Random Headaches For 7 In A Half Months

Why do I get headaches every day?

For quite a few months now, I have been getting headaches quite regularly. Sometimes it is just a really, really painful, unbearable one and that is all I get all week. But mostly I'm just getting normal headaches about once a day, maybe every 2 days.
Also when I get out of bed in the morning, everything goes blurry and I black out for about 2-3 seconds before it clears. It's the worst when I first get up, but if I sit down or lie down for a while then get up the same thing happens. I have to be lying down usually for about 30 minutes minimum for this to happen.
About a year and a half ago I was in hospital for a week with orbital cellulitus and I had sinus probelms for about 6 months after that - I was on antibiotics for a few months. All that has gone now though and I'm 98% sure this is nothing to do with my sinuses.
These headaches don't have anything to do with my period because they are happening all the time.
I usually don't eat breakfast but if I do (which is about twice a week) I have a yoghurt and banana smoothie. For lunch I have a roll with lettuce and tomato on it and sometimes a cookie or chocolate or soft drink (eek I know, unhealthy). For after noon tea I have usually maybe like 3 biscuits or something to that extent. For dinner I always have a healthy dinner, something different almost every night (my parents are very into gourmet cooking) with meat every night. I don't usually have dessert.
I am 14, which is young yes but please don't give me some bullshit like it's because I'm growing - I haven't grown for about a year, so I have stopped.
I don't do much excerise, I go on a 30km bike ride every Saturday and that is it.
Another thing I would like to know about (not sure if this is related to the headaches) but why is I am always very very tired when I get home from school each day and feel I could sleep for hours and hours. Sometimes ( I try not to) if I don't have homework or assignments (ver VERY rarely) I fall asleep at 4:30 and wake up at 7:30 but go back to sleep at about 9 and wake up at 7 the next morning, still feeling like I could sleep for longer. I haven't always had this, this tiredness has only started in the last 2 months.
Why is it that I'm always tired and getting headaches about every 2 days, sometimes every day??

Are headaches that last for 4 days bad?

Before asking if you should go to the doctor, you should evaluate what you have done for this headache. Pain is your body's way to telling you something is wrong. Try to figure out what your body is telling you. Have you been especially stressed lately? Do you have a lot of tension? Both are common causes of headaches. Is your area experiencing weather changes? High and low pressure fronts moving in cause many people headaches. Have you recently changed your diet or activity level? Both can cause headaches.What have you done to try and make the headache go away? Over the counter pain medications, such as Excedrin, Aleve, or ibuprofen work for many people. Fresh air and exercise are also good remedies. Don't do anything too extreme, but a walk in the fresh air can help your headache as well as give you a chance to relax and reduce your stress and tension. Make sure you are getting plenty of water to drink, and are eating healthy, lots of fruits and veggies will help your body and give you needed nutrients. Make sure you are getting plenty of rest. Lack of sleep can also cause headaches.If all else fails and you still have the headache, talk to your doctor. It never hurts to get checked out. I do not, however, recommend going to the emergency room. A simple headache is not appropriate for the emergency room and you are taking time away from the doctors and nurses that could be helping emergent patients. Unless this came on suddenly, or is so bad you cannot function, chances are you do not have a tumor. In fact, you are more likely to get in a car accident on the way to the doctor's office then to have a tumor. If you are stressing over the idea that you have a tumor, you may very well be exacerbating the situation with the added stress you are giving yourself. Just relax!I hope you feel better soon!

What is a real cause of regular headaches every day?

Your head hurts. Again! The first step in foiling your frequent headaches is determining what type of headache you're battling. Sometimes headaches are a symptom of another disease or condition; sometimes there's no common cause. but few most possible causeDehydrationLow Blood Sugar (Hypoglycemia)Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (Cfids)Take a close look at your headache signs and symptoms. Your doctor may suggest you keep a headache diary to help diagnose your headache type. Write down when your headaches occur, accompanying symptoms, and any potential triggers such as food, changes in sleep or stress.Are the headaches dull and achy?Tension-type headaches, the most common variety of headaches:May be experienced as a tight band of pain around your head, a dull ache or pressureMay cause mild to moderate pain on both sides of the headMay be triggered by stress, neck strain, missed meals, depression, anxiety or lack of sleepVary widely in frequencyCan be occasionalMay occur more than 15 days a month (chronic)Last from 30 minutes to a weekTreatmentMost intermittent tension-type headaches are easily treated with over-the-counter medications, including:AsprinIbuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others)Acetaminophen (Tylenol, others)Daily prescription medications, including tricyclic antidepressants, may manage tension-type headaches. Medications combined with behavior therapies may be more effective.In addition, alternative therapies aimed at stress reduction may help. They include:MeditationRelaxation trainingCognitive behavioral therapyBiofeedbackMassage and gentle neck stretchesHeat therapy (warm compress or shower)You can also check my another answers for your headache related issues.What's happening in our brains during a headache?Why do I get a headache when I'm tired?#GETWELLSOON

What causes pain months after wisdom teeth removal? What should I do about it?

