Should I Go To This Hike

Should I go on a hike after getting a tattoo?

Is it ok if I go on a hike about a week after I finished a tattoo? I mean, I have read a ton of articles about taking care of a tattoo, healing time, ointments, washing, clothing, but the deal is that it's a pretty big tat (starts on the right shoulder and it ends on the left side of the chest).
My fear is that due to the positioning of the tattoo, and the fact that I'd have to wear a backpack, and it's gonna be a pretty long and tiring hike (about 7 or 8 hours), the areas around the shoulder that will come in tight contact with the backpack straps will suffer some serious damage.
what would you do? also, sorry for my crappy english, my only excuse is that it's not my native language.

Can pugs go on 1 hour hikes?

My pug puppy is very hyper. I take him on daily 20 minute walks but he still does zoomies.. He's six months old. Is it okay if I take him on 1 hour hike? I know that pugs can get overheated but I always carry water with me, and we do take little breaks

Do i have to wear makeup to go hiking?

I'm 17 and I have really bad self esteem and horrible social anxiety, like i literally wear makeup just to go to the store. My friend called me up today and said we should go hiking tomorrow and i'm actually considering doing my makeup to go hiking (i always do dramatic winged eyeliner) and i don't know if i should just not do it? My friend hasn't seen me without makeup since freshman year and my skin looks really bad right now because it's summer and i've been eating lost of junk. should i just not do any makeup at all and give myself really bad anxiety and possibly a panic attack or should i be ridiculous and go ahead and do my makeup?

My girlfriend wants to go on a hike with a guy from work she just met one on one. I'm not comfortable with this at all. Am I just overreacting?

That weird feeling in your stomach….for shits and giggles, let’s give that uncomfortable little twist a name and call it “"Gut Instinct”, is giving you a valuable and useful bit of knowledge that your muted male evolutionary inner Neanderthal is trying to convey to your senses. The New Stranger has quickly and dominantly taken your girlfriend’s attention and attraction away. Yeah, I know, it fucking sucks donkey balls. Been there before myself, I could tell you some doozies.Kudos on suppressing the Neanderthal instinct to go all HULK SMASH!! over the situation. But at the same time, now would be the time to check your boundaries over what you will or will not accept in your relationship(s). This is not an innocent hiking trip, even though it was conveyed to you as such and covertly hidden in the form of a question as to whether or not you'd be ok with it. You know you are not ok with it, so there is no need to sugar coat and dress up a pussified response saying that, “"well, maybe if I got to know my soon to be sexual replacement better, I'd be totally Chill with it”. Fuck that. Man up, say “Fuck no I'm not ok with it, so what's your choice”?, and if her response is anything but the truth and firmly declining Grizzly Adams blatant and disrepectful advances, then help her carry her backpack out to her car, along with any and all other belongings she may have stashed at your place, and get down to business finding a woman that won't try and One Up you the first opportunity she gets.Life is too short, bro.

Can i go hiking if i have kidney stones?

Hiking could make things worse if you get dehydrated, otherwise, hiking is good since exercise helps pass the stones. Passing a kidney stone is very painful for several hours while it moves into the bladder, so you might have to pitch a tent wherever you happen to be if you start to pass a stone. Imagine how you think the trip will be if you end up with severe pain and nausea for a day. The pain will be the same whether you are sitting in a tent or in your bed at home, so as long as you and the people leading the hike know what to expect, it should be OK, but you have to plan as if you know you will pass a stone on the trip.

You should be prepared to put up with very severe pain and nausea when passing a stone - many people go the the emergency room because the pain makes it seem like something is seriously wrong and they can't stand the pain. You should see your doc to get pain medication just in case, and also to make sure the doc thinks its OK.

Can Pugs go running? Hiking? How far is too far? I have a puppy and want to do things other than watch TV.?

I don't want to have a dog that can only go on short bursts of playfulness, and I want to know how far I can go with him. He's 3 months old currently. Books and couch potato people say all pugs are good for are friends reruns, seinfeld reruns, and cheeze doodle munching.

Outside of walks, around the neighborhood, how far is too far? Can i take him on a 6 mile slight inclined hike as long as i keep water for him to prevent overheating, and go after a shaded trail? Can i jog slowly with him for 2 miles?

I love him, he's cute as can be. I just want to throw around some anecdotal evidence to support me being active with him.
