Should I Just Do What Ever I Want


I am in college and I am kinda tired of dating girls at the moment because they are always so dramatic for no reason and they can be really annoying. I still want to have sex, but am definitely not looking for another girlfriend. Are girls usually willing to have sex without having any attachments afterwards, except maybe more sex?

Will he ever want sex with me?

I m a female and I ve been giving this guy blowjobs for the last 6 months. 16 of them. He never tries to initiate a makeout, sex, anything. We ve been "talking" for 11 months. I love him. I dont want to force him to do anything he doesnt want to do, but every time I try to bring it up he shuts down. What should I do? Do I walk away or give him more time?

Do you ever feel like you just want to quit something?

ALL THE TIME.And I do.But if I can’t stop thinking about it, I know it hasn’t quit me.When I was a kid, my parents never allowed us to quit anything. If you started it, you finished it, no matter how much you hated it, dreaded it or were just plain bad at it. Finishing what you started was a virtue in their eyes.To me? It was wasted time and lowered self-esteem. All it did was make me not start things if I wasn’t sure I would be successful.As a grown up, I get a sense of control by quitting things. It is a terrible thing to feel pride over, but whenever I give up on something that just isn’t working out, it reminds me that I make my own decisions in life. I don’t have to waste my time or effort on things that I no longer care for or see a future in.I might be a little too addicted to the rush of relief I get when I just stop doing things that are making me miserable. Life is too short to be miserable… but the best things in life don’t come easy. It’s a balance.There’ is a lot to be said for simplifying your life and enjoying every day instead of being miserable for an indefinite period that may or may not be worth it.

Ever feel like you just CAN'T do an assignment?

I have an assignment for English class (assigned last Friday). I didn't bother trying to do it over the weekend because I didn't think it would take too much time. When I began to do it yesterday, I couldn't focus and got angry/frustrated, so I decided to put it off. However, when I started it again today, I felt the same way, like I just literally could not do the assignment. When I tried to actually start doing it, my mind started wandering and thinking about other things, anything other than the assignment. And now that its due tomorrow, I just feel like I don't care about it. I know I need to get a good grade on it but I don't seem to care, like its not a big deal ...
So I was just wondering, did this ever happen to you, and what did you do about it?

Do you ever just want to shove your happiness and success in the face of an old ex?

I've dated my fair share of women, I'm an average guy. However, there is one ex that was up to some really shady stuff, so I dumped her (she admitted everything and I wouldn't take her back). I've had relationships but she's really the only girl I've ever dated that tried to do that kind of stuff behind my back. Now, I have an amazing girlfriend, I am very successful and honestly happy. It is a great thing when you can wake up in the morning and say to yourself "I am honestly happy". My life isn;t the best in the universe but I am happy and achieved all the goals I set out to when was seeing her.

Now, I can't help to feel, anytime she comes up or I am reminded of her, that I would just love to shove it ion her face. It's not like this desire consumes me or anything but I'd love to just be like "oh yeah, you thought you loved me then, I'm twice the person now. And you messed up a really good thing, by being selfish"

Does anyone ever have any of that going on?

Do guys ever really want just friendship from women?

To be very honest , “ Guys “ here is just a generalized word used . There are variety of guys with different intentions and different feelings in friendship with female friends .There are very few and rare guys who do friendship with females without any intention . These kind of guys are very matured and caring in approach . They generally draw a line for the friendship and relations . These kind of guys are very honest in relations . They will never cross the drawn boundary by themselves . They generally believe in intellectual and pure friendship . You can easily judge these guy by observing their close behavior and using some fake tricks to test them.There is another category of Guys who just start the friendship with casual approach without any intention . But as friendship develop at greater depth , there is rise of feelings for the females . It is quite normal as opposite poles attract each other . It is good for the female to clearly define the boundary of relationship to guys . If guy understand , its fine otherwise it is better to get rid of friendship for the safety of future .Another category of the guys is very dangerous . These guys just make friendship with intention of physical relations . These kind of guys you will find in abundance in society . These kind of guys are perverted in mind set. They will start friendship nice way but once get chance they will reveal their intention with big drama. It is better to identify such guys at the early stage of friendship and get rid of it immediately as you will feel so .In nut and shell , it the intelligence of the female to observe , identity , react and act with her male friends as the friendship starts and grow . Inner intentions can never been visible , it can be judged by their body language , verbal conversion and behavior in general .

Have you ever just genuinely wanted to cuddle with a woman in a bed? Or is there normally always a sexual intent?

It happened to me a few times. Once I ended up cuddling with a guy I didn't know too well, and when he sighed and said how long it had been since he had cuddled with anyone and how he needed it, it was the sweetest thing ever. I have a male friend who picks up girls in clubs, takes them home but then just cuddles with them, because after dancing and partying they are both too tired for sex. What might happen in the morning, of course, is another matter. :)But, believe it or not, sometimes men are not the horny sex machines we sometimes picture them to be. They also have feelings, and they get lonely. Sometimes all they want is really just hugs. It doesn't mean they don't want that woman sexually, rather that their emotional batteries are empty and they need charging before they could think of sex.

Do you ever feel like you want to restart life?

Very often!Let me recall few of the incidences starting from the beginning :Incident 1 : Age 12–13 years. I was given to bowl the last over of the match in which I had to defend 10 runs. First 3 balls- 2 runs, then a six followed by two singles. And we lost! I lost! I wished I could start again!Incident 2 : Age 17 years. I got a call from my friend.Friend: JEE Mains' results are out!!(I was both thrilled and excited. Although I knew my marks, I was waiting for the normalised marks and rank. And to be honest I was expecting a decent rank as I had scored quite well in my board exam) Me: here's my roll number and date of birth. Check mine as well!He(after a few minutes): 51000(I was expecting around 25000)Me: yours?He: 121000Me: okay! I'll talk to you later.(I disconnected the call)Mom was with me that time. I looked into her eyes and I couldn't control my tears. I knew I could've done way better than this. I couldn't think of anything just wished I could start again!Incident 3 : Age 18 years. My breakup! She was(is) the most beautiful person I had(have) known. But things didn't go well between us. We didn't fight. We didn't do any drama. We just parted our ways. I cried again but this time no one saw me crying. I wished I could start again!Incident 4 : Age 22 years. Few days after the GATE exam. I finished comparing my response with the answer key. Aptitude - 4/15 ( I used to score more than 90% in this section in my tests). Overall - 55/100. (Rank was in thousands). I knew this time too that I could've done better! I wished again if I could start again!I have mentioned only few of the incidents here but trust me the list goes on…I'm 23 years old right now and when I look back I see a pattern.You know, why do you wish to start again? Because you know you underperformed! Because you know you deserved better! Because you know you didn't give it all!Let's not just wish, let's start today!!

What does"You're all I've ever wanted" means?

it means that all your life you have been waiting for someone and you have finally found that person.

"you're every thing what i ever needed" is wrong becasue the "what" just does not fit in the sentence
"you're everything I ever needed" is right

"you're only things what i ever wanted" is wrong because you is singular so "things" would be "thing" and "what" is usually only used in questions.
"you are the only thing that I have ever wanted" is right