Real Answers Only Not Dumb Ones Why Does He Act This Way

Why do most guys like girls who act dumb?

Some guys have insecurities about themselves and need to feel superior to something. An intelligent female will only intimidate him.

Why do people have to call people deaf and dumb?

I can understand what mr.obvious is saying. But those words are very confused because, I'm Deaf.
Yes, I know how hearing people act like this way but if it was Deaf person then it might be a whole big mess up.
I remember one of guy thought that other guy was acting like be a Deaf and (beep) then finally they both got a huge fight.
Languages can be get into trouble. Because he didn't realize that he was Deaf.
Sometime I think English is not the best language.

Is Kevin Jonas really the dumb brother?

He's not really portrayed as "dumb". More like, overly bubbly.

But no, he's 22, the oldest of all the Brothers, and more than likely, one of the smartest.

He's just not as appreciated as the others. I'm pretty sure, all the personality's are based off of their true personality's, just a little exaggerated.

Is Saitama (One Punch Man) actually stupid or does he just act like it?

No one seems to understand Saitama's personal situation. He has achieved his life dream of becoming the strongest hero. Yet now he seemingly has no purpose in life. So what really matters anymore? Whenever he does something stupid, it's not that he couldn't figure it out. It just wasn't worth him spending time thinking about.Everyone is always saying "Oh, he failed the Hero test! That means he's an idiot!" Yet they fail to understand what was on the test. It is stated in the manga that the test measures a person's "sense of justice," not intelligence. Sure, if you are intelligent, it should be easy to bootlick your way through the test picking the "heroic" answers. But Saitama is so apathetic that none of it matters to him. So of course he failed the test.Saitama is actually a genius at understanding people and situations, when he takes the time. In order to distract the crab man from the ugly kid, he said the monster looked like an anime villain. Then he used his tie to kill the crab by ripping out it's insides through it's eye. He came up with that strategy while getting pounded half to death. Saitama figured out Sonic the ninja didn't actually see him as a threat, but just wanted to test his attacks on him. He recognizes in Mumen Rider the same dedication that drove him to be a hero. Saitama feigned stupidity and tricked the alien controller of the spaceship into leading him right to his location. And finally, he saw in the alien leader Boros the same desire for a worthy opponent that he himself had, so Saitama held back to give him that fight.All of these events happened in the first season of the series alone, there are many more that happen later in the manga and even later in the webcomic. So no, Saitama is apathetic, not bothering himself with things that mean little to him, but is actually quite intelligent.

Is it true that class toppers are only good at study and dumb in real life? What do you think, and what is the universal truth?

No I'm not agree to this assumption that class toppers are only good at study but dumb in their real life.Since my school days from class I(One ) till my College days of Graduation in Political Science (Hons) I was luckily to be the class topper of all my batches.Study becomes my habit & in due course of time chosen books to be my best friend. Reading books became my passion like most of my batch friends go for playing football , cricket , volleyball, etc.Not only habits but the nature which may make them dumb to some of the brilliant students. But you can't assume it to be universal.Not all class toppers were dumb but were expertise in various life activities or aspects. One couldn't simply assume & undermine that class toppers are dumb in real life nay they are more brilliant, expertise & practical then what we supposed to think & do believe.They show not their words but their deeds which is a practical knowledge by engaging themselves to it.


are ALL BLONDES dumb?

personally i have seen a lot of blondes who are quite airheads.

male or females. all almost the same.

can you share an experience with any smart/dumb blondes?

Why do girls like dumb guys?

Every time I see a girl with a guy, the guy always looks like and most likely is a dumb jock that looks like he failed three classes in a row. This is a problem because I am extremely smart(140 + I.Q.). Guys are always telling me things like, "Dumben up and focus on a 'real' sport like football, its the only way you're going to get laid". Is it true? Will girls not like me because of how smart I am?