Severe Scapula Area Pain Without Trauma. What Can Be The Cause

Pain and numbness in both shoulder blades/scapular area??

If you didn't sustain an injury and it's on both sides, chances are that it's postural. Shame the doctors didn't give you some exercises or a referral to a physical therapist. I've had chronic pain with in my neck and scapula--the exercises and stretches my physical therapist taught me (included in the website below) helped immensely.

"People commonly experience pain in areas around the shoulder blade, e.g., the upper and middle trapezius and rhomboid muscles. For college students, this pain is often a result of prolonged studying and computer usage. Students often study in poor, slouched postures with arms outstretched in front. Over time the shoulder and scapular muscles used to maintain these poor positions get overworked and become painful. Suggestions to address this type of pain are included in postural suggestions later in this handout.

Sometimes neck problems will “referred” pain into the shoulder and shoulder blade areas. In other cases nerves originating in the neck may become irritated, resulting in tingling, numbness, or pain that may be felt in the shoulder or shoulder blade."

Pain in scapula and collar bone caused by bra?

I bought my first under wire bra 2 years ago and for two years I have had abdominal pain. Points of pain are one under the left breast, one on the left collar bone, one on the left scapula, and the last at the left kidney. Is it related to the type of bra or is something else? (my stomach also becomes hard to the touch and I regurgitate like a new born baby)

Can a damaged nerve in your shoulder blade cause pulsating pain down your arm?

Sure, if it's a nerve that's the problem then yes, it can cause pain down the arm. The funny thing about nerves is that they are not attached to just one appendage. They are attached to at least three. The one in your shoulder blade(s) is attached to the arm as well. Take two I.B. Profen. Also, try laying back against a pillow. This will help. If you have any muscle relaxers such as Skelaxin or Flexeril, they will help too.

What causes pain in my neck, shoulder blade and arm on left side?

Radiculopathy, results from nerve root impingement and/or inflammation that has progressed enough to cause neurologic symptoms in the areas that are supplied by the affected nerve root(s). The peripheral nervous system begins at the nerve roots. Each segment of the spinal cord gives rise to a ventral or anterior motor and a dorsal or posterior sensory nerve root. The spinal nerve roots can be damaged as they traverse the spinal (vertebral) canal, but are especially vulnerable in the intervertebral foramina, where the ventral and dorsal spinal roots join to form the spinal nerves.The brain and spinal cord receive and send information through muscles and sensory receptors, and the information sent to organs is transmitted through nerves and these nerves also can become compressed or entrapped.Cervical radiculopathy most often arises from degenerative changes that occur in the spine as we age or from an injury that causes a herniated, or bulging, intervertebral disk. The seventh (C7; 60%) and sixth (C6; 25%) cervical nerve roots are the most vulnerable.Degenerative changes -As the disks in the spine age, they lose height and begin to bulge. They also lose water content, begin to dry out, and become stiffer.Disk herniation- A disk herniates when its jelly-like center (nucleus) pushes against its outer ring (annulus). When the damage is severe, nucleus may squeeze puts pressure on the sensitive nerve root, causing pain and weakness in the area the nerve supplies. Disc herniation accounts for 20-25% of the cases of cervical radiculopathy.Risk factors- heavy manual labor requiring the lifting of more than 25 pounds (>11 Kg), pulling, bending, or twisting movements, smoking, and driving or operating vibrating equipment.In young - disc herniation or an acute injury causing foramina impingement of an existing nerve are the most common causes.In elderly - foramina narrowing from osteophyte formation, decreased disc height, degenerative changes of the uncovertebral joints anteriorly and of the facet joints posteriorly are the most common causes.Rare causes are,Tumors of the spine,An expanding cervical synovial cyst,Synovial chondromatosis in the cervical facet joint,Giant cell arteritis of the cervical radicular vessels,Spinal infections.This is a research done by us. Classification of neck/shoulder pain in epidemiological research: a comparison of personal and occupational characteristics, disability and prognosis among 12,195 workers from 18 countries�

Can acid reflux cause pain in between shoulder blades in the back?

If acid reflux is severe, can it cause pain in the area of the back between the shoulder blades? Pain that radiates to the shoulders, chest and even causes acid to come up in the throat??