Should I Drink Alcohol To Meet People

Honest question; Why do people drink alcohol?

Because I like it. I try to have wine with at least one meal a day, and nearly always end my day with a nightcap. i enjoy the flavor of wines, and consider it a food. In the evening, I savor a good scotch whiskey as the perfect ending of a day.

During the last 50+ years of my association with alcohol, I have felt foolish only once. I accepted it as a lesson (35 years ago) and have not had an incident since.

I can well afford the costs of my indulgence, and never drive when I have imbibed. I would submit that alcohol is not the problem. Lack of self-control is.

Where can a recovering alcoholic go to meet people?

I went to AA for the first 12 yrs of my sobriety. I was 23 and single when I had my last drink. I take no notice of the relationship rules that members try to impose on other members, but personally I did very well to stay away from relationships within AA. I enjoyed joining the human race and not becoming insular with a life that revolved around AA. Years later I did marry a member, but was never looking in AA for a relationship and that served me well.

I met females in the same places that non-drinkers met females. On a train, friend of a friend, on a college course, on a holiday, in a shop.

Good luck

Is it harder to get laid if you don't drink alcohol?

I don't go to bars/clubs so I'm stuck with approaching women in grocery stores and libraries. Problem is, women aren't really in "the mood" when in these places. I have good conversation skills, but the girls are just uptight and/or awkward.

Why do I drink alcohol whenever I have to meet with someone, is this normal or healthy?

It’s not usual, and probably not healthy. Do you drink because you are nervous about meeting someone new, or insecure about what he or she will think of you? If you have alcohol on your breath, it’s not likely to improve your image.Perhaps you could work on improving your self confidence. We each have valuable skills and contributions, and hopefully much to offer to a relationship. The more often you meet new people, the more confident you will become. Try to avoid the crutch of alcohol. If you are a man, you should have no more than two drinks a day, and a woman should have no more than one. More than that would be unhealthy.

How can I make friends if I don't drink alcohol? In my free time I have nobody to hang out with because all everybody wants to do for fun is drink.

“How can I make friends if I don't drink alcohol? In my free time I have nobody to hang out with because all everybody wants to do for fun is drink.You like track and field sot hat is a good place to start. I live in a tri-city area with a population of about 750K. So there are running clubs where you can meet people and go for runs. Some also like to sign up for 5Ks or 10Ks or marathons. Maybe you can do this with people you meet at running clubs as well. Go out, carbo-load (or whatever runners do before races) and enjoy that way.I highly recommend to anyone looking for new friends to explore hobbies like this. Go to your local community college and take a fluffy class on graphic design, painting or learning a new language. You’ll meet people you know have the same interests so that is a good place to may also be a good place to join a group or organize one yourself.

What are some ways to meet people that don't involve drinking?

Join a running, cycling or rowing club.Go to yoga.Take a weekend meditation course.Take a class.Take dance lessons.Go to the gym.Do volunteer work.If you have a puppy, go to dog training.Join an astronomy club, book club.If you’re a musician, find people to play with.Become a museum docent in your spare time.Go to art gallery openings (you don’t have to drink there although others might)Join a beekeeping clubPlant a community garden.Join a group like Toastmasters International.Find a spiritual practice that involves some kind of community. An ashram, synagogue, church or a mosque or example… or yoga.Just smile at people and introduce yourself.Join a fan club.Audition for a play.This last one is where I’ve met A LOT of people. Even if you’re NOT an addict, I firmly believe the 12 Steps could change anyone’s life - go to an Al-anon meeting and see if you can connect there.

How do you have fun at parties if you don’t drink alcohol?

Thank you for asking me to answer this question.This answer is based on my own personal experiences.When I was newly sober, I was going to AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) meetings and was literally scared to death that any social interaction with people who weren’t in AA (normies is what they were called…basically, everyone else who isn’t in AA) would cause me to end up drunk. I’d go grocery shopping and whenever we got close to the liquor and beer aisle, I would freak out. I stopped hanging out with my normal friends. I was sucked into the cult of AA and literally only associated with folks who were in AA. Sure, we had fun, but it was almost like being a Jehovas Witness in terms of what you do socially.Since I divorced myself from AA (and have maintained sobriety) I have gotten back into the world of doing normal stuff with normal people. Hanging out with friends I haven’t seen in a while. Going over to the neighbor’s house for an impromptu barbecue (out west, that means hamburgers cooked on a grill).I’ve been around folks who were drinking and I actually enjoy observing folks who drink. Seeing how they go from being totally sober to about five drinks in and their eyes glazed over. I’m at a point in my life where when other folks drink, it doesn’t bother me. I don’t even notice it unless they’re stupid drunk. Even if my wife has one, it’s not a problem. I don’t stress about it and I don’t crave it. Sure, I have plenty of knowledge about alcoholic beverages, of which I’ve shared on Quora, and depending on the conversation at the party, will divulge, but it also doesn’t “trigger” me to drink.The think about being an alcoholic is, if I have alcohol in my system, I’m screwed. Were I to have drank the night before a party, I suppose I would have a hard time resisting the question, “What would you like to drink?” But I no longer need that and can engage in everything from Independence Day celebrations, birthday parties and holidays with family.

I'm 24, and don't drink (former alcoholic/addict). Where can I socialize and meet people my age?

There’s this place that I met my fiancé. You don’t have to dress up. It’s a byob (bring your own bottle) kind of situation but you can fill it with water till your heart’s content. Eye contact goes a long way.Initially I’d say just go to get a feel for it. Introduce yourself to anyone that nods and smiles or offers encouragement. That’s how we met.We were actually on the same team and I didn’t realize it because he went in the morning and I went at night but one day our schedules aligned.He was sweaty, I was sweaty. We were separated by a fence. But he hollered through to the other side. He asked if I had eaten dinner yet. He started coming the same time I did more and more often. And every time he would ask, “Have you eaten yet?” And one time I decided to see what would happen if I said no. So we went on a date and a year later have been sweating together on the same side of the fence.The first time I saw him I noticed his killer smile as he strolled to the cage. It was the first time he came to the same jiu-jitsu practice. We rotated partners and had to roll with one another. I had never been so tense before but as he encourage me I finished him and that night I couldn’t stop thinking about him. He later admitted he also had a hard time sleeping.Try joining a gym, taking classes, or volunteering for a cause you are passionate about.