Seeing Shadows-like Above Trees

The sun is 21 above the horizon. It makes a 51 -long shadow of a tall tree.?

Tan 21=.3838
shadow / 51 = .3838
Tree = 51 x .3838 = 19,57 meters

Am I seeing shadow people or is it just my eyes playing tricks on me?

I personally have never had any experiences what so ever. But I do have a friend and she too has seen shadows. It all started at work about 3 years ago. It was around the time she had several situations in her life that were negative. Negative things seem to follow her. She has experienced things as a child as well. I seem to feel she has a keen sense of things when they are about to happen. She has vivid dreams and remembers them alot. She has heard buzzing in her ears at night and there has been times she has felt like she is being held down while this buzzing goes on. She did go and see a pyschic and she informed her that others were trying to contact her. Which this is around the time her brother was sick with brain cancer and eventually died. One night her and her boyfriend put a camera in their bedroom. Some things came up missing and he wanted to see if one of his friends was stealing from them. She called me over and told me I had to see this video. It was a spirit/gholst andhet was kneeling down infront of her dresser. During the tape rolling, her boyfriend had walked into the room in front of the dresser and it disappeared. When he left, seconds later it reappeared. Her dogs also start barking in rooms where nobody is in there.

So I do believe in good and evil and possibley spirits. I watch this show on A & E channel 118 (on my tv) at about either 9:00pm or 10:00pm. It is called Paranormal State. Very interesting show. Maybe if you go to your local library and look up your property. When it was built and who all lived there. Then you can do a search to see if anyone has died there or any history you can find. Look up old newspaper clippings about your property. It may be someone who maybe had a dog at one time. Who knows. I am sorry I can not help you any further. I hope you can find out about your property or any history that may help you. Good luck to you.

If the sun is 50° above the horizon, find the length of a shadow cast by a tree that is 75 feet tall.?

tan 50° = 75/x => x = 75/tan 50°

What causes crescent shaped shadows during solar eclipse?

These things?The gaps between the leaves of the trees make natural Pinhole cameras.Normally, we think nothing of it, because the sun is round, and a dot of round light on the ground is unremarkable to us - we assume it’s just a blob of light from a small point. We don’t think of it as a projection of the image of the sun.But turns out that, to project an image of the partly-eclipsed crescent of the sun, you don’t need a particularly small pinhole; and the pinhole doesn’t have to be round.Each of those “bananas” in the above picture I took was maybe 2 inches wide (call it 5cm?). The fuzziness of the pictures of the sun are, what, maybe a tenth of that? 5mm, or an eighth of an inch.And since the lines of light from the sun are coming from so very far away, we can say they are parallel, which means the holes between the leaves are also roughly about 1/8″ or 5mm. Some are blurrier, some less blurry.For me, this projection of the image of the sun into scattered, flickering images on the ground was far and above the best part of the eclipse :D[Edit: for comparison, here's the same spot at the same time of day (~1:08 pm) two days later. See the circular blobs. Far less interesting!]

What could be the strange shapes or shadows from the Aguijan Island?

I suspect they are shadows arising from a scatter of trees upon a grassy plain.Just beneath those shadows, one can see a differentiation in the colour of green. I suspect that this is a treeline, with the darker green corresponding to a forest and the lighter green above it to a grassy plain, as commonly found near the shores of sea bluffs. If you look at the edges of this forest, you can see some shadows, too, in the same direction as the light source that creates the shadows for the spots in question. Furthermore, you can see similar shapes arising from what look like scattered trees beyond the forest (further down on the picture).

How high is the tree? The sun is 24 degrees above the horizon. It makes a 54 m long shadow of a tall tree.?

tan (24) = tree / 54 meters

tree height = tan (24) * 54 meters

tree height = 0.445229 * 54 meters

tree height = 24.042349 meters

here's an illustration

A 6 foot person standing 15 ft from a streetlight casts an 8 ft shadow. What is the height of the streetlight?

This is difficult to explain in text. It uses similar triangles.

If you imagine a two-dimensional world for this problem, with the streetlight to the right and the person to the left.

First, focus on the triangle created by the following three lines:

8ft from his feet to to the tip of his shadow.

6ft from his feet to the top of his head.

10ft -- The hypotenuse, from the top of his head to the tip of his shadow, sqrt(6^2 + 8^2).

Now, the second similar triangle has...

23 ft (from the streetlight to the tip of his shadow)

A height equal to the hight of the streetlight

A hypotenuse, sqrt of the above two squared.

To find the height of the streetlight, use the fact that the ratios of sides must be equal. That is...

(Height of Streetlight / 6ft) = (23ft / 8ft)

Which is,

Height of streetlight = 6ft * (23ft / 8ft) = 17.25 ft.

Trigonometry help? A pine tree casts a shadow that is 7.9 ft long when the sun is 80 degrees above the horizon?

Ok, so draw your triangle.

It will be a right angle triangle, with one 80 degree angle, and the length across from the 80 degree angle is 7.9.
You know that your third angle is 90 - 80 = 10, so it's 10 degrees.

Solve for the length that represents the tree. (it's the length across from the 10 degree angle)

Using the sine law, which is:
a/SinA = b/sinB = c/sinC
You can solve.
A = 80 degrees
a = 7.9 ft
B = 10 degrees.
Find b.

7.9/sin(80) = b/sin(10)
b = 8.02 ft

So now you have the height of the tree and can draw your second triangle.

It's also a 90 degree triangle with one side length being 8.02ft and the other being 6.7 ft. You need to find your hypotenuse to solve for the top angle.
Since it's a 90 degree triangle, use Pythagorean Theorem:
a^2 + b^2 = c^2
a = 8.02ft
b = 6.7ft
c = the hypotenuse.

(8.02)^2 + (6.7)^2 = c^2
109.21 = c^2
√109.21 = √c^2
c = 10.45

So now solve for your top angle.
A = 90 degrees
a = 10.45 ft
b = 8.02 ft
Solve for B

10.45/sin(90) = 8.02/sinB
sinB = 0.767464
sin^-1(0.767464) = 50.13 degrees.

So the sun is at 50.13 degrees later in the day.

What causes people to see shadow people?

Many people report seeing shadow people. I became interested in them after I saw one while wide awake, during the day, when I was 16. There was no internet back then, and I could not find any information at the library.Time passed, and I would see them during sleep paralysis episodes. Then I saw another shadow person in my mid-twenties while I was wide awake. This isn’t the corner-of-your-eye thing. This is full-on, facing a shadow person who is seemingly standing right there in front of you.It's only really been in the last decade or so that more people began talking about and studying sleep paralysis. Yet here we are, in 2016, and the scientific world is still shying away from shadow people.Frustrated by the lack of research, I was writing a novel, and decided I wanted more information on people who see them when they are awake (outside of sleep paralysis). What I found was that each person who described an encounter while awake, in a reliable and seemingly truthful way, also reported having sleep paralysis more than once.I've interviewed nearly 80 people with these accounts, and the correlation seems to be very strong between people who have sleep paralysis and those who see shadow people while awake. They also describe the encounters in much the same way that people describe sleep paralysis episodes.The person sees the shadow person/people and can't move, often has difficulty breathing, and feels overwhelming fear. When the shadow person/people disappear, the person can move again, the fear dissipates, and they can breathe again.There were also risk factors that I managed to pull out of the data. The risk factors were similar to risk factors for sleep paralysis.Almost all such episodes happened when the person did not have enough sleep the night before.Anxiety and/or stress also seems to increase the chance of an episode.Traumatic life events/PTSD seems to be a significant factor as well.Hopefully we'll learn more as more research is done on sleep paralysis.