Ramadan How Do You Deal With This Situation

Dua to get out of situation? *Ramadan*?

".....And whosoever fears Allâh and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty)." Quran 65:2

" And He provides for him from (sources) he never could imagine. And if any one puts his TRUST in Allah, sufficient is (Allah) for him. For Allah will surely accomplish his purpose: verily, for all things has Allah appointed a due proportion." Quran 65:3

"......and whosoever fears Allâh and keeps his duty to Him, He will make his matter easy for him." Quran 65:4

You have to believe in your heart that God is able to do all things and He never breaks his promise. If you can do that nothing will happen to you- GUARANTEED.

►You can get out of any difficulty by (1) believing in God, (2) by fearing Him alone and not fearing men, (See verse 5:44 & 9:13) and (3)by relying/putting your trust in him

It's an easy thing to do for some people but difficult for others. You need high iman for that.

Believing in God is not that simple. Reciting shahadah and claiming "i am a muslim" is not belief in my opinion. It means more than that. Believing in God means believing in His power, His mercy and most importantly His words.


→ "And (mention) the man of the fish, when he went off in anger and thought that We would not decree (anything) upon him. And he called out within the darkness, “There is no deity except You; exalted are You. Indeed, I have been of the wrongdoers.”

So We responded to him and saved him from the distress. And thus do We save the believers"
21: 87-88
→ "If Allah visits you with affliction, none can remove it except He; and if He touches you with good, indeed, He has power over all things."
→"Say: ‘Nothing shall ever happen to us except what Allah has ordained for us. He is our Maula (Lord, Helper and Protector).’ And in Allah let the believers put their trust.’’
→"If Allah helps you, none can overcome you; and if He forsakes you, who is there after Him that can help you? And in Allah (Alone) let believers put their trust."
→ "And your Lord said: "Invoke Me, [i.e. believe in My Oneness, (and ask Me for anything) I will respond to your (invocation)."
→ "Therefore remember Me and I will remember you, and be grateful to Me and never be ungrateful to Me.’’

Ramadan: Can you make Dua for this sort of situation?

Okay lets say the team you support are playing and lol can you make Dua for them to win?
And for those who say but you are girl how can you watch Football, dont be so sexist pleasee... and well I enjoy the Beautiful game of Football and its players =P lol
So can you make Dua for them to win?

Thanks and have a Nice day =)

Ramadan. How do you deal with parents?

Everyone says my mom is very mean. She gets angry for no reasons at times, starts almost all the fights in our house, shes almost always yelling, and she insults and hits us a lot too. I try to keep my anger in control, but she always finds a way to really upset and anger me. Like just yesterday she freaked out asking me why I was praying so much (I did extra salaats just bc). She rams my door open while I'm praying, screams out, "what namaaz r u doing now!", then she slammed my door close, all while I was praying. Then when I was finished she yells at me and I yell back, then my dad yells at me like crazy. I don't even see any point in praying or being a good Muslim bc my mom dislikes me so much (almost hates at times) that ultimately I see myself going to hell. I felt so bad after all that yesterday I went into my room and started crying. I wanted to end my life so bad be the only reason I didn't was knowing I'd go to hell for sure. Stuff like this hppens all the time. No I'm not the best son, I try to be, I even stay away from my mom as much as I can at home (I sit alone in my room alone and just read) and she still yells at me at times. And yes I'm 16, and I do overreact at times, but I know for sure its not always just some teenager/parents problem. I can't talk to her or tell anyone else, just trust me, I can't. Any ideas on how to be a better son and feel so bad less?

Ramadan: How to handle this situation during salat?

Assalam alaikum, meanwhile the sujuds are required, so we during the prayer can not exclude them otherwise the prayer ( salah) will not be accepted, so we must perform salah again, and there will no mistakes for you if your husband (who leads the prayer i mean Imam) makes mistakes, don't worry =). another thing is that , if we miss wajib in salah we must do the extra sujuds ( just for wajibs) , but when we miss any fard ( obligatories) the extra sujuds will not be enough we must perform the salah again. =)

Ramadan: How do you deal with fighting parents?


As much as I like YLHG, I respectfully disagree. Unless one of your parents is being abused, you should not get in the middle. They are adults and their relationship is separate from the one they share with you.

How old you are matters in this case, but I'm going to guess around 14ish. If that is the case, I would still say you shouldn't get in the middle, even if it does get physical.

