Sharp Pain In My Ab While Running

Stabbing pain in stomach while running?

Lay off for a few more days, if you really have a lot of energy to burn, so some excercises that don't involve the abs like bicep curls. After laying off for a few days do some jogging accompanied with some crunches. Then the abs will begin to strengthen more, the injury is probably because of an imbalance (the abs are important fo' running!) in your abs and your legs. Don't eat too much before your runs. After about two weeks you will probably be able to run. Don't give up, I'm sure you'll be back in full swing or better by a month.

Pain below left rib cage while running?

So recently I decided I'd start running instead of only lifting weights, and in the beginning it was all good, but the past few days I've felt a sharp pain right below my left rib cage after 5 minutes of running and I have to rest. This pain does not occur if I sprint, but then I get tired awfully fast. It's worrying me because I'm going in the army this fall and I want to be in the best possible shape for it and I feel like this is going to mess that up pretty bad.It kinda feels like there's a muscle that is getting crushed between my ribs and abs. So I'm wondering what the eff this is?

Stabbing pain in chest while running? 10 points next hour!?

Generally speaking, stabbing pains are not associated with heart issues. If your heart is in trouble, you would most likely be experiencing a sensation like an ache, a pressure, squeezing, etc. Where is the pain located? Is it on the left side of your chest (anatomically the side your heart is on) or the right side, beneath the margin of your ribs or below that? To the side or dead centre? These are important questions to figure out what's causing the pain. Does it come on deep inhalation or exhalation, or with movement, does it get worse when you strike the ground with your heel?

You're sure it's not a stitch? There are dozens of causes of chest pain, so all the information you can provide would be great.


I've had similar pains, but I'm a dude. I honestly came to think it was just an area of my lung that hadn't been getting used in a long time opening up again. You're increasing the air pressure in your lungs when you exercise, possibly forcing open tiny little airways that haven't had to work in a while. If the problem doesn't go away or gets worse after a few weeks of training, talk to a doctor. Also, are you wheezing when you exercise? Are you coughing, and if so, are you coughing up anything? You're lungs really shouldn't be making any noise.

38 weeks pregnant w/ sharp pains in lower abdomen...?

during your pregnancy did you ever experience sharp stabbing pains in your lower abdomen. this is my first pregnancy and so all of this is new to me. ive have these pains maybe once or twice a day for the past 2 weeks but they are getting increasingly intense. its hard to explain exactly what they feel like but i feel like its maybe on my cervix but i also feel in my butt!?! its like the whole lower part of my abdomen. its not gas pains. but today it was such a stabbing pain that i had to stop what i was doing and hold my breath. it seems to occur when i stand up after laying down or when my baby moves. i dont want to call and bug my doc if its something that is normal. my last doc appt i was 2cm/50% effaced. any ideas? is it just my cervix getting ready? sorry so long!

Weird pain in abdomen with every step... just after i went running?

Hi.First, it is still a big mystery to many physiologists and doctors as to what is the real cause of stomach cramps. The experts have theorized that the common side cramp is caused by the exertion that running and bouncing forces inside the abdominal walls. Basically, your stomach and other organs - like the spleen and liver - bump into each other as your feet jar the ground causing connective tissue to stretch on the nerves and cause pain. This connective tissue is also attached to your diaphragm which helps with breathing. This pain is usually on the right side and just under the ribs.

Ways to Prevent or Lessen the Pain of the Common Side Stitch:

1) Do not Run on a Full Stomach

You shouldn't drink large amounts of water or eat 2-4 hours before exercise. Sip small amounts (1-2 swallows) before and during exercise and wait to fully re-hydrate until after the workout. Dehydration can cause cramping as well, so do not ignore water/Gatorade during running. Always sip a few swallows at regular intervals if running for more than 30 minutes and in hot temperatures.

2) Decrease Pace and Breath Deeply

Decrease fast pace for a few minutes and continue deep breathing techniques during running. A common running sequence is a three step inhale and two step exhale pattern. Slowing down your pace will allow for you to keep up with that pattern. As you increase to near maximum speed, your breathing will become more labored. However, you can push through the pain and keep your pace if you concentrate on breathing deep by pushing your stomach out when you inhale and relaxing it as you exhale.

3) Pre-Stretch With Side Torso Twists

Pre-stretch before running by doing side torso twists. One of the best ways to pre-stretch the area is to lift your arms over your head and lean to the left and right at the waist.

4) Perform Lower Back and Abdominal Exercises

Do more lower back and abdominal exercises

After rope skipping, my abdomen is paining a lot, what is the reason?

Jumping rope is good form of exercising only if it suits your body & you don’t overdo it .Initially it takes 5 to 6 days for your body to get used to the jumping rope routine so if you are some who is a beginner then you should observe the severity of your pain .If after a week the pain stays then you should consult a good doctor if this exercise suits you or there is any other reason.P.S when i was a beginner i used to have abnormal menstrual cycles due to heavy count like i used to do it till 1000 counts on skipping rope.

Pain in lower right side of abdomen during push ups?

You had scans done but tight muscles don't show up on them so the dr. can't diagnose them for you. You have tight muscles in your back that when you do your push ups they get an extra amount of pressure on them to cause them to go into pain. The way your body is being held for the push ups is why this can happen, the pressures end up in the right places that can't be had in when you are standing upright. To get rid of your pain and to keep it from happening again you have to free up your back muscles and here's how to do that:
(do from a sitting position)
Place your left hand on your left leg next to your body. Place your right hand over your left shoulder, fingers over the back and the palm in the front and firmly pull down on them and hold. After 30 seconds slowly lower your body forward and to the outside of your left leg, keeping your left arm fairly straight as you do. When you reach your lap remain there for another 10 seconds, release the pressure but rest there for another 30 seconds. Then reverse your hand positions and do your right side.
For best results relax your body first by taking a deep breath and exhaling then remain this relaxed.