Read How Can I Convince My Parents To Let Me Get It

How do I convince my parents to let me read manga?

My god. My mom doesn't let me read manga or watch anime either. I'm not even allowed to get them from friends, the library, or read them online. It's for a different reason. She says that I should be studying, not reading fantasy. But then again, my mom says that even if I'm reading chapter books.

But ask you parents and talk to them about it. Tell them that it will help you draw better, and you actually read. Tell you parents that mangas aren't just comics, they have deeper insight, better art, harder vocabulary, and a strong storyline.

How can I convince my parents to let me take off my Hijab/Head-Scarf? Please read more?

Ok so I'm a muslim girl, in high-school, lived in america for like nearly my entire life.
People label me as an "Emo" because of the music I listen to and my dark clothing, even though I were hijab I wear tight and black clothing so I guess that's what gave people the idea about me being Emo.

Well I wore the Hijab a few months after I reached puberty (which was in 7th grade) I wore it very strictly and fully.
But now after nearly 4-6 years I just got sick of something called the Hijab! My parents keep buying me long loose clothing and I just hate that! I love wearing tight clothes to show off my curves.

I cry every night because the only thing I want to be is beautiful, I don't want to be known as the muslim girl in highschool, but the beautiful and confident girl instead.
It's gotten out of hand, including leading me to cut myself and think suicidal thoughts.

I recently talked to my parents about it, my mom said yes but my dad said "I'll give you two choices, you either take it off or leave it on"
I replied that I wanted to take it off, yet he merely shook his head and told me "No you won't, you're leaving it on, because you made the wrong choice"

After that my hate grew for it, I just need ways to convince my parents, I only have a week to do so since I'm moving back to the States and I don't want to where it there AT ALL.

(I fast, I pray, I read Qoran, I mean I've had a few boyfriends here and there but I'm currently single and plan on stop dating for good)

PLEASE don't try to convince me that the hijab is a good thing and that Allah will punish me or things like that.

I need ways to convince my parents, but everytime I talk to them I end up bursting in tears due to my emotional state :/

Please help me!

How do I convince my parents to let me read?

Well, there isn't much that you can do to explain things like this to typical Asian parents who lived in a different era. They believe success comes to those who sweat their bones off.The best that you can do is, do whatever that you were required  to do and in between your free times, read. Read during the meals, when you are travelling, before you sleep. Carry a book all the time. They may not understand that reading is good, but they'll understand that reading is important to you. Read everything that you can, from daily papers to encyclopedia. Keep your books in the most neat way. Never try to show off your knowledge, prove to them you are still the humble person you are though you've read much. Also, don't ever neglect any of your duties because of your reading, be sure of that.

How can I convince my parents that reading is OK?

Tell them that people who read are rarely lonely, rarely bored, get to know a lot about the world and just things without leaving their home and are often happier (sometimes much happier) than non-readers. Also, reading tends to slightly increase your IQ.It beats the hell out of watching TV, standing on the corner, or getting into mischief. If you read some biographies, you may be inspired by the lives of famous, successful people. If you read history, it makes you much more aware of how we got here as a country and a people. (The Boys in the Boat and Sea Biscuit.) It gives you insight into people of different races and religions. It teaches you about differences, and at the end of the day, how small they are.If you read fiction, the sky is the limit. You might read about love stories, murder mysteries, war stories, science fiction (my personal favorite!), tales of courage and integrity (The Book Thief) and so much more.So tell your parents you read because it is worth it, and because it makes you happy.

How to convince my parents to let me read Harry Potter?

I think going with Nova's answer is the worst way to go, no offense Nova. If anything it will show them you are reading way too much into the series and comparing it to real life religion.

As with the previous poster who pretty much said you are out of luck, and that their minds are made up, I'm agreeing with them. I don't' think nagging them is going to help much, it might even work against you, making them think you are immature to persist.
Pointing out the hypocrisy in watching Gandalf vs. Dumbledore probably won't help your case either, your parents sound like they are pretty much selectively discriminating, and justifying their own personal tastes.

Good luck with this, and if you can just go ahead and borrow it from a friend and read it during recess or something, if you can.

How can I convince my parents to let me read Harry Potter?

