Scriptwriting Term For Skipping Quickly Through A Long Conversation

How can I write dialogue that is coming from a radio in the story? Should I capitalize every word or use italics?

Don't italicize. Long stretches of italics are simply skipped or skimmed by readers. If you need to set it off typographically, indicate that you want it in a sans-serif type. Like this:[Begin sans-serif face.]… Beethoven’s single most performed and recorded composition, it was the first music to be offered commercially for sale on Edison’s …[Resume roman face.]It was as if even the public radio station was mocking him, reminding him that his own most-recorded composition was a successful cigarette jingle, which was taken off the air two months after the ad campaign launched because all tobacco advertising was banned. That was a good thing, he knew. But it bit deep that the main result of his most-heard musical work was cancer.[Begin sans-serif face.]… The movie Immortal Beloved, in which it was asserted that the dedication “Für…[Resume roman face.]And even though his own cancer was colo-rectal, not pulmonary, he thought there was a perverse symmetry in it, like getting a really bad review from God.Note that you put instructions to the typesetter in [brackets] so they know it’s not to be treated as part of the text. Also, you don't just change the font in your word processor, because such changes are usually ignored unless an editor has caught the change and made a notation to preserve it. This is like the practice of using underlining to indicate italicization. It makes it visible to the typesetters, whereas if you italicize a short word like “I” it is almost certain to be overlooked and your attempt at emphasis will be lost.It doesn't matter that you submitted your novel as a .docx file. In converting to the typesetting software, all the word processor formatting will be jumbled up. And any calls for font changes will be gone. That's why you handle it with clear indications to the typesetters, which the editor will then mark.

How can I visually convey a specific conversation?

You might use motion animated graphic words that abruptly appear, then fade in succession. This might occur across the screen left to right, or at strategically placed locations within the visual frame.

Is it okay to skip a scene when writing a book/script?

Absolutely!While it's helpful to have an outline for any piece of writing, I believe the rules for composing your own piece are up to you.Stephen King, a famous horror novelist, says that he often writes the end of his books first because it focuses the direction of the material that precedes it.I'm writing my first book, and I find it liberating to be able to skip around when composing new sections. I might have an epiphany for a certain chapter that I'm ready to put down on paper, but be totally clueless about the chapter that must precede it. Sometimes I add characters and scenes much later than the material surrounding it because I'm not sure who the characters really are yet.Although you might be worried about continuity and flow in your writing, if you're willing to rewrite and revise your first draft, you can avoid any confusion for your readers.It could also be that the scene you're considering omitting isn't needed at all. If a piece of your story is giving you grief, you may be able to replace it altogether with a few sentences of explanatory material, possibly framed as a dream or a memory.

How to write the beginning of a story?

You can start a story in a few different ways. Each one will lead to a different feel of the scene, so choose carefully.

Description: "It was a dark and stormy night..." The plus of this method is that it allows for some nice description. The con is that often it can get boring to listen to the author prattle on about the moon, or a person. A good way to do it is to first give a concise yet powerful description of something, then tie it in to something that is happening in the story.

Dialog: When you start out with dialog, it's usually a good way to start characterizing your characters. Right away you can show your writer how they speak, their relationship to one another, perhaps their education based on word use: Anything that you would be able to glean from talking to someone. You just need to be sure to make the conversation interesting in some way.

Action: Jumping right into the action can be hard to tie into the plot, but it can be a good way to grab your reader's attention.

Narration: When you begin with your characters thoughts, musings, or monologue, such as "So many times he wondered, what was the meaning of life?" or "It was five years ago on this very day that my pet hamster died".

One thing to watch out for in all beginnings is to avoid giving too much background right away. Only tell the reader what they really need to know. If you can find the balance between telling them enough for them to follow the story and hiding enough so that things are still surprising and unexpected, it will become more suspenseful and enjoyable.

If you're not sure what scene to start with, just try to think of how the story works. Think of a scene that will lay the foundation of the rest of the story, and start with that.

If you found this answer helpful but still can't figure it out, just message me. If I know what the story will be about, I can help you more. Good luck!

Why do closed captions/subtitles sometimes not match up to what is actually being said?

It happens because the people who make the subtitles are incompetent. Contrary to what a lot of the other answers say, there is no legitimate reason for the subtitles to not match what is being said. I have watched hundreds of movies and TV shows where the subtitles match perfectly. An occasional error is OK, but it is extremely irritating when practically every other line does not match. For example: I am currently watching Joss Whedon’s Angel series with subtitles, and practically every line is paraphrased (for no good reason) and poorly timed. Why go through the trouble of making subtitles if you’re not going to do a good job?

How can I write dialogue for a drunk character?

Here's my experience with drunk people that may help you:1. My bestfriend. When he's drunk, he becomes very emotional. No hiccups, no vague articulations of words. He talks as clear as day. But what he says are a thing of beauty (haha). He also becomes unmindful of his personal items (phones, etc.), that's why he tends to lose those whenever he's drunk. Also, he doesn't remember anything the following day. Or he denies remembering them, I don't know. 2. My ex-girlfriend. Super active, but only to me and not with strangers. For instance, she still converses with people normally as she would but with me... she's different. She laughs a lot and wouldn't hesitate to kiss me in public (which is a big deal for her, except in bars and clubs). She still walks straight, though. Again, no hiccups. Also, when I let her go out with her friends and she returns home drunk out of her mind, she, uh..., for lack of a better word, "rapes" me. Seriously. Like she wakes me up by immediately pulling down my boxers and just goes at it. And yes, I liked letting her out to drink with her friends.3. Girlfriend. Becomes really confident and extremely annoying when drunk. Hmmm... confident is not the right word. More like... "brave". See, this girl is really small and skinny (but beautiful, of course). When drunk, she acts like she could take on the world! She still talks clearly but the change in tone, inflections, etc., are very noticeable. 4. Most of the people I've met become either too quiet or too loud. I think we all have those people.5. And then there's me. Whenever I get a hint of drunkedness, I try to act as if I'm not. My walking feels fuzzy but I try to walk normally and make it seem like I'm not. My mind is hazy but I "fight" it. I tell people I'm not drunk because I can still recite the Preamble and first Article of our country's Constitution, which I can. Also, I can recite those in my sleep so... I like to think I never get drunk because my mind functions normally during such state. But I guess that's what most people think. They think they're still acting and thinking normally when, in fact, it's the alcohol that's controlling them.

I've NEVER seen Pulp Fiction---Any Good??

You are missing out! This is one of the best movies ever!! PLEASE, do your self a favour & see it :)

Italian speakers, Italian dialogue from The Godfather?

The language they are speaking is Sicilian, not Italian. Sicilian cannot simply be reduced as a dialect of Italian; it is a separate Romance language.

This is a youtube clip of the video that has translations in English at the top and the original Sicilian at the bottom:

Some tips for pronouncing Sicilian:
--Double D's (dd) are pronounced like the English D, not an Italian one.
--CH is always pronounced like the C in 'car,' as in Italian
--C before E or I makes the CH sound like in 'cheese' (Remember: ciao sounds like chow)
--GH is always like the G in 'grape'
--G before E and I makes the J sound as in 'jam'

--The vowels are:
----A: the A in fAther
----E: the E in bEd
----I: the I in machine
----O: the O in pOst
----U: the OO in cOOl

I hope it helps!