Question About My Dad

My Dad, who is 50 years old, has asked me the same question on four different occasions in the space of 2 hours. Is he losing his mind?

Others have spoken about Alzheimer's but no one has mentioned the possibility of a more urgent condition: a stroke of some sort.  I have no medical background or training, but if something like that came on very suddenly it's something I would worry about.  If this was very sudden and it's continuing or worsening and you're sitting around waiting for an appointment in two or three weeks, I would urge you to call back and make clear how suddenly it came on and (unless someone more knowledgeable than I adds a comment that I'm off-base in my worry) say that you're concerned it could be a symptom of a stroke.There are other stroke symptoms you can look for to help you decide: see the external links at:  Stroke Warning Signs and Symptoms and Aphasia FAQs - National Aphasia Association As noted: my concern may be off base, but I think it's a possibility you should at least be alerted to as a small stroke producing minimal symptoms can be followed by a larger and much more dangerous stroke if it is not diagnosed and care given to lower the chances of such a followup occurrence.MJM, not a doctor.

Why does my dad ask so many questions?

Like me and my dad don't get along. He's so up tight, never cracks a smile, so i don't really talk to him. But if i am just sitting on the back porch watching out in the fields or something he comes and says "what's wrong!?!" And I say nothing because I'm just chilling and I tell him that but he keeps asking.and asking. Like I just told him the truth. And if i am in a bad mood, he's up my *** asking me more questions which puts me in a worse mood. What do I do? Im 15

Dad asks too many questions about my private life.?

There are ways to jokingly indicate that his questions are getting on your nerves. Although - I'm 27 and if my parents asked me where I'm going, I'd tell them. I don't feel it's "none of their business." You sound like your'e slightly rebelling against him, or feel some unresolved anger.
His curiosity is over the top, yes. But why do questions of where you're going get on your nerves? Imagine if you left the house and no one cared, and no one ever asked. Soon you'd be wondering if anyone cares about you, etc.
So, just jokingly say, "dad, are you trying to stalk me? Why do you always wanna know where I'm going? Or are you suddenly working with the government?" Something stupid like that, but it'll ease the tension. Don't be rude. And if that doesn't work, a simple "seriously, why do you always need to know every detail? You think I can't take care of myself, or do you and mom stay up worrying about me if I don't come home at a certain time?"

Can I get my dad arrested for not letting me drop out of school to become zayn maliks replacement in one direction?

OK so I want to drop out of school for ever. cuz I am tired of this teacher bullying me. Today he said I smelled like a wh0res handbag
Wtf is he even talking about?? I was smelling like aftershave. A nice one!!
so I drew up a plan to show my dad I am serious about this. It goes 1)leave school. 2)be zoo keeper. But then I herd about zayn so I'm willing to take that vacancy. I have got better at faking English accent and I would like lots of girlfriends.
he didn't even look at my plan.
He just got mad, saying for the last time I'm not leaving school. Said next time I mention it I will automatically get a slap.
this is a democracy!!
I'm tired of him saying no to EVERYTHING.
Can I have a parrot? no. Can I go to manchester with my friend?no. can I have one more beer? no. can I have some money? no.
so I started saying no to everything he says to me. And he had the audacity to get mad at me and yell you don't tell me no, I am the dad, I do this for you, I do that for you blah blah, I am a massive d--khead blah blah.
Please arrest him and I will have fun. Fun!

Why does my dad favor my younger sister?

I'm in my 30's now, but when I was a little girl I had the same situation, only my sister was older. We still have drama to this day, but, I just kept my head up through it all and clung to church and my friends. I am very close with my mom, but I will always have that question in my head as to why my mom stayed. I would never stay with my husband if he treated my child that way. But.....I can't worry about it. I'm past it now, he is who he is and he and your father are missing out on really special relationships. It's there loss. Remember, God is our Heavenly Father and he loves us more than our earthly parents. Just do what you can in life to please Him, for that's all that matters in the end. God Bless you.

I think my mom is cheating on my dad?

Basically I have a feeling my mom is cheating on my dad because sometimes when she is on her phone, and I walk past, she quickly exits the messaging app, Viber, and then clears all her chat history and all. I don’t want to be invading her privacy but I feel like I want to know who she’s talking to? It’s really getting to me and i DONT know how to figure it out as there is no evidence at all. Also, she seems really kind of sneaky and all when she is messaging. I sometimes catch her messaging in the middle of the night (I sleep with her). Help!