Pain occurring months after surgery is unusual. To answer the second question first, “What should you do about it?” return to your dentist or surgeon and ask for an evaluation.As to the cause of the pain, it depends on the type of pain, dull or sharp. A sharp pain when chewing, with quick on set and quick to leave, indicates a cracked tooth. Pressure on the tooth in front of the surgical site could result in some sort of damage to the tooth structure. But, this may or may not be related to your surgery.This same pressure could have moved the tooth in front of the surgical site. This movement might affect the nerve connection between the tooth and its nerve or blood supply. The result would be a non vital tooth that could abscess. This can cause a low grade pain that could increase in intensity to a easily identifiable source of the pain.Low grade pain could also be due to root sensitivity. Sometimes the bone on the back side of the root of the tooth in front of the surgical site does not heal to full height. This tends to happen more often as the patient grows older and looses some regenerative healing power. This pain can be hard to locate. It can be diffuse, sensitive to cold, somewhat sensitive to hot, and sensitive to sweets. It can come and go and the pain level can vary. It could also happen with exposed root structure not associated with the surgery.It is possible that a retained root tip could cause a problem. Most of the time these naturally resorb or will remain without causing any problems. On rare occasions they can become infected because they were exposed to the bacteria from the saliva during surgery.Finally, it is possible that the pain is unrelated to the surgery and is coincidental to the healing. It could be a referred pain from the opposite arch on the same side, an upper tooth causing lower pain. Examination and radiographs are indicated to locate the source of the pain.

Why am I still in pain 7 months after my wisdom tooth was removed?

Long lasting postoperative pain after third molar removal is very unusual. Usually, it would be due to another source. Most likely the source would be from a tooth in front of the third molar. The type of pain would be indicative of the problem. Here are some possibilities.If the bone did not heal up to full height, a portion of the root on the back side of the second molars could be exposed. This would source of root sensitivity, a pain that could have considerable variation in the intensity, duration and cause. It could even disappear at times.If the second molars was loosened during surgery, the nerve could be damaged and there could be an abscess formation.Last, the second molar root could be fractured. This would be sensitive to the bite and could be the source of the formation of an abscess.You should seek some professional consultation.

Weird Headache From Subway?

Most of the time, headaches are caused by change in blood pressure and dehydration. A steak/cheese sub would have tons of salt in it. That would affect both your blood pressure, but also have the effect of dehydrating you, if you did not drink a LOT of water to compensate for the salt intake.

So my best guess...
You were stressed this morning (blood pressure elevated) and dehydrated anyway because you just woke up. So you already had a good headache started. But throwing extra salt at it did not help. And taking a half-hour nap in itself would not help much either.

My advice is going to sound bizarre, but it is logical..

I suggest you finish the steak/cheese sub, wash it down with a mountain dew or coke or some other soft drink with caffeine. Right after eating, take two aspirin AND two tylenol.

For the rest of the day, drink plenty of water (at least two liters...and more if you are exercising or sweating a lot)

Why am I getting sudden needle prick like headaches on the back of my head for few seconds?

“Why am I getting sudden needle prick like headaches on the back of my head for few seconds?”Since many days I feel sudden needle prick like sharp headaches on the back of my head mostly on the left.Since few days again, I'm experiencing this randomly all over the head. And today I even felt this pain on my eyebrows.The pains at the left back of your head might be Occipital neuralgia. No idea what’s going on with the random discomforts and eyebrow pain.TL;DR: A visit to a Neurologist is strongly advised. .

Can Adderall Cause Depression and Serious Personality Changes?

Hi, I am currently prescribed to 20mg adderall salts twice a day. I feel that ever since I was prescribed, which was about a month and a half ago, I have seen radical changes in my personality. Normally, I am bubbly and loud and hyper (especially when I am excited about doing something), but I feel like I haven't felt that way since I started taking it. I do have ADHD, so maybe the pill is what is eliminating the "hyperactivity" associated with it. Also, I am disinterested in things that normally intrigue me, such as friends and partying and going out (social things). Furthermore, I have become more obsessed with my weight and my appearance in general; I have never felt so self-conscious and useless. Does adderall cause such depression symptoms or are my feelings unrelated to my meds?