Should I Hang Out With Them

I have to hang out with my friend who has pink eye?

Wash your hands a lot, have your friend wash their hands a lot. Do not touch your friend's eye's. If you have touched anything that your friend has touched too make you don't touch your eyes, or nose before washing your hand throughly.

How many times should I hang out with a girl before I ask her out on a date, and how should I ask her out on a date?

First off, have you already hung out? What kind of vibe has she given off? If you’re already comfortable with her and vice versa, then there isn’t reason why you can’t ask her on a date. Have it be in a relaxed setting and maybe with a group of friends so there’s less pressure and you can both be relaxed. That way you’ll be able to tell if you want to be more than friends or keep your friendship. Go bowling or go to the park and play Frisbee. Something like that. I don’t suggest movies since you can’t talk and it’s dark and usually just awkward on first dates.Are you friends with her friends? maybe ask them what she likes doing or see if she’s into you. That could help as well but be careful not to come across as creepy or to clingy. That will send a girl off faster than you believe.Most importantly, be yourself. The right one will appreciate you the way you already are.

I want to go out with her, should I hang out with her and then ask her out while we're hanging out?

Show true intent. Don't make the same mistake most guys make in being subtle, trying to get close until you got courage to ask. You know, being friends and all that in pretence you're not interested in her.Be confident and seperate yourself from many guys who do that.Approach the girl you like, confidently, smile, make eye contact and flirt. Tease, be fun. Then talk...converse... and then ask her out.Maybe there's a party happening, a place you like visiting or even a walk. Mention what can happen so she can imagine it in her head.Nothing big. Just for you to meet and enjoy time together. No cinema. No movies. Walk, have fun, be active. Make it fun.If she shows interest then exchange numbers so you can text or call to take her out.When meeting her act like a boyfriend rather than some chump who is scared to hold her hand, kiss her on forehead. You're dating not hanging out like friends.Don't fear loss. You fear then you'll always worried if whatever you do won't impress her or annoy her. Don't act like some platonic friend when you meet. Show difference in behavior and in actions with her. It doesn't have to be big moves.A hold of hands. A kiss on forehead when you embrace. Or she will get confused and think you're just wanting to be friends.Even if she refuses....or if she doesn't...she'll respect you for having the balls to do what most typical guy won't.So approach and be honest.Just don't talk about love, romance and all that. Nothing serious.One step at a time.

Should I hang out with an ex as a friend to get her back?

your sizing up a slippery slope for what advantage opposed to just playin it cool ?excuse me for what I just did, I answered a question with a question, normally that means avoidence, in this case , the question is so personal I think evaluating the question is the best place to start. one of my favorite things to say in times like this is “ is the juice worth the squeeze?” being friends can go so many ways , and might even cause the goal to be more difficult and high risk for the opposite outcome to be a permanent result if you're not careful. are you prepared to see her looking, talign , flirting, confiding in you about other guys and and not show pain, jelousy, signs of being uncomfortable whether or not you can control them, as well has to be considered. I promise you the first chance she gets she will test that shit and make her test count, she won't hold back and she will be watching for all of the forementioned .body language tells it's own story that can differ from the one you let fall out of your mouth. usually does, inflex, ticks, facial expression , what is there 400 muscles in our facial features. ? thats a whole lot at once to contain if she's birddoggin’ a reaction out of you, they know where it stings the most. especially when you had history .so you think you can play it cool and contain yourself enough to rise above it, in her immediate presence? cause you can do the same from a slight distance and leave her curious , curiosity is most women achilles’s heel, if designed that way. they just have to know, whatever it is, she'll stop at nothing to find out what it is you got going on now if you provided her that curiousness when dislaying yourself in such a manner.I say let her come to you on her own accord , kinda. providing her time apart to miss you rather than fill that natural response by being there as a friend, losing that advantage you would have inherited staying just far enough awaygive yourself a little room to make a few mistakes that woulda cost you if on your other route. what I'm saying makes sense. practical, logical lower risk , higher odds of success. and less painful for your emotional damage factor .good luck

Should I hang out with a girl who has a boyfriend?

Yes. Just prepare to get your ass kicked whether you try something funny or not.I’m human, and I’m male, and if one thing should lead to another, I’d let nature take its course and worry about the consequences later.So, be a guy and hang out with her knowing that it’s a lose-lose situation.Either, nothing comes out of hanging out with her and you wasted your timeorsomething happens and you spend the next few days worried that her boyfriend is going to kick your ass.Of course, the alternative is to not hang out with her.Just tell her honestly, “I kinda like you, but I’m a guy, and I don’t think it would be appropriate for me to hang out with you knowing that you have a boyfriend and I have male thoughts.”This would really turn her on because girls aren’t used to being turned down, and if you turn her down, she’ll want you more, and you’d definitely be the first one she calls when she breaks up.So do you want to hang out now or wait?The best thing is to wait, but, be a guy and hang out anyway.

How do you ask a guy friend to hang out?

Hey, u wanna hang out ???We can go for a movie and later for a walk!!!!!Guys love when girls ask them out…

Would you be ok with your wife hanging out with her ex bf?

my wife wants to continue hanging out with her ex bf, she tells me that she is still really good friends with him and she like to hang out at his place. she tells me that they drink a few beers and watch movies and play video games

i told her i think this is disrespectful to me and she should stop cuz she is now married to me not him he is your ex bf for a reason

i dont visit any of my ex gf or chat with them on the phone out of respect for her.

do you think she should do the same?

Should I tell a guy I have my period before hanging out with him?

I've been dating a guy for three months now. We always have sex when we're together .. he will probally want to get together tomorrow but I have my period. I really like this guy so I feel like this might be the time to see where we're at. When he asks me to hang out should I text him back letting him know I would like to hang out but can't get frisky bc of the timing ? Should I be straight forward and ask him if he wants to reschedule?

I need a way to go about this so I can let him know while not giving him the impression that I only want sex but also I would like to see his reaction. I'm new to the dating game and just dont know how men work. If it makes any difference this man is 31 years old so its not like hes shy to hear about a woman having her time. He actually asked me about it before bc he was worried I never got it but i just never got it at a time when we were hanging out. Now that we hang out more and more it will be an interference..

Anyways no more rambling on... I need advice on what to say ..