Should I Believe Her She Lies A Lot.

My mom lies to me a lot!?

Sometimes she lies about little things like today, she said we were going to the movies, but we aren't.
And sometimes she lies about big things, because she kept telling me she ordered me a Juke, and it should be here tommorrow, and I told ALL my friends I'm getting a new phone (I haven't had one in like a month) And I've been running in and out of the house for 3 days now waiting on my phone to arrive. My grandma just told me that I'm not getting a phone and my mom is continuing to lie to me!
And then she lies to me about trips. She said over the summer we were going to Australia and Washington DC. I was SO excited for months about the Australia thing, and we even got brochures and stuff like that. But then I find out she not only lied, but we were never going in the first place! I cried for days. I cannot stand it! And she has all these anger problems and blames everything on me or my grandma, and will never take the blame for anything. I wish my dad could have custody of me, but unfortunately he died in 2006. What do I do?

Sorry if it is long. Thanks.


One of my friends lies a lot?

confront the situation and just be honest with will hurt you and maybe your friendship, well friends don't lie to friends she isn't a friend anyway.if she don't like it than i am sure that you can meet honest people that would be more than happy to be your friend.a liar will always be a liar she cant stop she what you call a compulsive liar,you know when they lie so much they start to believe their own lies,you don't need people like that in your day she can lie to someone and put you right there in the middle and you will get hurt because of her own little lies,you don't need her.

What do you call someone who believes their own lies?

A damn good liar believes his own lies.Liars don’t lie with the intention to lie. It’s more of a challenge: how can I get out of this situation? What are the possibilities? I used to have a problem with lying all the time when I was a kid. It was like a game. I was very good at it because the lies were more similar to elaborate, story-like possibilities. They have to be realistic, of course. When I would lie, neither the truth nor the lie meant anything to me. It made no difference if I lied because I felt no sense of attachment to what came out of my mouth.As an adult, it’s the same. The lie has to be believable. The person reasons through it, and the lie that seems very plausible is the new reality, especially after a lot of time goes by. You simply choose to forget the truth, although the choice could be subconscious.I detest liars now that I am nearly 30. I detest them because I know what it is like to be one. When you choose to be a liar, you choose to believe that you are more important than everyone else. It doesn’t matter if others are hearing the truth because it’s more important that the liar feel safe from judgment of any sort. The liar must detach the lie from any sort of emotional bias and it must sound reasonable.Usually: a person with narcissistic tendencies.

What can we do if a child lies a lot?

Excessive Lying is a behavorial disaorder due to fear of punishment ,to avoid confrontation or sometimes to create a false image of oneself among the peer group. In most cases the child lies in order to avoid physical punishment by parents at home or teachers at school.Also some parents tend compare their children especially if one of them is superior in academics and this creates an inferiority complex in the other child. In order to gain acceptance by the parent the child resorts to lying.In some cases the child may be in a wrong peer group where he or she is trying to keep up with the joneses .So they resort to lying in order to create a different image of themselves acceptable to peers. Sometimes the child may have difficulty in understanding a particular subject and hence unable to complete the work so resorts to lying.The only way to approach this problem is by talking to the child understanding his or her problem and patiently dealing with it. If you are unable to deal with it do seek professional help. Do not berate the child or shame him in front of siblings or peers .Praise every little effort made by the child.Above all never call him names like saying you are a liar. Always reassure the child take him into confidence and say that you are his best friend.A good understanding of the child's problem and a patient and mature approach will definitely solve the problem.

How should I handle a friend that lies a lot about money? It is very annoying.

She has a warped view of the world. She thinks she can lie and people will still believe her. She needs you to explicitly tell her she's wrong.Say, “you think you're fooling everyone, but you should know people talk. People are smart. People can figure out your lies. You need to start telling the truth before no one trusts you anymore.”I would not worry too much about hurting her feelings. If she disagrees with you and continues to lie, you do not want to be her friend anyway.

What can you do if your girlfriend lies to you a lot?

Well, it depends on how much. So I’ll assume a lot is A LOT. As long as you know for sure that she is lying a lot and that the topics of concern are very serious, I would suggest breaking up.Mine likes to throw excuses a lot (sometimes false excuses) for not going to the gym. Considering the caliber of seriousness…I just stopped asking her to come to the gym with me, because I already knew her answer. Hopefully she will eventually notice how I am affected, and will change her ways for me.Regardless the case, lying is generally bad. She is your girlfriend, so she should be comfortable saying nearly anything to you. Get her comfortable to talking with you, and you both will be fine.Good luck!

My boyfriend complimented another girl. He also lies a lot. Should we be together?

Within only 20 days of our relationship, he was in his math class one day. This girl, who already had a boyfriend let another guy play with her breasts. I guess they must have moved to the back of the room, and she must have pulled her shirt down a bit. My boyfriend said, "You have nice ones." The way I found out about that was because that girl posted a bulletin on myspace, and I was so shocked when I first read it. That same day afterschool, he and I had our first kiss. The next day, he ignored me until the end of the day. Then he finally told me what he said and it was, "I only said it because she was showing cleavage." He said he was sorry, and that he doesn't care for her because she went through 3-4 bf's in 1 month and he said he doesn't believe half the stuff she says. He said she's a nice person, but I'm the only girl he can "talk" to. Weird thing is, I'm also the only girl blocked on his AIM for no reason, only to avoid conversation. How do I confront him about all his lies?

My girlfriend lies a lot to me even though I've sat down and spoken to her about it. She doesn't deny the lies but she has an attitude. What do I do?

My ex wife was like this, actually worse.  Lies are the way she controls you.  Lies are something she feels everyone does, so it isn't really wrong.  She lies to herself.  As long as you accept the lies, you can be with her.  If you don't, she will make you pay for it.  She will hurt you, make you suffer.Assuming that you feel you have some reason to stay with her despite knowing what she does, you must be lying to yourself in someway.  Lying to yourself is far worse than her lying to you.Leave, immediately.  She will try to lash out at you.  She will say horrible things about you.  She will try to punish you.  You are going to suffer from this.  People will shun you because they believe her lies.  But, eventually, it will go away.  People will figure things out, or you can put them behind you too.  She will find someone else to control and abuse.  You will be free.  Then your head will clear and you will wonder why you stayed with her as long as you did.