I borrowed $50 from mum and $50 from dad to buy a bag costing $97. After the purchase, I had $3 left. I returned $1 to dad and $1 to mum, and reserved $1 for myself. I now owe $49+$49=$98 plus the $1 I reserved for myself, which is $99. Where is the missing $1?

This is not a riddle this is a trick. Some sort of diversion to an accounting case.They use mathematics to prove that they can get away with 1$ and people agree with it internally but they brake accountability rules. The trick is on the number 49.Bare with me...The agreement is to buy a $97 shirt With mommy and dad money. How many people we are talking about ? yes 2The trick resides when you put a scénario of real life that can not be put in a accounting situation.He devides the $3 by 3 when he should have devided by 2 since the money does not belong to him.But the trick its to JUSTIFY the $49 be put in the equation. What people dont realise is that they completely forget the $97 shirt in the account. So what he really owe to the parents after he gets the $3 change is 48.5 .And I will prove it to you mathematically that buy mathematics and accounting rules the $49 dolar should never get into the picture and it was put there to steel $1 from the poor parents.Try dividing 97 by any number you want and tell me if you will get 49... did you get 49 ? No so its mathematically proven that they made us ignore the price of the shirt to misslead us.Try dividing 97 by 2... what number you get ?... yes you guessed it... 48.5 Then the money he owes is in reality 49.548.5 + 1 (daddy's money) =        $49.548.5 + 1 (mommy's money) =    $49.5                                                        -------                                                        $99.0Now add his dólar                                                        $99.0                                                       $1.0                                                    ---------                                                      $100.0Remember the shirt must be put into account for you to know where they tricked you.Hope everybody agrees with me because even after a figer this out people steel doesn't get it.The all riddle question is a mathematically right way to fake your way out to steel $1.

I caught my dad in a lie, what should I do?

My dad had a piece of land that he promised me ages ago would be mine. In 2018, we discussed building an investment property on it. But I found out that it was sold in Jan. Last week I brought up the investment property again and my plans to start building soon, but he avoided admitting sale and kept changing the subject. The land was sold for $120K. Knowing this, I asked him for $3K. He said he doesnt have it. Should I bring up that I know he sold the land and has money? How should I say it?

When my dad is getting on my case about something, why does he constantly ask questions I don't know the answer to?

I don't have a forgetful kid, but I do have a forgetful husband, so I've been where your dad is (How on earth could you "forget" to do the dishes like you said you would when you were in and out of the kitchen all day??).  It wasn't helpful and I'm not particularly proud of myself.  And like you, my husband's answer was "I don't know". That said, it stems from frustration and honestly just a lack of understanding.  When you yourself have a pretty good handle on remembering things, it's hard to understand someone who just "forgets".  The really frustrating part of it is that it feels like the person who forgets never makes any effort to remember.  It happens again and again and again.  "I don't know" feels like an impenetrable wall because there's no way through or around it.  You're the only who can know why you did or didn't do something.  When you say "I don't know" it effectively stops all conversation and potential solutions dead in their tracks. "I don't know" feels like "I don't care" because there's nothing else to do.Imagine what it would feel like if your dad was supposed to pick you up from school and didn't.  Imagine if, when you asked him why he wasn't there, he just said "I don't know" or "I forgot."  Imagine he does that again and again and again.  You'd be insanely frustrated and you'd feel your dad didn't care and you couldn't trust him.  That's how your dad feels.   When he presses you for a real answer ("I'll fix it" doesn't count), he's really trying to break down the wall you've built with "I don't know."So.  That's how your dad feels.  You can fix this though.  Instead of telling your dad "I don't know", tell him "Can I think about it and get back to you?"  That says you're trying.  Then think about it.  Do you just not like cleaning your room on school days?  Can you make a commitment to clean it up on Saturday before you go out?  Is your room difficult to clean because you have too much stuff?  Do you need a bigger dresser or underbed drawers or a closet organizer? Do you just like it like that?  Could you compromise by just clearing out dirty dishes before you go to bed?   It's fair to ask your dad what bugs him so much about your messy room and just work on that.  Learning introspection is something that will benefit you your entire life.  Start now and I promise it'll help with your frustration and your dad's frustration.