My name is Emily as well, BTW.
I commend you for respecting your parents wishes. You are doing the right thing.
I am one of the biggest Harry Potter nerds ever, LOL. I've read the books dozens and dozens of times. I have an almost 6 year old daughter who has seen the first 3 movies, most of the fourth movie, and most of the fifth movie (of course I watch them with her and fast forward anything too scary.) I am reading her the first book now and just signed her up today for Pottermore (an online reading experience from the author J.K. Rowling). She loves Harry Potter almost as much as I do :)
Harry Potter is the exact opposite of evil. J.K. Rowling herself is a Christian and has said numerous times that she does not believe in magic. (Even the Pope condones it!) It gets kids into reading which is really hard to do these days. Even colleges are using Harry Potter in the classroom from Literature to Philosophy to Ethics and even Genealogy.
Harry Potter teaches bravery, loyalty, friendship, love, and most of all - good ALWAYS triumphing over evil.
If I were you I would sit down with my parents and RESPECTFULLY talk with them. Maybe suggest that they read the books or you read the books together.
But just remember, no means no. If your parents don't want you to read them then you need to drop it. It's scary being a parent. You want to do the right thing and protect your children, it's a scary world we live in. Your parents just want what's best for you.
I know it seems like a long time to you but you'll be eighteen in four years and then you'll have the freedom to read whatever you'd like.
Let me know if I can be of more help to you in any way. Good luck and keep your chin up!

BTW: I read that post that the person above me (Kim) gave you the link for from Christianity Today and I have to agree with her, have your parents read it. It's excellent and may open their eyes to some of the misconceived notions about Harry Potter.

My parents won't let me read. What should I do?

There are a lot of books that can be part of course material that will increase your knowledge and also be enjoyable.But that said, talk to your teacher and see if the school counselor has any suggestions on how to handle this. It sounds like there might be more going on than just a simple answer.Remember that if you are in 10th grade, you are likely about 15 or 16. No one can maintain control over you that you do not give them. I encourage and appreciate loving and respecting your parents, but at a time, you can also let them know that you do not agree with their demands and once your reading for school is done, you will also be reading for enjoyment.Double check that they are not concerned about the material you are choosing as perhaps they want to make sure you are not neglecting your schoolwork and that is why the rule is in place.If you approach it with respect and without anger, it can go a long ways.

How can i convince my parents to let me read hunger games?

The hunger games is a fast paced, exciting series filled with Adventure, Romance, Humor, Angst, Betrayal, and Friendship. I read it very quickly, and LOVED it!

It's quite vivid in some parts, but nothing is TOO bad. The movie was fascinating and followed the book quite thoroughly. Suzanne Collins helped with Screenplay.

They do NOT eat people in the Hunger Games, but they do:
+Cut off their tongues
+Make them kill each other
+Whip them
+Hang them

EVERYONE is right. The Hunger Games is the best book ever. You should be allowed to read it and watch the movie.

Tell your parents that it isn't weird. Read them a book review/movie review, and see what they think. I'm sure they'll come around soon enough and let you read/watch it. I've read all of the books in the series, and I truly hope you like it too.

12 to 13 is a good age to start this book. It had some violence and good role models. As for the movie, it is rated PG13. It is rated 67/100 by critics.

Happy reading!

How can I convince my parents in this situation (read details)?

It is a very complex situation indeed. It seems you will have to choose between that girl and your parents. I understood that you both truly love each other. But it is really difficult to convince your parents. You will have to talk to them calmly. Do not force your choice on them.  Tell them about the situations when you were vulnerable,and how your girl friend supported you at that time. Do not panic and most importantly do not use any harsh worlds. Just make them listen to you patiently. Do not forget to listen to their point of view as well. They might take some time to understand you and your relationship. You will have to give time to them. If possible arrange a small get together of your friends at home and also invite your girlfriend. Tell them her qualities which will surely win their hearts. Do not let them cry. If they start crying, stop talking about it for a while. Be polite and calm.Clear the misunderstandings they have about your girlfriend and tell them that you will marry only when they will approve. Just ask them to give your girlfriend one chance. Regarding her cousin - We can not judge someone for their brother/sister's actions. Tell your parents how much you both care for each other.Hope it will help.