Radial Bone Feels Mishaped

Is the saying 'no one is ugly' really true?

No. Absolutely not.You hear so much “oh they’re beautiful on the inside” bollocks or “she’s pretty but has an ugly personality” nonsense being bandied about.Well I call bullshit.To the beautiful-on-the-inside crowd, first of all stop being so patronising and, secondly, it’s called “being a good/decent person” :)You don’t “have an ugly personality” or “do things that make you ugly“ - that’s what the words arsehole, wanker, and other more choice epithets are for.And yes, beauty is subjective, blah blah blah, and what one person finds unattractive another will find beautiful etc., but secretly we’re all pulling this face at that other person:Being realistic about it though, some people are just butt ugly. Doesn’t make them bad people, they’re just not good looking.Let’s face it, no matter how many bus loads of children he saves, Andrew Lloyd Webber is never going to turn eyes away from the Tom Hardys of the world.One of the gunmen at the Bataclan massacre was splashed all over the internet and in the papers because he was a good looking guy.And he was.He was also an evil, demented bigot who should burn in hell for all eternity.You see, the only thing inside us that makes us ugly or pretty is our bone and muscle structure making pleasing or unpleasant lumps and dimples in our meat sack. And neither good nor evil deeds, contrary to what the games and film industries would have you believe, alter that structure.I know some people find me ugly, and some people think I’m damned fine - and they are all entitled to their opinion. Hey, I might agree with either one of them from one day to the next.It’s ok to think someone is ugly, just as it’s ok to think someone is beautiful.I think what people are grasping for when they say “no one is ugly” is that you probably shouldn’t tell people they are - because you’re not a wanker, are you?

Why does one of my collar bones protrude more than the other?

If your collar bone or clavicle is protruding more than the other one, the problem is not in the collar bone probably,The triangular bone(scapula) behind your shoulder might be the culprit, this is usually called scapular dyskinesia when your scapula is not in place it disturbs the joints around it like the shoulder and the joints your collar bone makes with the shoulder and the sternum and looks as if its protruded.That is totally normal and can be correcred quite easily you might want to get an appointment with a physical therapist and get it corrected.

Why is the human body relatively symmetrical on the exterior but not so on the interior?

Our bodies are more or less symmetrical on the inside as well. Organs which are two in number are placed symmetrically inside the body. This is to balance the weight on both sides and to have a functioning one on the other side, just in case one of them receives an injury. Even the intestines are quite symmetrically placed in the abdomen.The pharynx, esophagus, etc., are also symmetrical. The brain is also symmetrical and is divided into left and right hemispheres that are joined together by the corpus callosum. The primary organs that cause the deviation in symmetry are those that are only one in number and are not placed centrally. These include: the heart, liver, stomach, pancreas, gall bladder, spleen, etc. We need only one heart and that is also present more or less in the center (behind the sternum) with a slight arch towards the left. The heart itself is symmetrical with four chambers. One lung is slightly smaller than the other. This is because that lung also has to give a little bit of space to the heart in the thoracic cavity. The stomach, liver, etc. cause asymmetry. but that asymmetry is caused because of their specific shapes (which helps in their normal functioning) and their slightly left or right placement which helps to accommodate 20 feet of small intestines, 5 feet of large intestines, and other organs, vessels, etc. Not to mention, the liver is a pretty big organ itself. This placement of the liver and stomach also help to accommodate the pancreas which is present in between the liver and stomach (behind the stomach).So, to sum it up, our body is pretty symmetrical. The person who made it, tried to make it as symmetrical as he possibly could. Several anatomical figures (like the one mentioned in the question) show the body to be more asymmetrical than it is. This is because they do not label the same muscles, bones, blood vessels on both sides of the image and label different things on each side of the image (which might be present on both sides) in order to increase the detail. They also try to represent different layers of the body in a 2D image which distorts the reality a little.Not to mention, their might be slight differences present, but hey, it is a biological system. Nothing is precise. But, everything is perfect.

Declawing Cats?

I want a kitten and my husband is scared that it will scratch the leather sofa...I said if we got it declawwed it would be okay, but he thinks that it is cruel...My friend told me she got her cat done and he was fine and didn't act like he was in pain. Does anyone have any suggestions?

What does declaw mean??

Onychectomy is the act of surgically removing the claws, most often of a household cat, though occasionally of other animals such as circus lions or dancing bears. This process involves amputating all or part of the distal phalanx, or end bone, of the animal's toes — the equivalent of cutting off the end of a human finger at its first joint — under anaesthesia, and is popularly known as declawing.

Declawing is rare outside of North America, being considered an act of animal cruelty in many Western countries.

Contrary to most people's understanding, declawing consists of amputating not just the claws, but the whole phalanx (up to the joint), including bones, ligaments, and tendons! To remove the claw, the bone, nerve, joint capsule, collateral ligaments, and the extensor and flexor tendons must all be amputated. Thus declawing is not a “simple”, single surgery but 10 separate, painful amputations of the third phalanx up to the last joint of each toe.
The declawing operation itself is the human equivalent of removing the first joint of all your fingers.