Question For Males On Here

INFP male here question?

Sorry I am ISTP. You know the Myers-Briggs test is based on principles of Karl Jung, my favorite psychologist. I think it's pretty accurate. So embrace who you are and work with it. No 'type' is bad, just different.

Rodin's Thinker is introverted. Here these thinkers ponder the apparent chaos of the world in order to extract from it the universal truths and principles that can be counted on. These principles, once extracted, will provide the logical structure on which to build strategies.

Introverted Thinking personality types have a finely nuanced ability to analyse situations, find root causes and foresee consequences. They distrust action taken too quickly without the necessary investigation. They are usually levelheaded, objective, impersonal yet intensely involved in problem solving. They are fiercely independent, seeking input and comments from a chosen few. When reporting to others, they need to establish credibility first: their own and that of the person they are reporting to. If the gap in knowledge and expertise is too great and their own proficiency dismissed, belittled or ignored, they will lose interest and motivation.

They are less interested in running the world as they are in understanding it. They are curious and capable of explaining complex political, economic or technological problems, taking great pleasure in explaining all the factors and intricacies. They are rigorous with their thoughts and analysis, choosing the exact words that convey precisely what is meant. They may spend a lot of time defining words, concepts and systems in order to define a problematic solution.

They are armchair detectives, scientists and philosophers, spending most of their time in quiet reflection to ponder truth, and solve mysteries. They may tend to neglect social requirements and responsibilities, finding many relationships to be too superficial to be of much interest.

Why don't men ask questions?

I realize you might be talking about single men who are on a date or something. I’m a married guy, and I don’t interact with many new people any more. But when I do interact with new people, I don’t ask many questions. Here’s why:I figure that if they wanted me to know something, they’d tell me.I don’t like “prying”. I might think of a question, then talk myself out of asking it, because I think the answer is none of my business.I’m afraid of asking the wrong question and offending someone or stumbling into an awkward situation. Me: “So, how did you end up in Chicago?” Them: “My first born child is buried in the cemetery here, and I want to be close to them forever.”I don’t like when people ask me questions in person, so I figure I’m treating them the way they want to be treated.Unless I already know someone, chances are, I don’t really care about their answers anyway. Asking questions just becomes a chore in remembering answers.I know this will sound bad, but there are four people whose sons have been on my son’s teeball team for three years now. We all mingle during the games. They do most of the talking, but I throw in a comment from time to time. They’ve mentioned their names and professions many times, and I never remember. In my mind, these people will never be close friends, so there’s no sense mentally storing information about them.

STRANGE question here...what color is a ......?

male red eared sliders semen? On my basking rocks there was all this yellow on the basking site...I checked all 5 and all were ok...since may thru June is mating season....I am baffled...

My female is over 40 yrs old.....and 4 males from 20 yrs to 7 yrs old.

When requesting others to answer questions here on Quora, do you all see mostly male candidates? I usually seek out a 50/50 gender balance when asking for answers, but I usually see 70-90% males in the list of potential writers. Is this universal?

Pretty much universal, yeah.There are just fewer women to begin with. All the demographic surveys of Quora I’ve ever seen, from around 2012 to 2017, found that a majority of the active users and writers are male. Usually 60–75% male, but much more in the early days.That’s just the average of the entire population, though. It’s even more unbalanced at the top.Only one of the top ten most popular writers on Quora is a woman, and none of the top five are. Out of the top 25 most followed Quorans, four are women. Even expanding that to the top 100, I counted 85 that appear to be men and 15 that appear to be women.Quora is pretty good about awarding Top Writer to a close-to-representative group of both men and women, as well as awarding it across nationalities, ethnicities, topics, and knowledge type. They usually invite just as many women as men for featured sessions.Even so, some topics still tend to get more male writers than others (Computer Science 9/10 and Engineering 9/10, for example), while others trend majority female (Babies 6/10, Teaching 6/10, Hair Care 7/10, etc.).There are a lot of reasons why that could be happening. The gender confidence gap (imposter syndrome) affects many professional women, online harassment tends to be more frequent and severe for women, women are still a minority in many fields, women tend to have less free time and do more housework/child rearing tasks even if they and their partner both work fulltime in a country with less stringent gender norms/roles, etc.All that being what it is, I greatly appreciate people like you making an effect to include both women and men in your A2As. There’s an enourmous amount of knowledge out there, and we only get the complete picture when everyone is able to contribute their piece.

A male stickleback fish recognizes other males by their red belly. Experiments show that they will even attack?

Here's the whole question:

A male stickleback fish recognizes other males by their red belly. Experiments show that they will even attack fish models or blocks of wood painted red. This observation illustrates what type of animal behavior?

1) classical conditioning
2) imprinting
3) operant conditioning
4) sign stimulus

What do males do differently from females?

A2A“What do males do differently from females?”…….………..……………………………….you……..want a list?……or something?We could be here a long while. I’ll just name the top things that come to mind in a short list.Walk differentlySit differentlyStand differentlyThink DifferentlyBuilt differentlyStore fat differentlyEncouraged to react differently to same situationsDress differentlyHave very different wake up proceduresCare for children differentlycourt differently than womenDifferent expectations in relationshipsdifferent goals in lifeviews on beauty is different per genderEat differentlyThere are so many, many, more that I could be here literally all day saying what men do differently than women on a grand whole, excluding the exceptions to the rule. But I will end at 15 to give you a general idea.For the time being, just embrace that men and women are, always have been, and always will be different.

I’m probably about to ask a stupid question here, but I’m a car nut. So if I have kids in my future, and if I were to name them after car brands, what are some good car brand names for either males or females?

Stripper future-Mercedes, Tahoe, Jaguar,Hispanic-Pinto, El Camino, Rio, Spyder,Female-Silvia, Shelby, Ferrari, Elise, TaurusRedneck- Mustang, Cobra, Explorer, Bronco, RaptorLikely Homosexual- Prius, Leaf, ProbeBut please dont.

Statistic question any help is appreciated. Thank you.?

Here are the projected numbers (in thousands) of earned degrees in a certain country during one academic year, classified by level and by the sex of the degree recipient:
Bachelor's Master's Professional Doctorate
Female 934 404 52 27
Male 661 270 44 27

Use these data to answer the following questions.
(a) What is the probability that a randomly chosen degree recipient is a man? (Round your answer to four decimal places.)

(b) What is the conditional probability that the person chosen received a bachelor's degree, given that he is a man? (Round your answer to four decimal places.)

(c) Use the multiplication rule to find the probability of choosing a male bachelor's degree recipient. Check your result by finding this probability directly from the table of counts. (Round your answer to four decimal places.)

Was the first human male or female?

There are theories mentioned in religious books like:Genisis says that Adam was born first(on the 6th day) then Eve was born(on the 7th day) out of the lower rib bone of Adam.Manu-Smriti mentions a similar Adam and Eve story but here the guy was called Manu.I like to believe that women came into existence first.Why do I think so?Scientifically, life started from unicellular form. They reproduced by splitting themselves(cell division). Unicellular organisms primarily reproduced asexually.When they evolved (into multi cellular higher beings like mammals) then they had to adapt to give birth to multicellular babies, which takes a lot of energy from the child bearing mother. Perhaps that is why there were males who came in as food gatherers and protectors while the females were in gestation.So, for the survival of a species primarily depends on living organisms who can reproduce. If there were only men then the whole species would become extinct in one lifetime of that organism.We owe it to them for giving us birth. We owe it to them for giving birth to our offspring. It is our responsibility to protect them and provide for them.