Question For Girls Preferably Need Advice

(preferably guys) do guys like girls with muscle? ?

My friends all say I'm really toned. I do sit ups and push ups everday and I usally run about a mile a day. I also lift weights. I've been working on a six pack for a while but it's not working. And one friend gave me. advice to stop working on my six pack and just run because guys do like toned girls is this true please answer please

I like this girl but I don't know what to say to her!(Girls preferably)?

I really like this one girl that is in my first period class and lunch, but every time I see her I just stutter and freeze, and usually nothing comes out of my mouth. Honestly, I am so shy around her that when she talks to me I end it like 10 seconds later and when she is with my group I honestly don't say 1 word period. I had been told to get some balls and go talk to her but I'm really shy around girls I like, but I really like this girl. I think I see her looking at me every now and then but I am never 100% sure, usually I'm like 90% or 95%. When we're in our group when she's there she always is standing or sitting near me if not in front of me, and she does little glances here and then. I also notice sometimes she smiles a bit when I'm near her when I say excuse me when she's like in my way or something or when I ask her the question. I really like her and I don't want her to fall for someone else, if she does I might as well curl up in a ball and die, that's why I really need as much advice as possible!

I tried so hard to get over her I even deleted her Facebook, but I just can't, every time I see her I just freeze because she is so beautiful and nice. I really need advice! And not just "Grow a pair and talk to her", "Just be a man" and other similar answers. Help! I need some good conversation starters.

We're in Grade 9

Need Advice! Girls Only! Please Answer!?

Here are my Miley Cyrus tips:
If you want to feel like a girl you might want to wear a girl wig so you can look like a girl,Next wear nice and matured make up so you will look like a girl,Next Wear high heels or flat shoes or sandals this will sure comfort you,Next go shopping this are what girls really love to do you might want to go shopping on weekdays or after school after you have studied,Next listen very well to my answer this should be your acting skills practice talking nicely girly matured then walking skills ask someone you really trust to help you and actly girly matured

I like this girl but I don't know what to say to her!(Girls preferably)?

Ok, first; (me and my friends have talked about this so much) the thing that annoys girls most about guys is that they dont have enough confidence. confidence is always sexy. just make that your mantra or something. there are very few guys that girls will totally shut down with a big fat NO. if you are nice and act interested in her and her activities and you ask her out (if you are unsure, start with a casual or group outing) then there is a pretty small chance she will say no. (assuming your not a total creep).
Just when you talk to her, and when you ask her out, act confident and keep the conversation going. the thing girls are most afraid of about dates is that there will be awkward silence. if you show her you can keep a convo going, she will be more likely to say yes.
On keeping the convo going; ask questions about things shes interested in and about her. people love to talk about themselves. bonus: if you ask about her, she will go away feeling like she had a great convo and you will still have stuff to share about yourself on the date without being repetitive.
You say you arent sure that she likes you; I would say with the information given, if you arent making up or imaging how much she looks at you, then she at least thinks about maybe liking you.
I would go for it. and if you usually dont know what to talk about, facebook stalk her a little and find out her interests. just limit it to like 45 minutes. and dont worry, girls stalk too. :) good luck!

Mixed marriage (Hindu guy Christian girl) Need help n advice [ Preferably from Kerala, India]?

Friends, I'm a Hindu boy in love with a Christian girl for last 4 years. My girlfriend is a Marthomite who has a very deep rooted faith in her religion. We both live in Kerala,

I Need some advice (Girls answer please)?

I Need some help with what I should do about this girl (sorry if it's a little long):

I'm 17 and she's 18, we're both high school seniors. I met her about two months ago in school, she was in a couple of my classes the whole semester, but we started talking to each when we had to sit together once in one class. We talked a bit at school and after a while I started to like her and I was thinking about asking her out.

Then on christmas holidays (it is still christmas holidays for me), she randomly started talking to me on Facebook, and she gave me her phone number and asked me to text her. So I did and we texted back and forth for a while.

Here's the important part:
Yesterday we were talking on Facebook, and she was talking to me about her past relationships (a good sign right?) and then I told her I felt bad for her because of a situation that happened to her. I could tell it was still bothering her so I told her I didn't like it when she was sad. Then she told me she was crying, so I told her I cared about her. She asked me why I cared and I told her just cause I'm a nice person (I didn't want to tell her I like her on Facebook). But then she asked me to go on, and I ended up telling her I liked her, cause I thought she was basically saying she liked me right? But then she said she likes me as a friend and she doesn't know me well enough to date with me. So what's up with that? Also she said I could text her at her friends house today, cause we wouldn't be able to talk on Facebook, but I'm thinking I will not text her and see if she texts me. Is that a good idea?

To all the girls answering this question: What does it mean when a girl does this? Why would she say that she doesn't know me well enough when she wanted m to tell her I like her? And why would she be the one to bring this stuff up (talking about relationships and stuff) if she didn't like me?

What would be a good advice about a girl I like, as the description below? Does it sound like she is seriously interested?

There is only one thing that came to my mind when I read the description - What an excellently laid trap!!Let me just try to break your story and see if you get the answer yourself :You told her about your feelings.She sends you pics to confirm if she looks good (basically to boost her ego)  even though she rejected you. She lives with an ex flame.She needs someone to help her out with her rent.She says she likes it that you don't let the woman pay.She heaps praises about you.She can't wait for her Ex to move out. Let's go back the reverse order with a few introspective questionsShe can't wait for her Ex to move out. So what is she waiting for? Maybe for a good room mate, preferably someone she knows.She praises you saying you don't let the woman pay. Why that is the only substantive thing she has liked about you even though you guys talk regularly?She needs someone to help her out with her rent. Preferably someone who would be willing to pay a higher share. Excellent if the person pays the entire amount even though its hard to find (who knows, someone who doesn't let the woman pay might).She still talks to you and sends you her pics even though she has rejected you. Coincidentally, she might just need a new room mate and finding a good roomate is tough you know. Coincidentally she also lives with her ex even though she doesn't prefer it, for the money. An even bigger coincidence is that she finds you really good because you never let a woman pay. I hope you have the answer by now.This woman is the inspiration of Chritopher Nolan's Inception!! Massive respect!!

Mixed marriage (Hindu guy Christian girl) Need help n advice [ Preferably from Kerala, India]?

dude i am in the same shoes as yours, i have been in relationship with RC girl for about 8yrs+ , luckily we are staying overseas . But i am faced with the same problems as you .My family has agreed to marriage but they also would not like my child being a Christan . In indian/Kerala culture a girl is supposedly married into guys family and i expect my children to be hindu at least until they are 18 after which they can have there way .
Unlike Hinduism Christianity is closed society , they would do anything in there means to convert the non Christan , one of the ways is cutting there's and there family's name from the list in the churches . Though my family agrees to the marriage , her family opposes it completely as they feel their family would be disgraced in the society .
On the other hand i have one my close friends where girl is a hindu and guy is a christian , where the girls family whole heartedly let the girl convert to christian so that guys family accept them . The same level of understanding cannot be expected from christians as from from child hood they are taught that conversion is a crime . Its very difficult to work out a soln unless either one of you are ready to compromise.
I am planning to marry my girl , we are planning to stay in our own religion. As of now it looks that my GF will not be able to get a support from her family .

Good luck , hope you have the courage overcome the difficult time .