Rewrite The Following Sentence So That It Is Concise Clear And Correct.

Which sentence is the most correct, clear, and concise?

D. All the sentences say essentially the same thing, but D uses the fewest words (concise), the most familiar and straightforward words (clear), and is grammatically correct. The other three sentences try to make a simple statement sound complicated by using a long word where a short one will do, an unfamiliar word where a familiar one will do, and a jumbled bunch of words where five will do the job elegantly.
Too many people think that the way educated or intelligent people express themselves is by making their statements hard to understand. In fact, such an effort merely makes a writer look self-serving.

Use concise in a sentence?

"I would like a clear and concise answer to my question."

Concise just means short and to the point.

Make this sentence concise?

Although there are students in Bradley Hall regularly, they rarely study the building structure closely.

How do I rewrite sentences in your own words?

Guys, if someone of you would like to know something about the issue how to rewrite a sentence in your own words, please, just follow my advise and read attentively this information at first and after this please just g to google to know more about it. And I can make you completely sure that you will enjoy all the information which you will find there, but only if you will pay your attention to the quality of the web sites which you will find online.And exactly for this purpose I will give you some helpful words from the article which will help you for sure:ReadStopThinkWrite.So when you will find some tips with such words in it, then I am sure that you will find it really helpful for you. And you will not be disappointed in the level of quality of the services!

Business writing style mistakes, are these sentences rewritten correctly?

Hello. The following sentences are taken from an email message which has plenty of business writing style mistakes.
The first one uses passive voice (?) "After the presentation, you will be served light refreshments."
I rewrote this as: "After the presentation, we will serve you light refreshments." Do I have to substitute "we" with something else, or is this ok?

The second error uses an expletive (?) "There will be a mandatory meeting to introduce the new system on Thursday, October 1 from 2 to 3 pm." I rewrote this as "Our company will conduct a mandatory meeting... on Thursday, October 1 from 2:00 to 3:00 pm." I'm having difficultly with this one, not just the simple rewriting but also other grammar issues regarding commas after dates, and time..

The last one does not use a "simple and concise sentence". "Therefore, we have made the decision to purchase the ARAP 5000." I rewrote this as: "Therefore, we decided to purchase...". Does rewriting like this change the meaning, though?

I know this is a long post, but I worked on this for hours and these are my attempted solutions. What do you think?

How can I rewrite the following expression with an appropriate alternative to fulfill the characteristics of technical writing, ''The deadline will finish at 12 midnight''?

I think this means the deadline is midnight, and that’s what I would write. If I thought there was audience confusion what “midnight” means I would write, “The deadline is 12 PM (midnight).”