a lot of stuff to our boss that she shouldn't have, even if what she said is true. Our boss is a douche and it's best to just not even acknowledge him. I mean it's worked for me because in order to get me to stay once this girl leaves, they've offered me a raise and they even offered me my own store, which I turned down because it's too far of a drive.

Honestly the more I think about it, I'm pissed that she got herself fired.
I'm tired of people leaving me and there she goes. After all the times she begged me not to quit, now she's the one leaving me.
It was more of a one way friendship, where I gave her tons of stuff, loaned her money she didn't pay back, etc.
I don't know how to, or if I should, just cut contact after Saturday.

My Boss wants to borrow money?

your boss is either a gambler at night, a drinker or dumber than a rock. Call in sick tomorrow
and find an ethical "boss."

No offense meant to your BOSS who is anything but.

What are the 5 most important things when lending money to your friends or coworkers?

1: Don't give more than you can afford to never see again.2-5: Don't expect to see the money ever again.