Should House Republicans Propose To Reduce The Minimum Wage To $5 An Hour

What are some reasons minimum wage should not be raised?

I am doing an argumentative essay and I am stuck, I need to know what are some reasons minimum wage SHOULD NOT be raised, I have reasons for why it SHOULD be raised I just need help with reasons why it SHOULD NOT be raised... ** serious answers only*** Thank in advance!!!!!

How can we raise the minimum wage to solve poverty or get individuals out of welfare?

There are many things we can do to raise the minimum wages without impacting business and harming the job growth.Create the just and balance business policy. Today people who own company does not work and people who work do not own the company which is just injustice- just creating modern Financial Slavery. Create environment where workers have representation and bargaining power for their labor work for the company they work. There should be gradual some sort of ownership for the company where workers are working. Furthermore, all investor which contribute capital in any business which grow must put some-sort of labor labor hours to make it meaningful and to understand the pain of work. CEOs should not be paid 5 years of salary in 1 hour than it normal workers pay no matter how productive he/she is, still they are Humans.Hereand he even failed to raise minimum wage to US 15/hr for its workers.Implement Universal Basic Income - which create alternative to labor to bargain and drive wages further down and limit automation or tax them.18 Reasons to Support Basic Income – Basic income – MediumBill Gates says robots that steal human jobs should pay taxes - RecodeAsk big corporation Like Walmart, McDonald, KFC, Amazon etc to train their employee for better paying jobs or raise their salaries after training. If companies failed to do that simply close them and open new ones which can afford to pay living wages to its employees.Train Homeless people for new better jobsAsk banks to give small loans to open small business, train people for small business and make rules regulation simple to open one.Break the large organization which creates monopoly and restrict small business from thriving.And many more….

What would happen if the United States no longer had a minimum wage?

I'll answer with two hypothetical scenarios.The minimum wage never existed- supply and demand would determine price level for entry level workers, which currently sits somewhere around $8.25. Average entry level wage would likely be higher because these workers would determine their willingness to work for a certain wage based upon their needs and others wages for similar jobs, not upon a politicians idea of a good minimum wage. That's right, minimum wage LOWERS the average minimum wage. It enables crappy sub-par workers to get a decently paying job at the exoense of those non-skilled workers willing to work hard at an entry level job. It puts bias in the heads of both employers and job seekers that non-skilled workers are worth 7.25 an hour. Did this not exist, there would be some workers below 7.25 per hour (those who do sub-par work and are lazy), with the majority at or around the equilibrium price of 8.25.The minimum wage is suddenly abolished- minimum wage paying companies drop their wages in an attempt to cut employee costs. Many teens and other non-skilled workers continue working for a few dollars per hour for a short time until they realize the bullshit that just happened. Strikes, mass quitting, and riots ensue, forcing companies to raise pay to whatever the new equilibrium level would be in order to continue operating. After a few years of consternation, failed social programs that attempt to bring non-skilled workers back to food service jobs and the like, and an excessively high unemployment rate, average minimum wage is once again higher than before as wages rise to the equilibrium level as happens in a minimally regulated free market.

What solutions would you propose to solve the problem of illegal immigration?

1) Arrest Zero & all members of congress that are there & have been there since 2006 for treason.

2) That would make Sarah P president, and she would put in a government as per the Constitution - not ignore, violate & trample on it as now.

3) In the mean time, every sheriff already has the authority to Arrest all illegals, and we can have the Military put them in the 're-education' camps that are ALREADY here, built by this treasonous government, for US, American citizens that disagree with our betters !

4) Use said illegals to build 3 fences along the southern border - 2 outside fences about 30' high with triboelectric effect detection, and the center fence about 20' high, that is electrified - with signs & drawings in American & Spanish so indicating.