Racing Heart Asked Better


Ok, I'm sorry to post again, but my heart is hurting and i feel unwell. I'm sitting comfortably in an armchair relaxing, my heart rate is going between 115/120, i don't feel good and i have heart pain/discomfort. Why oh why is this happening, what should i do when this happens, just stay resting and let it pass, or wait and see if it gets worse. Im so confused now its getting me down in the dumps.
I have 2 previous posts on here asking for help, one is unanswered so far, but i was saying that i have a few 'mild' heart conditions, i have named them and i will post them again at the bottom of my message, i am on 2 lots of heart tablets, a Beta Blocker and an Ace Inhibitor, but i was led to believe i have a mild heart condition and to just take these tablets and get on with my life. But i can't, i feel so ill, like now, this keeps on happening to me every single week, i come over feeling very unwell, strange, my heart is racing, i just don't know what to do. The reason i'm on the heart tablets is because for some reason my heart won't stop racing, constantly racing, so these two tablets are to slow it down and rest it. But i have to have the beta blocker put to a higher dose twice in the last 6 months, as my heart keeps doing exactly what its doing now, especially when i eat. My g.p. has faxed and urgent letter to my heart consultant saying i need to see her again, but the soonest she could fit me in is not for another 3 months, so im sitting here suffering like this. I am trying to hold down my job, but i feel so tired all the time, exhaustion overwhelms me, i can't manage to work feeling like this so will lose my job.
What shoud i do with my heart racing like this and feeling generally unwell, i don't have a terrible pain in my heart, its more of a heavy, pressure feeling but its very uncomfortable, what is this as i hate it, someone please answer me as ive had enough now.

Here is what the letter from my hospital said i had wrong with my heart.....
INFEROLATERAL HYPOKINESIS------Mild dyskinetic septum.--------------Mild MR---------) LV apex/lateral wall/inferrior apical wall appears hypokinetic.----Mild Pericarditis----------Mild Pulmonary Valve Stenosis.........

My heart starts racing when the teacher tells me to read out loud?

I know this may sound silly to some of you but i recently started my new semester at school and my English teacher ALWAYS picks on people to read paragraphs out loud to the class. The second the teacher picks a name to read- even if its not me, my heart beats so fast and i get REALLY nervous because i'm afraid she'll pick me next. I don't know what to do because i try my best to calm down but the more i try, or the more i try to not think of it, i just get more nervous. Finally the teacher asks me to read and when i start i automatically run out of breath and start studdering and sounding so weird that everyone stares at me! That just makes it worse till the point where i feel like i'm going to have a heart attack lol! I don't even know why this happens to me because when i read to a small group of people (like friends) im ok. I NEED to find a way to fix this QUICK! Any tips? I know this is all psychological so it would help if you could tell me something i could do to put an end to this problem. Im actually a very good reader, and i did try to pretend like im reading to myself, but it doesnt work... so please help me out here, you will actually make me feel a million times better!

Why does my heart beat race around her?

I'm in college and active in the party scene so I'm rather experienced with attractive girls. The other day I met this girl at a get together and immediately my heart started whaling to the point i thought something was wrong. We hit it off and the next day I asked my friend to get her number for me, but coincidentally she asked her friend for mine before I even had the chance! We've only been talking for like two days but my heart just keeps pounding quickly. This has never happened to me before with any of my ex girlfriends or random girls I've encountered through flings. Thoughts?

Fast Heart rate and heart Murmur?

Hi. I, too, experience the same symptoms. I have heart murmurs and palpitations since i was a kid. My normal heart beat is at 100 per minute. When i am stressed, it could go to as high as 130bpm. I was even sent to the hospital twice for this condition. If your condition is similar to mine, you might have a mitral valve prolapse (MVP). It is a heart condition where your valve's flap (closing) is loose and does not close properly after your valve pumps the blood out. The tendency then is for the blood to get back in. I was told that it is not critical though. My mom has rheumatic heart disease (RHD) and her right valve was replaced five years ago. RHD, i think, is a more serious condition but her symptoms are similar to mine. I suggest you go see a cardiologist right away. you will be advised to take an ECG exam and a 2D Echo. Go check also any article on mitral valve prolapse.

