Should I Go To The Er Or Wait It Out

I think I have a tampon stuck. Should I go to the ER or should I wait until tomorrow morning.... help.?

I stared my period yesterday. So I'm kinda heavy. Today I was at the mall and forgot to take one of my own. I bought the OB tampon brand (the tiny ones that have no string and sell at the restrooms for 75 cents) I don't know if its stuck or it fell when I went to the restroom. I stuck my fingers, but don't fell anything. Can it get stuck on to my cervix?? Im embarerased to go to the emergency room on a Sun night at 8:20 pm. What happens if I wait until tomorrow. I don't want to get Toxic Syndrome..Help .. I'm scared

Go to the emergency room, or wait to get into the doctors?

nothing u can do for a perforated ear drum except time and dont get water in it

Should I go to the emergency room or try to wait to make an appt with a ear, nose, throat specialist for this?

Go to the ER. Anything that's messing with your facial drainage, especially when it interferes with your breathing, isn't a good thing to sleep on. The staff of the ER are better equipped to make the call as to whether a specialist needs to see you right away or whether it can wait, but even if it must wait, they might be able to do something to make you more comfortable and help with your breathing and sinuses in the meantime. (Also, you're usually able to get in to see a specialist much faster if you have a referral from another doc, so even if you don't see an ENT at the ER itself, you'll likely get a referral which will make it easier to get in to see one in the near future.)

Emergency room or wait it out?

i have very very itchy skin accompanied with red bumps. i went to my family dr. but she said she was not sure what was going on. she referred me instead to a dermatologist. when i called to make an appointment to the dermatologist, they said their next available date was in about 3 weeks. i don't think i can wait that long given the circumstances.

should i just go to the emergency room (and will they be able to diagnose me there, or get a dermatologist rite away)? or will the ER doctors do exactly what my dr. did and refer me to a dermatologist? if so, i dont want to waste the time and money.

Tonsils swollen, in pain. Should I go to the ER or wait it out?

I woke up two days ago in excrutiating pain. My left tonsil is swollen so large it is pushing against my uvula It is so big that sometimes when trying to swallow liquids, they are pushed up into my nose. The tonsil is a little red, but not too much different than its normal color. Multiple lymph nodes on the left side of my neck are swollen as well. Every time I get a cold or sore throat, my lymph nodes swell and are visible beneath the skin, so this isn't uncommon. But this time they are visibly bulging. This has happened once before when I was younger. I was rushed to the ER and they had to take a scalpel and slice my tonsils to drain them, but they didnt take them. I am so afraid of that happening again! I'm a 24 year old Mother of two, working, no insurance so no Dr. for me. I'm not sure what to do but I cant eat, drink, or swallow. The pain is dull and throbbing, but becomes sharp when I swallow. Please help? Any suggestions would be great!

Can I go to the ER for severe tooth pain?

Yes you can, and many do…but you would be much better off going to see a dentist. I currently work in an emergency department, and we see many people for dental pain. Many of these are known drug seekers, They often do have very bad teeth, but go to the ER for pain meds and never go to a dentist to have the cause of their pain addressed. Many ER doctors look up the patients on a state narcotics registry that shows how many controlled substance prescriptions they have had filled. Frequently, we see many patients with hundreds of prescriptions for narcotic pain medications over a few months. Naturally, the doctors give these people non-narcotic pain medications, and instructions to follow up with a dentist as soon as possible.If you legitimately have severe dental pain, that you know is due to a dental issue, and can’t wait til the dentist opens, try googling “24 hour dentist emergency”, there may be one near you that can get you in any time of day or night. If none are available, then yes, an ER will see you, and you may be given pain medications as well as antibiotics as needed. The pain meds you receive may be the same as you can get over the counter, however.Another thing to consider is that ERs don’t see you in the order you arrive, but by priority of the illness or injury you are there to be seen for. If you go to the ER with dental pain, chances are you will wait several hours before being seen, as more “serious” patients are seen first. Being loud, rude and obnoxious will not speed up the process either. I think I would rather take over the counter pain meds and wait at home for the dentist to open, than spend my time in a crowded waiting room with a bunch of sick (potentially contagious) people who will probably be seen long before I would.BTW, for pain due to a cavity, chipped or broken tooth, oil of clove is available without a prescription at most pharmacies and even many grocery stores. A little bit applied directly on the painful tooth (use a Q-Tip) is all it takes.

Should I go to the emergency room, or just wait it out?

Hi, I'm a 21 year old female, and since yesterday afternoon I have had bladder infection symptoms...and I'm sure that's what it is, because I've had a few before. I got some uristat and drank plenty of water and cranberry juice and my symptoms completely subsided for the evening. When I woke this morning though, the pain was back with a vengeance. No medicine is helping the pain, and its driving me nuts! I live in Orange County, California and the only urgent care facilities I know of are affiliated with St. Jude, and I can't go to them because they have a problem with my insurance currently. Should I go to an emergency room, or should I just try to wait this out until I can see a doctor Monday? I feel silly going to the ER for a UTI, but it hurts really bad! What do you think I should do? Is there any other remedies that could help the pain? Do you know of any urgent care places in OC, CA that aren't St. Jude? Thanks for any and all advice.