Really Hard Question.

Help-----A really really hard question?

There is another way to answer this that you may find easier.

Use implicit differentiation with respect to x to get an equation including dy/dx. Now if the tangent is parallel to the x axis it has zero gradient and so dy/dx = 0. This simplifies the equation and gives you a connection between x and y that can be substituted back into the original one and solved.

Then you do the same thing with differentiation with respect to y to get an equation including dx/dy. This time if the tangent is parallel to the y axis dx/dy = 0 and the equation simplies, etc.

One of these leads to no real solution but the other one gives two simple integer values of the variable. Put each back into the original equation to find values of the other variable.

Need help with really hard question?

1) A = x * y = 9 therefore y = 9/x
P = 2x + 2y, plug in y from above to get P = 2x + 2(9/x)
P(x) = 2x + 18/x
Some teachers prefer this as
P(x) = 2x +18*(x^-1) because it separates out the powers of x more clearly

2) C = 2*pi*r, solve for r to get r=C/(2*pi)
A = pi*r^2, plug in r from above to get A = pi*(C/(2*pi))^2
A(C) = pi*[(C/(2*pi))^2]

3) This one will suck because of how many parenthesis. Square brackets are the same meaning as curved, it's just to make it easier to read. You should write it out with pencil and paper to make it more manageable.
y = 3*x
z = (x^2 + y^2)^(1/2) [pythagorean a^2 + b^2 = c^2]
Plug in y for z= (x^2 + (3x)^2)^(1/2)
P = x+y+z, plug in y and z.
P = x + (3x) + [(x^2 + (3x)^2)^(1/2)]
P(x) = 4x + [(x^2 + (3x)^2)^(1/2)]

REALLY HARD Physics/Math Question!!!?

Let t = maximum reaction time
For the reaction time to be maximum so that the ranger is to avoid hitting the deer, the distance he traveled from the moment he sees the deer to the moment he reaches the deer must be equal to 64 m.

64 m = Distance traveled during reaction time + Distance traveled when decelerating at - 3.40 m/s^2
64 m = Vi(t) + [Vi(t) + (1/2)(a)(t^2)]
64m = (45km/hr)t + [(45km/hr)(t) + (1/2)(a)(t^2)]
64 = 45t + 45t + (1/2)(-3.40)(t^2)
64 = 90t - 1.7t^2
1.7t^2 - 90t + 64 = 0

Solving the quadratic equation by the quadratic formula...
t = {- (-90) +/- sqrt[(-90)^2 - 4(1.7)(64)]}/2(1.7)
t = 0.72 sec ANSWER

Hope this helps.

teddy boy

REALLY HARD pre algebra questions help!!?

#1 is 350

#2 is 0.29

Ok this is a really hard question for all of us it's about patterns?

this is sopposed to be a question for a third grader

the pattern below starts with the number 12
A.describe a rule you could use to find the next two numbers
B.what are the next 2 numbers

If you tell me a really hard question but you know that I’m the only one able to answer the question how would you feel if I cannot answer your question?

I would probably ask someone else I knew whose not online, or try to read more information about it myself where ever I could find info on it, or wait and see if anyone else including those online could answer it. It just depends on how badly I want an answer. If I can’t get any response, I give up asking questions for awhile and move on to something else. But the question sometimes will remain in the back of my mind somewhere, hoping someone can figure it out at some point or that I, myself will, in which case the question is still in my thoughts, but tucked away somewhere til there’s an answer or another thought about it. Sometimes I journal to keep a record of it. That’s what is going on in my thought process.Hope that makes sense.

I see a lot of questions about Singapore. Is it really hard to visit or to live there? The questions seem to focus on the laws.

During my Navy career, I went to Singapore three, maybe four times on port visits…and I loved it. I could see that the city is much cleaner than any city I’ve been to in America. Singapore is also safer than any city in America…and in many ways, more modern.I have a lot of family in the Philippines, and probably a dozen of them have visited Singapore, too - and I’ve yet to hear any complaints from any of them about their time there.Here’s an experience to bear in mind about Singapore; indeed, about visiting any foreign nation:Back in 1994, a young American civilian 19 year-old decided to go vandalize some cars in Singapore by spray-painting them. The Singapore courts sentenced him to ‘caning’, basically getting hit very hard by cane poles - it’s very painful according to all accounts.Oh, the American press went freaking nuts (as you can see in the article) - human rights, and all that (and bear in mind that I’m a far-left liberal myself).But you know what? I was on the USS Camden (AOE 2) at the time, and we’d just pulled out of Singapore when the news of that broke…and not a single one of us felt the least bit of sympathy for that 19 year-old kid.Why? Because Singapore is NOT America. When you go to any foreign nation, either be willing to respect their laws and culture and people…or don’t go there at all. For instance, I’ve been to Dubai at least twenty times, but I’ll never take my wife there. Why? Because it’s against the law there to kiss in public…and my Darling and I commit PDA’s (public displays of affection) on a daily - sometimes an hourly - basis. That doesn’t mean I’ll condemn Dubai for their laws - that’s their laws and their culture. So I simply won’t take my Darling there.When in Rome, do as Romans do. That includes respecting the laws, culture, and people. Do that, and I promise you’ll have a wonderful time in Singapore - and you might come back realizing that there’s nicer, better places to live and raise a family than here in America (which was a lesson I learned in Australia).