Self Harm Didnt Mean It Help

My mom saw my self harm cuts help!?

I lost track of my emotions today and saw sissors so i cut my wrist im not addicted to cutting or anything i regret now but my mom saw the cuts and asked me how i got 6 scratches on my wrist i feel really akward around her now i dont know what to do

I have one self harm cut/scar that I didn't mean to make! see photo?

I was cutting a couple months ago and I would make small non deep cuts. but I forget what happened bc one is really long and deep. It looks really weird too. I have no idea how I did it really but it's still pink. Please look at the photo.
Can make up work? Or does it look like an accident of some kind. Also what about the other small scars?
I think I did this in December and it's February.
Please help. I can't go too much longer wearing long sleeves.

Selfharm help please?

today in town a man started talking to me about one tree hill then he went oh by the way does people self harm in your school.. i said i didnt know.. then he was like yeah well i do.. he came right up to my face and pulled his sleve up and all i saw was blood on his skin then he pulled it up more and there was 4 deep slits like he has just done it.. i walked off in shock and was sick. no one deserves to see anything like that im badly shooken up by it and it plays back in my mind i dont know what to do it was so terrible! please help

What should I do if I want to self-harm?

Aside from seeing a doctor, which I know can be very difficult and anxiety-inducing even when it's not about something as serious and personal as this, there are things you can do to keep yourself from self-harming. 1. The Butterfly Project: every time you want to self-harm, draw a butterfly on the place you want to self-harm. If you self-harm after drawing the butterfly, the butterfly dies. Try to keep your butterflies alive for as long as you can.2. May be triggering, so proceed with caution. Click and drag across the screen to create virtual "cuts" that bleed. 3. Snap a rubber band on your wrist. This isn't the best technique but it's a better option than cutting or burning. Don't do it enough to break skin.4. Talk to someone. If you don't have a professional to talk to (which you should look into finding a therapist if your thoughts are recurring) call a friend on the phone or meet them in person. Tell them what you want to do and why. Or just have them distract you from the self-harm.5. Art: Channel what emotions you have into art, instead of harming yourself. This could literally be any art form, music, drawing, painting, writing, etc.6. If you want to cut, paint red stripes wherever you want to self-harm. There's no pain, but you'll get the visual of self-harming, which helps some people.7. Look up alternatives on the Internet whenever you want to self-harm. There are lists upon lists of mindless websites you can use to distract yourself from self-harming (ex. the infinite Coke's... Just keep adding h's for new websites.)Please avoid self-harming if you can. It's really not worth it.

SELF-HARM.. HELP!! my friend cut too DEEP!!?

You are pulling the clot off when you remove the gauze. Hold the gauze down on the cut very hard. It takes about 3 minutes for a good clot to form. 3 minutes. Then very very gently, remove the gauze in teeny tiny little amounts as to not break the clot off.
Or you can put a tiny amount of antibiotic ointment on the gauze before you press down but you only need a speck - just to keep the clot from sticking to the gauze.
Or you can keep the gauze on there and not remove it till tomorrow.
You probably do not need to go to the hospital. Arteries and major veins in your legs are very deep near the bone and run down the inner thigh and behind the knee then twists around right next to the shin bone. Blood spreads out in such a way that is alarming to alot of people but an actual life threatening hemorrhage is ungodly to behold. If you go to the hospital there are going to be some awkward question and a psychologist will be called and both of you could end up in lock down on the mental ward.
I am not going to fuss at you about this for reasons that will become obvious later on in your life.
*addition: Once you get the bleeding stopped, leave it alone overnight. Don't pick or poke or pull at it, OK?

What does "trigger" mean in the Self Harm World?

I can't find anything online that explains it
but on youtube there are videos about self harm that have "May Trigger" or "Triggering"
so what does it mean?
does it mean it provokes the viewer to feel bad or it may trigger sadness
or does it mean it provokes a self harmer to harm themselves?

sorry if I offend anyone, I don't mean too

What does my dream mean(self harm)?

No, no, you have the dream wrong. Cutting means you want to cut something out of your life, like a habit. You want to quit smoking, drinking, drugs, maybe you have a bad mate, or a problem with a co worker, or something like that. It doesn't mean you want to cut yourself, you are struggling with an issue in your waking life that you want to cut out of your life. 1=800-don't cut, 1-800-366-8288,, 1800-448-300, they have trained counselors, you just have to call them. Peace be with you.

School counselor didn't tell my parents about my self-harm?

So, stupid me let my sleeve roll down in health class when we were doing some physical fitness activities and apparently my teacher saw (I don't know how I'm going to face him tomorrow morning in class) and he told guidance about it. So in math I was called down to the office to talk to my guidance counselor who told me that one of my teachers was concerned about me because he saw the cuts on my arm. She made me show her my wrists and then she asked why I did it. And I kinda didn't tell her the whole story because I barely know her so I just said it was because my parents don't pay attention to me and it's very stressful at school, like I put a lot of pressure on myself to get good grades.Which is half the story, but I just didn't feel comfortable telling her everything. She talked to me a little more, asked my some more questions, and then gave me some advice to help me open up to my parents. Then I left. I am so So SO happy that she didn't call my parents and tell them about it, but what I want to know is why she didn't. I thought that they had to tell your parents if you're hurting yourself. So why didn't she?

Why do I self harm when I'm drunk?

The other answers do not touch on this, so I thought it worth mentioning.Alcohol causes dis-inhibition. The desire to self-harm is there already, under the surface but it seems your mind is looking out for you. When you’re sober, part of your mind is working to prevent you acting on such thoughts. Getting drunk makes us all less inhibited and more likely to act on our impulses.I won’t patronize you by preaching abstinence. You already know that you need to stop drinking.. Anyone who has used, or is using alcohol as a medicine knows what a poor choice of companion they’ve made, yet we continue to return to this shitty friend for respite. Despite their differences, both numbing our minds with substances and cutting to feel something irrevocably real and definite as physical pain - serve the same purpose: Distraction. Both are bottomless voids though, offering little more than temporary reprieve from turmoil and anguish that I cannot begin to understand.I’m truly sorry that you are facing this, but neither sympathy, nor pity can be of any help. You need to take action. One thing at a time - if you only ever self harm when you’re drunk, you know what you need to do. I’m sorry to use a cliche but there’s a difference between knowing the path and walking it.It all starts with that first step - talking to someone, anonymously or online if you need to to begin with, but eventually someone who can actually be there, in your corner when you stumble. We all need support in this way.Please remember that you’re not alone and this isn’t some flaw or weakness, it’s a habitual pattern you’ve fallen into. So don’t be to hard on yourself - a habit can be broken, especially once you find what whatever it is that’s been missing from your life and relationships. Something that cannot be filled by yourself, nor any behavior or substance that only fleetingly makes you feel ok.