She Smiled The Widest Smile How To Get

If a girl smiles at you, does it mean she is interested?

I'm an 18 year old boy who hasn't got a girlfriend. I am shy but I will go and talk to a girl who I find attractive if I think I may have a chance and I can pull away from her friends a bit.

Anyway, if I smile at a girl and she smiles back, does that mean she is interested or do girls do that to be polite? When I do smile at a girl I don't know, I usually get a different type of smile which I don't know how to describe.

Smiled wide vs. smiled widely.?

you are modifying a verb so you need the adverb form: widely.

She smiled widely.

Does it mean anything if when i smile she smiles back?

so i was at this bar talking to this bartender who is the most beautiful girl i have ever talked to. Italian, perfect skin, looks unbelievable in daisy duke shorts, anyway. i talked to her for a while and she caught me checking her out and i just smiled and she smiled back and looked away. i suck when it comes to reading girls minds. can anyone tell me whats up?

What are some good ways to describe a smile?

Romantic. Promising. Charming.

Why does he smile at me one day and then seems shy the next?

I suppose he didn’t want to appear too eager for his interest in you or scare you off with that smile of his in which you froze in shock and didn’t smile back at him. He wanted to let you know that he is a friendly person but also wants to get to know you without coming off as too eager. When people look too eager to know someone, especially if they like that person, that person has a greater chance of dubbing them as creepy rather than inviting, therefore, the guy who likes you toned down his invitation a bit to seem less eager and less creepy.And, to answer your second question, he still likes you, but he figured that he went a little too far on giving you the widest smile that day. Therefore, he toned it down a bit and instead looked at you to signal “Hey” in a non verbal manner. In which, for now, he wants you to initiate the talk…or at least, if you are interested, return the smile back whether or not he is smiling at you.Don’t worry, he likes you. But all you need to do is to give him the cue if you are interested in him.

I can't smile. Even when I'm happy, I can't smile.?

First of all, I'm a happy person. Or rather, a content person. I'm an optimist, and my confidence is right where it should be. Still, my smiles are rare. I sometimes smile around my brother, since I'm closer to him than anyone else. I can't smile when I want to, and even when I'm truly happy I end up with more of a smirk than a smile.

My best friend once told me that I'm unapproachable because I don't smile. I guess I look unfriendly. Even my mom says I always look displeased. (She told me this while I was complimenting her supper, so I wasn't displeased). I'm fine with being unapproachable, I don't want people to talk to me. I wish they'd all shut up. But it seems like I should smile. Just because.

I can smile when needed, though. Easily, actually. My smiles reek of innocence and have gotten me out of trouble, and kept me from having to apologize. I smile and apologize when I walk into a stranger, and often get a smile back.

That's it. I smile to keep me out of trouble, I smile to avoid apologizing. I don't smile because I'm happy, I don't smile to make friends. I don't smile just to warm people's hearts. But I feel like I should.

So how do I learn how to smile? Please don't say just practice in a mirror. Any other suggestion is greatly appreciated.

What does it mean when a girl smiles at you every time she sees you?

First of all you must get to KNOW her and that means doing some investigation without her noticing. Its typical that we MEN sometimes do not get to KNOW a woman better before asking her out on a date. During a conversation(she does MOST of talking) sexually convince her she's our princess(or queen) and have sex with her. Now since woman rely to TOO MUCH on feelings and imagination and don't like to be lonely we MEN must understand the "body language" of a woman.When a woman smiles at a man she is giving him the signal "I like you like you why don't you just TALK to me get to know me?" I had that happened to me countless of times and will strike a conversation that will give me info about her.I allowed her to do most of talking without interrupting but with "Hmmmm" "Yeah" "Ummmm" or just nodded my head(Women LOVE to be heard and HATE being ignored!)And from there we become friends and later romantic lovers. I only did this as an experiment because friends will dare me to talk to a pretty woman. So I did and got rewarded for my venture.I have a wife :)

What does it mean if a girl looks at you and smiles?

First you have to ask yourself a couple of questions.1. Was she working?I’m working as a server and I get a lot of customers that think I’m “hitting” on them, sorry but I’m just doing my job and I really enjoy conversing with people.2. Did she smile and look away and then back again?If she looked you in the eye and smiled and then looked away, it’s probably because she saw you see her at the same time and got nervous. As a result, she’ll look back and see if you are still seeing her which means you somehow are still interested in her and you didn’t make it awkward. CONGRATS! lol3. Did she simply do this because it’s common courtesy?Often girls don’t want to be perceived as having a “resting bitch face” so they often walk around and have a smile. Lets be honest it’s really creepy or comes off as rude when you see a girl who looks mad.So HOW do you know what it actually MEANS!!Well, from a girls perspective, I can give you a piece of advice.. Although this may seem intimidating or nerve-racking… go up to HER! You: “WHAT?! No way!!!” Me: Yes, just go up to her tell her she has a nice smile. That’s it. She will automatically say thank you because as a girl we enjoy compliments and we also like people telling us what they like about us. If she is interested she will continue on the conversation and introduce herself. CONGRATS!…again and your welcome .-Daisy D.