Why does my heart rate increase when I get angry?

Thank you for asking. Our species evolved in a much different context, before mankind discovered metals. Our biology and true instincts (to hell with what anyone says) is genetically selected for survival - be fast, or be lunch, has been the game for hundreds of millions of years .. it is root-code in our 'operating system’ .. fast heart rate, more oxygen, equals bigger kick to the tiger's head. Despite us being all ‘civilised’ (rolls eyes), our reactions and emotions trigger special sorts of nerve-circuits in our heads .. regular brain structures are highly regulated, moderated .. but threat perceptions emotions and actual saber tooth tiger pounces, triggers a neuronal 'circuit’ avalanche that is set up like an explosive trigger - instant avalanche. This is not to suggest you can't regulate your emotions or have anger issues, it explains why some feelings make your heart race. I am here to answer, and you were there to ask - because our ancesters were the ones whose hearts raced when the tigers even looked at them.Thats why. It's not tied to anger, it cause anger takes place too close to “fight of flight” brainstem circuits. The more you feel secure, in control, and invincible (not vulnerable) - the less your heart will race if you feel amgry…. so you can train yourself to react less if you wish… the brain is like a set of legos, we can move the blocks around quite a bit (neuroplasticity). All these things I deduce from a pretty light set of clues .. my memory hangs onto many little facts (i jokingly call myself an “armchair neurophysiologist”). That covers it .. the odds are slim anything is wrong with you, normally a person will cool off physically within minutes even if you end up obsessing over what upset you in the first place… all normal things. You don't need the fast heartbeat to process the anger, our ancesters needed it to kick the tiger - but the tigers are gone and the heart still races - because evolution.

Why does my heart beat fast before talking with girls?

It’s biological hyper arousal. mainly what is called an adrenaline rush.. A hormone triggered by the fight or flight response by your nervous system.The unkown sets of fear sets of the Fo. F sets of the adrenaline it’s a chain reaction. A psychological response which gets your body to get ready to fight or run away.After a decade of dealing with social anxiety and trying everything from medication, reading every book under the sun and even solo travelling around the world to try and break out of my shell I’ve finally figured out what it takes. And honestly it could have been done in a few weeks.Everyone is, of course, different. And we all experience different levels of shyness or social anxiety. But when you come right down to everyone is dealing with the same learned behavioural problem with the same root cause and same root cure.Learned experience has caused it. Whether you were 5 or 35 the lower levels of your brain has learned to fear social situations. And the answer is re-training this lower level of your brain in a controlled way (because just throwing yourself into the deep end reinforces the problem in the long run). In theory, I learned that a long time ago. Putting it into practice was another story. I know how easy it is to get the feeling nobody else is going through the same thing as you are but I promise you at the root it’s all the same thing. I spent years hiding away in my room watching TV and playing games because I was easier than going out and facing people as much as I really wanted to. Watching others lead lives I wish I had but never understanding how they managed to talk to people so easily.I’m not normally one to suggest self-help books. Partly because I’m a guy and partly because I’ve read a load of them and most don’t actually have anything you can use in the real world. I did find the thing which finally turned my life around (and a way you can download the full audiobook for free): Shy to Social Free Audio Book and Community

Why do my heart beats fast and i shake before i fight?

how come when i am about to get in a fight my heart starts to beat fast and i shake..
and when i actually fight, for some reason i cant punch at my full strength like how i did the day before the fight..

Why does my heart beat fast when I see her?

I am going to risk an assumption, that you have feelings for this girl or woman, most likely good feelings. You like her.Our feelings and emotions cause a release of chemicals in our bodies, such as adrenaline and dopamine. These cause the heart to beat faster and with more force, respectively. Dopamine is associated with pleasure and stress, among other things, two common emotions when it comes to love and admiration for another person.Dopamine, manufactured in the brain, is actually a precursor of adrenaline. Adrenaline is manufactured in the adrenal glands, situated over the kidneys, and is associated with the “fight or flight” response we experience when under stress.Adrenaline and dopamine together create the pitter-patter of your heart when you see your girl. It continues and leaves you a bit breathless while you decide if you're going to start “fighting” for her attentions by striking up a conversation with her, or if you're going to head for the hills until you get your nerve up.