Ramadan Why Are Ex-muslims So Disliked

As an ex-Muslim, do you still fast in Ramadhan?

Hi, ex-muslim here.To be honest, I tend to fast during Ramadan. I don’t really know why. I have to admit it’s pretty rare and not for the complete holy month but I still do even though I have a condition which makes it a bit hard for me to fast from sahur to magrib.I don’t do it for religion. I don’t do it as a diet. I believe there is still a big part which acts out of reflexes. I pray out of reflex. I celebrate when Muslims celebrate. Ramadan is still a great moment of the year for me personally.

As an ex-Muslim, is there anything you miss about Ramadan?

I miss having it in winter.Since a lunar year is 10 days shorter than a solar year, so it lunar months go back by 10 days every year with reference to solar year. This means in 18 years, there is a difference of 6 months between the two.So Ramadan starting in May this year, will start in November in 9 years.Winter Ramadan is much easier than summer one.2017 Ramadan had the longest days. And by the grace of Allah not only I managed to observe all the fasts, but managed to maintain my gym routine as well, with not much difficulty. Though lot of decipline and planning was needed to achieve it.

How do closeted ex-Muslims handle Ramadan?

The hunger from fasting is usually the least of my concerns. If I happen to be out of the house on campus, I may stop at a restaurant for something small to eat like I would do so normally in my everyday life.The difficult part is maintaining appearances of sincerity even though one is burdened with the reality that one isn’t what everyone else expects one to be. This will be my fourth Ramadan as a closeted ex-Muslim. I would say I’ve mellowed out a great deal - I no longer burn with emotion at the thought of being forced to lead Maghrib prayers each night, just as I have done for the past nine years at home. It’s a burden, yes, but an acceptable one.During Ramadan, however, being prodded to “pray” all 20 units of Taraweeh, waking up at 3:30 AM to serve food for Sehri, and working all day, either at my father’s restaurant or at my university campus as a research intern, coming home well into the evening - doing all of that for a whole month without any sincerity is painful. In the past, I might have thought “why should I be burdened with this month of ‘spirituality’ when everyone else can be so much more productive?” Now, it’s just something I accept as a necessary torture, and I try to build resilience from going through it. This will be my lot in life until I have the financial capability to leave it for good. Is it fair? No. But complaining does nothing but salt the wounds.It’s a shame though. I can never really speak about this outside of anonymity. Few will ever know about what I’ve done and how I felt, because revealing it will result in greater consequences than keeping it bottled up.

Can someone lie during ramadan?question about muslims?

theres this guy i really like,its so sad and complicated,im christian and hes muslim.although i sometimes cry but its better cuz he believes in god.even though muslim believe jesus is a prophet.i always cry a lot cuz i do love him so very much :(
he said he likes me...but i didnt said i like him back(i said nothing and he didnt mind,but we didnt stop talking)

its ramadan yey!and he said hes missing me.i said aaww i miss u too and i ask him something...he said hmm (being honest,im still confused about the'' hmm'' but i asked something about his phone so maybe hmm is from what i asked) :)

Cuz muslim people can marry a lot of girls,so i think maybe hes just womanizer,dont get me wrong,just maybe,cuz its natural for them to marry a lot(from quran).My question is can muslim people lie during ramadan?i think muslim are very very faithful like praying 5 times a day,fasting, drinking and sexual activity are not allowed during ramadan.

Can muslim people lie during ramadan and do you think he might be just lying?Hes just the only person i liked or loved like tears are the pls answer

(my cousin married a muslim from Jordan and hes a very very nice guy)
(my uncle marry a muslim but same nationality)
they just respect each others religion cuz i think RESPECT is what we all need

Thanks and peace be with muslim brothers :)

Why do muslims hate Jews even though muhammad copied Judaism when he?

I love how so many muslims over here comment about judaism but they know nothing about it. We do not pick and choose what we like or dislike - we have a torah, navi, mishnah, gemara, and more modern halacha that clearly goes through what jews are allowed and not allowed to do.
Regarding Zionist - Every jew is a zionist - every jew want to return to zion ( which mean israel) So what do you mean we only hate zionist?
Regarding Lot - that muslims keep thinking Jews look up to him - Lot is not a great figure amonst judaism. No Jews regard lot as a leader or a revered figure.
Muslims run around hating jews - and they do even have a clue about judaism except what their mullahs brainwashed them.

I am an ex-muslim, is there some place I can find other ex-muslims to share my thoughts and feelings?


if you can't get a life, = GET A STICK

I hate Islam, but my parents are muslim?

Hello Chin, I was born in Canada to a very religious family. My parents are both Algerian and were born there. My entire life was dedicated to Allah and Mohammed. I thought it would never be possible for me to even think of leaving Islam. I was aware of people leaving Islam but I though "Oh these people must be really miserable people and will burn in hell." I hope that Obama will do the same to Iran as Bush diod with Iraq. This would be the only way to stop hanging and stoning of innocent people. I never thought the Quran said non believers or people who lest Islam should be murdered. I learned the truth about Islam when my parents sent me away to Algeria to live at my uncles house. I met alot of apostates who left Islam and converted to Christianity in Algeria. I started to read the Bible and was shocked. I converted to Christianity. The best moment of my entire life. I asked Jesus to forgive my sins and enter my heart. I asked Jesus to save me.I was filled with joy in my heart. I started working with a Christian society in Algeria. Now I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for dying for sinners like you and I.

The Messenger of Allah said, “Whoever changes his (Islamic) religion, kill him.” Al-Bukhari 6922

No matter what apologists for Islam may tell you, the penalty for apostasy for Muslims is death. Whether that’s a stranger, a friend – or a member of your family.

Male or female – Islam is an equal opportunity murderer when it comes to leaving Islam. Child or adult – age has no bearing whatsoever. Please be careful as you may be subject to an honor killing. When you do convert keep it between yourself and only yourself. If you live in the States than you are safe.

May you be guided to the Straight Path Amen!

@ She said, oh really? Muslim women are treated well? Is it not true that a woman can not leave the house alone? I have seen this and I live in Algeria with my uncles and have seen this with my eyes.

Is this a trust issue? If so, for who?

@ Siamah.S I as an EX muslim, I think I should know. Are you muslim women ignorant, blind or helpless? Which one?