Rpg Maker Vx Ace How To Use 3d Isometric Models

Can I make a hack and slash game like Diablo 3 in RPG Maker VX Ace?

With some addons and scripting, you can make a hack-and-slash game with similar gameplay to Diablo 3 with RPGMaker. Since RPGMaker was designed to create turn-based combat, it requires doing some hacking of the engine, but it is possible.However, you cannot make a game that looks like Diablo 3 with RPGMaker. Diable 3 is 3D, while RPGMaker is 2D only. Even Diablo 1 & 2 were in isometric view, which is technically 2D, but requires more work than the grid based 2D that RPGMaker specializes in.To get isometric rendering working inside RPGMaker would be more difficult than creating an RPG system inside a different game engine that supports isometric rendering. And getting 3D rendering inside RPGMaker is impossible.TL:RD: You can make a game that plays like Diablo 3, but not one that looks like it.