Ramadan Is Making A Small Masjid With A Big Name A Sin

Is kissing allowed during Ramadan?

Kissing non-mahram people?  Not okay during Ramadan or any other time of year.  Kissing your kids, parents, friends (greeting) always okay even during Ramadan.Kissing your spouse.  Perfectly fine during Ramadan when your not fasting (after maghrib and before fajr) but there's a difference of opinion during the day while fasting.  Some scholars say that hugging and kissing is in no way acceptable during Ramadan while fasting.  Other scholars give the ruling that it is permissible if it doesn't sexually "move" a person.  So for example hugging your spouse goodbye on your way out the door, a quick goodbye peck, etc... are unlikely to cause either party to be aroused and sexually moved.  Especially since these generally become habit during the rest of the year anyways and little to no thought goes into these actions.  This kind of kiss is according to those scholars permissible as long as nobody feels moved by it.  Long embraces, long sensual kisses, french kisses, etc... are likely to move  one of the party to sexual thoughts and desires.  So those types should still be avoided during Ramadan.

What are the rules about kissing during Ramadan?

Apparently you can kiss your spouse during Ramadaan even while fasting as long as there is no exchange of fluids to interfere with the fasting process (no eating or drinking, sex etc.).After the fast is broken, you can indulge to your hearts content until the fast starts the next day.You can kiss your children and your family members as long as the tenets of the fast are adhered to.You are not allowed to kiss your spouse to orgasm and vice versa during the fast, just remember that!

Ramadan: why dont i feel like making dua?

Everyone has their ups and downs really they do , i know just how you feel sometimes your like urrrgh
i don't feel like making dua or praying that's what my friend does too , allah can see you all the time so there is no point of hiding something cause allah knows and see's everything.You have to sit down and think that how much the world , your family , and allah mean to you , maybe there is something on your mind that's bugging you that you need to get it out, but yes if you don't pray usually your imaan will go down i'm not trying to be mean or anything but it's just that prayer is not some kind of a joke it's a way of connecting with allah and asking him for what you need or thanking him , so if i were you i would maybe relax , chill then start fresh on a new leaf and continue praying then there will be no problem. hope this helped xD

[Ramadan] why did they named this mosque "Al-haram"?

haram means sancified and haraam means forbidden. masjid i haram ( the sancifield masjid) and pig is haraam ( pigs are forbidden). there different words wither differnt spellings and differn pronounciations, also muharam is derived from haram as it is sanctified month

Why do women have to sit/pray behind men at a masjid?

Salam walaikum sister,

Masjids vary and so do attitudes (in regards to the equality in prayer space).

The reason men and women pray separately is because prayer is supposed to be for ALLAH SWT only. Some men and some women will inevitably find the presence of each other distracting. Human nature.

As for the concrete flooring - you should complain to the person incharge and see if you can get petitions and funds to make the place more sister friendly. Perhaps because they don't get many sisters going there they don't bother with making it nice - if more sisters go then they may change it?

I urge you that if you are going to mosque for prayers then please go there for ALLAH SWT only or if you can pray in the comfort of your own personal space then even better.

As for the divider idea sometimes it is not practical to do this if there is only one entrance for example. Remember to pray in Jama is Obligatory for the male not for us ladies. We can go because we have a right also but its not obligatory for us to pray in the masjid.

Some mosques are very accomodating for ladies and others are not. Maybe your local sisters might be able to give you a heads up on which are suitable. If not then sister you have to make the first move...

Hope this helps!

If you are ill, It means your sins are being forgiven?

Heart Lover misunderstood the question. It is only the minor sins that are removed with hardships, disasters and crises that a believer might go through.

The Prophet Mohammad, peace be upon him, said "When a Muslim gets hurt with any harmful thing like the prick of a thorn or what is more severe than that, Allah will wipe out his minor sins, and his sins will fall off like the tree sheds its leaves."

So, even if you bump into a table and stub your toe, this is concerned harmful, and it will wipe out one (or many) minor sin(s).

There are many other ways to wipe out minor sins: by doing righteous deeds like making Wudu', praying five times a day, attending prayer in the Masjid, the Friday prayer (mostly for the men), hajj, umrah, fasting the month of Ramadan, and praying its night prayers.

The Prophet cited some of these, declaring that they will "wipe out the minor sins committed in between as long as the major sins are avoided."

This is not only during Ramadan, but during man's lifetime on earth.

Can i go to the masjid if i'm on my period?

ok i have a quran recitation ewvery sat and sun can i go to it or no???
also i know i'm not alloweed to touch the quran when i'm on my period but how about if i use my mp3 for quran recitation of my surah write it down in a paper memorize it and then go to dugsi without touching the kutab. is that a sin?? cause i have a quran class which i LOVE.. help please i'm a sunni.....