Do you have a good relationship with your folks when their not fighting?

Since you say you've already tried to talk to them, that's about the maximum you can do. You could advise them that if it does get physical you will call the police next time, and even for something small.

Do you have any other family you could stay with, even short term? If so, you could talk to them, and see if they could keep you for a week or two. Then you tell your parents you're going to be there for such and such time, because you really can't take the yelling, it's affecting your health, your studies, your happiness and you hope they can resolve things.

My parents used to fight so much, it was awful, but trying to talk to them did nothing. Finally, I spent a summer at my friend's place. My parents divorced soon after (not because of me). Although divorce isn't normally what we want for our parents, they were both happier afterwards and better parents.

If you can't talk to them and you can't get away for a bit, then all you can do is try to get involved in things outside of the home, and pray. You can e-mail me anytime (if you like) if you need someone to talk to.

I know this is painful, but you do have to keep in mind that while our parents are major players in our lives, their relationship to each other is very different from the one they have with us.

Ramadan: My uncle ................?

Aslam Alaykom Bro

Im very sorry to hear. He will be in my prayers. May Allah grant him paradise Inshalah ameen.

I hate the situation I'm in... How do I handle this?

I'm 20 (female) and I have suffered from depression for so long, and I've dealt with a toxic family my whole life. My five older siblings segregated me from them, and made me feel like an outcast my whole life. They are all extremely manipulative and controlling... when I don't do the things they want me to do, then they get upset and start saying hateful things.

I never had any friends, or a boyfriend and my family makes sure they tell everyone about it, I'm not fat or ugly... I just never felt good enough for anyone, and I got bullied coming up too. They make up lies like; I talk to men on the internet, and that I'm crazy and that I hear voices and other stuff. And, people believe them... I will never in my life look to date anyone I met online, I would die of desperation first and I do not hear any voices they only say this because I have bad anxiety.

Their friends look at me as a creep and they look down on me. No one ever wants to be around me unless they are bored and there's nothing else to do.

HOWEVER: I've been making a lot of money building websites (freelancing). And my whole family are all attacking me and pressuring me about giving them money. They feel that I have to give them all of my money, and they get extremely upset whenever I buy something new. I came from being a bum to now I am able to buy nice designer clothes. My sister said that something is going to happen to drive me back to depression. I'm planning to move out of state in 2 months, and they hate me for this. I have no problem helping when they need, but they feel like I should take care of them.

I was close with my cousin, he was the only one that really had my back and tried to help, now all of sudden he's sided with my siblings and is now talking about me badly to people we once knew.

How do I handle this? They are all using these guilt trips on me and making me feel like a terrible person.

How does Ramadan affect the security situation in the Middle East?

The security situation in the Middle East is hardly limited to Israeli-Palestinian issues!In general, Ramadan makes no difference. It was once thought (hoped) that the holy month, which Quranically should be a time of no war, would provide for peace, if only through temporary ceasefires. That has not played out in practice.

Ramadan Sect - Why are some?

I have never met a woman that was in any error or turmoil that she didn't learn from some man first. AstugfarAllah wu Al hamdoullah in the same breath.

Is that all that happened, maybe shytan did that to test you? You passed that is a blessing.
Why recap the error?

Would that not be a blessing Al hamdoullah if you didn't react in error? Surely there is reward

Fa ina mal usri usra
Ina Mal Usri Usra

where is Al hamdoullah in that and what is going on with you and men that they need to see you, do you have sparkles in your hijab? Why didn't your father go to the shop, that is his job not yours, to be out exposed without your protection?

The error is 10 fold if you look correctly.

Edit: Why are the so called hungry dogs allowed to look at my sister and do that to her? Where is her father and her brothers in protection? The Ummah obviously has failed you, again.

Why are the sisters putting themselves in situations like that in the first place without a brother to protect them? Why are the Men allowing this to happen to the sisters? The error is not the one kissing you, it is your Islamic community that failed you again.

RAMADAN---How to console someone whose father is on death bed?

she is crying crying aloud, I told her to pray pray to ALLAH SWT for your father but didn't stop crying. K told her your father will hurt...and he was actually when she cried her father made a queer sound, it was like he is trying to stop her crying...
My father says we should not cry aloud on someone's death we must deal with the situation with utmost patience and Allah will reward us and him...
How to console her its kind of first time..