Severe Exhaustion Daily For 2years Ruining My Life Whats Wrong

Overthinking is ruining my life - to the point where I overthink myself out of living. Why do I do this, and what should I do? I do suffer from severe social phobia and depression and have been through severe abuse in my life.

One day I came up with really great article about overthinking and I really want to share it with you.It could change your lifeThere are pointed out 10 points how you can stop Overthinking:Overthinking does not lead to insight. You want an understanding of which decision will be best. For this, you need a level of insight into what each decision will lead to. Thinking this through, however, is futile.You never, ever know what something will be like until you experience it.Your decision will never be final. Over-thinking often comes from the notion that you will make a grand finale decision that will never change and must be correct.Learn the reasons why over-thinking is harmful, and let it motivate you. Stress only occurred if the individual engaged in negative over-thinking about the events.Do physical activities throughout the day. Do you want to know one of the main reasons you over-think? It’s because you have the time to. Consider daily exercise—any physical activity that raises heart rate and improves health.Become the ultimate skeptic. If you think about what causes thinking to be so stressful and tiring, it’s often our personal convictions that our thoughts are actually true.Seek social support, but don’t vent. It is really powerful impact of social support in the reduction of stress.Develop the skill of forgiveness. It’s special because it, single-handedly, can induce the ultimate peace in people.Plan for conscious distraction. When you know the time of day rumination will begin, you can plan to remove that spare time with an activity that engages your full facultiesSolve another person’s problem first, and get perspective. Helping others puts your issues in order by reminding you that we all go through tough times, some much more than you ever will.Remember that a perfect decision is never a bold one, so get started. When your final years are approaching, you will not worry about how well you thought through your decisions, or how thoroughly and accurately you approached life’s forks in the road. You will rest happily knowing you lived true to yourself, acted with confidence, and stood up for what you believed in.Here is full article - 10 Ways to Stop Overthinking and Start LivingI hope this helps! ;)

PMDD literally ruining my life!?

I have been through this and to get through it I had to take a combination of contraceptives and antidepressants. Only one combo worked for me though. My doctor and I tried several before we found the one that worked. I had to stay on the meds. for about 2 years and then wean off, starting with the contraceptive. I was almost to where you are now, I hated getting out of bed, I would quit jobs, take my anger and moods out on my husband, and then two days later wonder why all that had happened. When the PMDD would set in, I would literally feel like a connection in my head broke and I was not the same person. At all other times I was a loving, patient, happy person, with an even temperament that would just let things roll off of me.

After weaning off both meds, I am no longer feeling the same PMDD symptoms as before. I still have some PMS and I keep track of my cycle religiously on my calendar. When I know it is time I immerse myself in a hobby for two days. But I can still function and that's what really matters. When I have been painting and need to get up to make my husband dinner, (which is something I do daily, normally without complaint) I can do it now without shouting that he is being the laziest SOB and should do it himself. Not true a couple years ago, small chores seemed like the world was against me and wanted me to slave away.

My suggestion to you is to track it. Know when it is coming there is a cycle and a pattern and it may take a couple months to find it. Once you know the pattern find something that totally calms you, reading, painting, wood work... Whatever makes you feel completely calm and surround yourself in it during your down days. Get lots of sleep, sleep helps. Being tired or stressed just makes the symptoms worse. Drink lots of water and eat plenty of veggies. Also consider talking to your doctor about a combo of meds. The contraceptives help when it is time for PMDD but the antidepressants keep your mood levels stable throughout the month so there isn't a spike and fall affect. The only combo that worked for me was Yaz and 20 mg of Paxil daily.

Hope things get better soon.

Anxiety ruining my life..?

i know exactly how you feel.
first of all, you might feel hopeless now but you should know that you can feel happy and you will be better. this is not permanent.

there are a few things that i have tried that have worked for me. seeing a psychologist was probably one of the best things as she taught be techniques to deal with my anxiety and helped figure out what was causing it.

one technique she taught me was to allocate a time for my worries. carry a little notebook and every time you have one of those irrational thoughts, or get scared by something write it down and then save it for later. set aside a time every day to go through the list. make it short, only about 10 minutes.
if you need to cry about your fears, do it then. if you need to talk to someone and vent about something that has scared you, do it then.
the idea behind this technique is to teach you to recognise your anxious thoughts, acknowledge them but then move past them rather than dwell on them as someone with anxiety might.

Mindfulness breathing exercises are another good one. They help you relax both your body and your mind and if you have trouble getting to sleep then they are great to do before bed. if you cant do them by yourself there are audio segments online that you can play and follow the instructions.

another important thing is to keep trying and have honest communication with people you trust. if you're scared to go out, do it anyway, but do it with someone who can support you.
cbt (cognative behavioral therapy) is basically where you gradually expose yourself to the things that scare you in a way that you feel safe until eventually the anxious response is "unlearned". it might be simple things like going to the shops or calling people you dont know on the phone. do what you can and each time just go a little further.

there are of course medications that can help. you would need to see your doctor and discuss options. i got mine right on the first prescription, some people go through a little trial and error to find the right one.

good luck.

I've been really dizzy and extremely tired and bruising very easily. What could be wrong?

Hi, I am a dental student so I have in depth medical knowledge.

The question you have asked is not clear cut. The symptoms you have described are very general, so it is not possible to put a diagnosis on your condition.

Dizziness and fatigue are common to many conditions. They can be brought on by a variety of factors. Stress is a huge one and contributes to or at least exacerbates many conditions. Your symptoms could even be side effects of medications which you may be taking or allergies or vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Blood tests could confirm this.

Bruising narrows it down to a handful of possibilities. The most common (and likely) would be anaemia, or low blood iron levels. Iron in the blood assists oxygen in binding to haemoglobin to be transported around the body. Low iron hence means low oxygen. Paleness, fatigue and bruising are common. Treatment for anaemia consists of iron tablets and folate (present in green leafy veggies, or as a supplement), which is necessary for iron metabolism. Citric acid (such as that in orange juice) taken with iron will assist in its absorption.

Another possibility is vitamin deficiency. Vitamin K is responsible for blood clotting, and a deficiency is responsible for easy bruising. It is hard to make a diagnosis without blood tests, so for this reason I think a broad multivitamin taken once a day for several weeks may assist.

There are other, less likely possibilities to consider, such as allergies, which can develop at any time in life. Some more sinister causes such as diabetes, bone marrow disorders or even genetic diseases can account for the symptoms here, although unlikely.

What I have to stress here is that a diagnosis cannot be made in isolation. Other medical factors need to be considered (such as medications, lifestyle etc). A basic examination and possibly tests need to be done. It is best for you to see your doctor when you can if you feel the symptoms are getting worse.

In the meantime, try to reduce the amount of stress you are under - get plenty of rest. Take multivitamins for several weeks. Make sure you are eating properly. This is really important! 5 serves of veggies, 2 serves of fruit, 3 serves of dairy, a serve of protein and 5 serves of carbs - EVERY DAY, divided up in to 3 meals and 2-3 snacks. Make sure you eat breakfast. Make sure you are getting enough sleep too.

Good luck and hope I helped.

Depo Provera injection + lower back pain?

My back was absolutely fine until about 2weeks after I had this injection. My lower back just feels constantly tired and achey. Does anyone else have or ever had the same?