Should I Just Cut My Ex Off Completely I Dont Feel Like Hes Serious

Ex boyfriend has completely cut me off?

We were together two years, each others first, and we were completely in love. I have found someone else and am happy but my ex was a big part of my life and although i am over him, i don't want him completely out my life.
He broke up with me which was completely out of the blue, and the reasons still make no sense to me an example of one reason would be, 'you cant be serious, for example when watching the news' so yes, i think that just shows that i don't want to be in a relationship with someone like that, however he was my best friend and i can just let him leave my life like that.
He has now deleted my number, no idea why as i wasn't constantly contacting him, he hasn't deleted me off facebook or twitter though? yet in person he finds it hard to even look me in the eye and acts as though im not even there. i try to be friendly but im starting to give up and don't understand why i need to be out of his life so badly?
He isn't even seeing anyone else yet (3 months after) whereas i am, so surely he knows i don't want him back?
Just don't know what more i can do as i don't want him out my life, both for i am close to his family so i don't want to lose contact with them, but also because i know we can be on a friend basis and not just completely blank each other.
any explanations or advice or anything to help would me much appreciated (:

Should I cut my ex off completely or be friends?

I hate to use cliches, but honesty truly IS the best policy. If you don't tell him about this, & he finds out another way, it will be a LOT harder to convince him you weren't really cheating with your ex. While the thought may not enter your mind, that may be exactly why he'll believe you hid this from him. If it's important to you to have this ex as a friend, you shouldn't hesitate to tell your current boyfriend about this, & expect some objections. He may not approve, & want you to set limits to your contact with this guy. You will need to decide whether those limits are reasonable, & ultimately, you may be forced to decide who is more important to you. Your boyfriend may feel betrayed that you didn't tell him sooner, & may wonder if he can trust you. Just try to remember how you would feel if the situation were reversed, & cut him some slack if he's a bit jealous & overprotective for a while, & prove to him he has no reason to worry. It will take time, but it will be better than the alternative if he finds out you are, in his eyes, seeing your ex behind his back & hiding it from him.

Remember, a relationship without trust isn't worth having. Let him know he can trust you implicitly. I think you'll be glad you told him in the long run, if you two are serious & eventually end up married. Best of luck.

My ex boyfriend completely cut me off..?

Well, I broke up with my boyfriend last week because he wasn't really good with communication, but other than that he was a really good guy. He hasn't talked to me, even when I tried talking to him and he's acting like he doesn't even care, a bit immature. He told me he loved me, and that if we'd ever break up he'd always be there for me. I don't understand. But now I miss him, and I want him back. I'm heartbroken and I don't know what to do.. I'm thinking about just letting go. If we were meant to be, he'd come around. But he was such a great guy.

Should I cut off my ex :-( have you ever done it? will it help?

At first, it will feel like things are worse; soon, however, this feeling will pass and things will get better - MUCH better. You need to cut this guy out of your life and you need to do it 100%. If you allow even a shred of him to remain connected to you (even if it's only through Twitter), then you'll never be able to get over him. This guy is like having a drug addiction: if you keep feeding the addiction, then it'll never go away. However, if you go cold turkey, it will hurt like heck for a while...and then your system will be clear of the garbage and you'll be on your way to a healthier life.

Walk away now; you'll feel better for it in the near future, I promise.

Does cutting off all contact make your ex miss you more?

I know you can't "make" someone miss you....

Let's just say that you were with someone for 2 years. Towards the end, the two of you ultimately split because one person is confused about what they want right now and is unsure if they can handle a serious relationship.

This particular person says that they really want to remain friends because they love you and always will, and they don't want you out of their life. You, on the other hand, feel like remaining friends right now would be too painful, so you cut off ALL CONTACT.

Could this time apart actually make that person miss you and reflect on what the two of you had together? Or does it simply make you a distant memory?

I miss my ex dearly, but I want to heal before I speak to him again. It just hurts not knowing if he truly misses me (although he said he would). We just had so much history together. We were each other's first loves. (He's 21, I'm 20). It just hurts because it seems like men can move on so much faster...

Help my ex boyfriend cuts his wrist?

He needs help sweetie. And it's nothing you did so don't feel bad! He needs help. Cutting is a cry for someone to help you because you hurt so bad you can't even feel pain anymore and that's the only way to release it.

He needs to find an outlet or someone to talk to professionally.
Talk to someone to find help.

Oh yeah and-

Mohammed you are an idiot!!!!

Why doesn't my Ex Still Want to be Friends? (see details)?

Recently, I broke up with my boyfriend bc of his alcoholism as well as a few other problems. Although we cannot have a relationship I still want us to have somewhat of a friendship. I am the type of person who believes in keeping things amicable. I broke up with him and soon after he got another girlfriend.

I politely asked him if we could keep things friendly, and he said he couldn't be friends with me bc that would be disrespectful to his gf. I can totally understand that but when he dated me, he was friendly towards his exes. I don't understand why i am so diff. When we got off the phone he was crying a bit , but still doesn't want 2 keep things friendly?

why is he being this way?

When I say friends, I don't necessarily mean being really close, but i'd like to be able to call him when his b-day comes and to still have somewhat of a friendship.