Relate Two Ways In Which American Society Has Been Affected By The

Did World War I affect Americans at home?

Yes,women had to carry out mens jobs such as mechanics,electricians and farm labour for the war effort.

In what way does slavery still affect society in the US today?

1. One out of eight Americans are descended from slaves. There's a massive Black cultural influence, music, language, food, and religion (what's called Afro Christianity.) 2. The struggles over slavery gave us a Civil War, Reconstruction, and then segregation, Jim Crow laws, and finally a civil rights movement. 3. Many scholars argue slavery outright created racism, and the artificial categories of Black and white. Racism was created, at least in large part, to justify slavery. Before there had been a religious justification, since the church sanctioned enslaving non Christians. As slaves converted, they had to invent a new justification. Beliefs in Black inferiority and white superiority, including among Americans who claim not to be consciously racist, began under slavery. A good recent example is the public reaction to the Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown killings, where a large portion of the public believed, and desperately wanted to believe, that Black teenagers were automatically "thugs" and deserved to die for posting snapshots of themselves trying to look tough.

How does the American Revolution affect the world today and the future?

There'd be a lot more Keep Calm and Carry on-ing.  And a lot more God Save the Queen.   I'd say two major ways - 1 an example of a Republic.  (though not a democracy)  2 - reducing the power of Britain and creating a new world power.  At the time of the Declaration and especially the Constitution, there was still some question if a Republic could survive without the ultimate presence of a King or Queen with divine or traditional power.  Even where that King, as in the case of the UK, headed a Constitutional Monarchy with severe and enforceable restrictions on his power.  The examples Constitutional framers in the US could draw on included the Polish Diet, the Swiss Confederation, and the Netherlands.   These were not examples of strong governments of large territories that were incredibly powerful.  The American model has been followed since 1776 by governments around the world.  Secondly, it reduced the power of Britain and created a second world power.  not instantly however.  Even at the time of the American Civil War, Britain was the world superpower.  But by 1900 the United States was starting to catch up and by World War I and II we were essential to British success, and after World War II we replaced Britain in world leadership.   Had the US colonies continued as part of Britain, it's not likely Britain would have lost its place in world leadership.

How did world war II affect american society at home?

It did so profoundly.

Everyone joined in the war effort.

They rationed food, supplies and certain metals, they grew their own food called a victory garden. Auto manufacturers (and others) changed their entire production over to war materials. Women went to work in jobs traditionally held almost exclusively by men. Look up "Rosie the Riveter". Music and entertainment took on wartime themes to encourage our people and our troops.

The Manhattan project was completed in record time. Something almost unknowable was developed just for the effort.

What is capitalism and how does it affect society?

A definition would be “…an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market.”The effect on the current generation is a good standard of living for a lot of people (but not everyone). If you read the book below, you might see that it might not be such a good deal for our descendants. (But be careful, capitalism can be a touchy subject and people can get their backs up pretty quickly if you say bad things about it).This Changes Everything

How did the Industrial Revolution affect society?

Effects of the industrial revolution were primarily bad. It had numerous ill affects on the society.Firstly there were cases of abuse of children and women and it was considered a new norm for factory owners.Factory owners were happy to employ children as they were too small to resist anything they were asked of.Factory owners can deter them by beating if they show some sign of resistance. Also because they were physically small it was easy to employ them to work with machines as their small hands can go to the smallest of the cavity of machines. They were made to work for 18 hours a day which took their entire childhood away from them.The unprecedented economical growth made capitalism flourish. There were little or no government regulations against factory owners and they were free to pursue any path which took them to profit.Because people were made to work 18 hours a day therefore workers had very little or no time to share some moments with family. This lead to the breakdown of family units. Because of this children received very little education, had poor cultural and moral values, had poor growth, and were sickly.Living conditions of workers were pathetic, they were living in slums with no sanitation facilities.During the early phase of Industrial Revolution almost 50% children died before the age of two.However not all the affects were negative as there were many families who benefited a lot from huge industrial profits, by 1820 most workers started getting better wages.Material conditions of many families accelerated.Later government intervened to curb the practices of child labour.In the year 1832 Sadler committee undertook an investigation and found that there were serious cases of human rights abuse, it suggested that there has to be reform in order to stop this.I'm listing those reforms and act.Health and Morals of Apprentice Act.It reduced the working hours to 12 hours a day with no night work.Employers were to provide education, decent clothing and accommodation to workers.Inspectors were appointed to keep a check.Factory Act.No children under the age of nine to work.Children under the age of 13 to work no more than 9 hours per day.Children under 18 were not to work at night.Women were to work no more than 56 hours per week.I hope answer served the purpose well. For any doubts or clarifications kindly ping me in comments section. I'll be happy to help.Thank you.Aditya Shrivastava (आदित्य श्रीवास्तव)

How sociology is related to history?

Our history is the study of our society's past. Therefore our past is nothing more than past sociology.

How did America's economy change after ww2?

Well after World War II, the U.S. walked away as one of the world's two superpowers (the other being the Soviet Union). So once the Cold War started heating up, America began to become much more proactive in promoting the ideas of capitalism by funding governments or movements which espoused their support for a free market economy. The U.S. became much more wary of anything relating to socialism (even things not associated with the extremities of communism, such as universal health care), so for the past several decades, America has worked to privatize most of its industries and limit the involvement of the government in the economy. It is morphing back into what it was prior to the Great Depression, where massive conglomerates are above the law and politics is run by those with money.

Men and women living in America and in most countries of the western world?

1) To change the fact that most women have to make a choice bwtn family vs career (women often bring in half the family income too)
2) change the infra-structure of the workplace for example hours in relationship to families (this is a "family values" country) and families no longer only consist of the "male" as the bread winner nor do they represent two genders and sometimes they only have one parent, but our system still accounts for the patriarchal nuclear family)
3) More companies need to cover family leave maternal and paternal (I work part-time for a great company but many of my friends are not as lucky)
4) Better child care compensation (France and Japan blow us away with this) and options
5) Career women that decide not to have children are still penalized by the workforce that takes in account that they are women and could very likely decide to have a family
6) Altho there have been great strides in financial compensation for women in the workforce more women still hold more minimum wage jobs as most women are penalized for having babies (gaps in employment, sick days for sick kids)

I recognize that through the work of my feminist predecessors that great strides have been made for women in U.S society; however the system needs to be deconstructed from the bottom up, (because like racism) patriarchy is in bedded in the very infrastructure of this society and we have to keep demanding that the needs of women be met as they change in the 21st century.
Btw I am an Equal but Different feminist so my view of feminism does not fit into a binary way of thinking it requires critical thinking that any conservative, myopic, androcentric worldview cannot grasp.

And here are your feminists addressing the workforce issues. Ask and you shall receive
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