Should I Tell Her I Was Only Joking

What do you do if you jokingly send a breakup text to your guy and he takes the damn joke so seriously that nothing you say can change his mind, and you love him so much?

I am going to go off on a limb here, and not take you exactly at your word - after all, you have already told us once that you were not exactly your word.I am going to assume that you dumped your boyfriend intentionally in a fit of pique, and then soon after, regretted it and attempted to walk it back - yet without actually taking responsibility, but trying to explain it as “only joking! Get it?”If this hypothetical description is in fact correct, then there are two mistakes (not just the obvious one). The first is the mistake of acting hastily. Act in haste, repent at leisure as the saying goes. The second is not being honest about the first. I might be inclined to forgive someone who admitted to being so mad that they dumped me in haste and then sincerely regretted their action, and stated so in an honest and open fashion, including a promise to never use dumping me as a knee jerk response again. As it stands, the “only joking” excuse does not fly, and only serves to make you look insincere and positively dangerous as relationship material.If the hypothetical description is not correct and you were intentionally joking, then all the other answers do apply, and you are perhaps even more lacking in judgement than I assume.

How do I tell my gf that I'm sorry for calling her a snitch? It was meant as a joke, but she took it personally and won't talk to me as much.

Any insult you make to another, then follow it up with "I was only joking" is no joke.Look at it this way:  Unless the person you insulted says they thought it was funny, then maybe you could slide.  But believe me, when someone's insulted me and said later they were only joking, my usual response was, "That's odd, because I'm not laughing".  Insults veiled in "only- joking cop outs" are insults.  Just because you think you were being funny, rarely does the person who was insulted think the same way.Apologize.  Big time.  Try saying you were insensitive and acknowledge their hurt.  Just because you personally can't see why they were hurt by your "joke" doesn't matter.  It's not about YOU.  It's about the person who was hurt.  Bite it.  Apologize sincerely.  Then hope for the best.

How to tell if your girlfriend's a masochist?

Tell her that she has three safe words... green for everything is good, yellow for she needs to stop the scene and talk it through, and red for halt everything. Safe words are sacred so you have to follow them, if she wants to say stop even though she doesn't want you to stop tell her she can scream no or stop all she wants but only yellow and red will make you stop. If she got excited she probably was... don't use duct tape you will tear her skin, use soft towel ties or go to a local stag shop and buy some handcuffs... there is nothing wrong with being a little kinky and that is what your gf is. If she acts subordinate to you, is always taking care of you and jumping at your every command she is a true submissive, if she just wants to do things like being tied up or other submissive actions that have a sexual twist to them then she is a pleasure submissive, if she wants you to beat her, cut her, bruise her, mark her in more than just a hickey or some finger prints she is somewhat of a masochist but from what you said I doubt that she is. Ask her if she has anything she isn't willing to try and what she really wants to do, just have fun experimenting and figuring out what she likes and what you like. If you want to try some harder stuff like rope bondage join a local BDSM club and learn from the regulars I am sure they would be willing to give you some pointers.

I caught my boyfriend texting another girl sexual messages, he told me he was only joking?

He said her brother stole her phone and was texting him. Even if he was joking, these were still explicit messages on both parts. And who's to say it was actually the 'brother'....
Is this type of texting okay if it's only a joke?
I talked to him about it and he is adamant that it was the brother he was joking with. And that he's sorry and shouldn't joke about that and told 'them' he can't talk like that anymore.

Is my sister a dumbass or is just playing dumb?

Ok well the story starts off with my misses my sister and myself walking the dog at the park. My sister sees these gym or yoga ball those over sized comfy balls you can sit on and such. anyway i was walking ahead and behind me, my sister kicks it towards me and sent me flying. (well i thought i was) and it re-bounds off me and gets her back then re-bounds off the basketball pole and hits her back again and she just to dropped dead (go karma!) As for my self i was on the ground seeing stars. My dog is pretty wild so he runs off to my sister and starts humping her leg. My girlfriend eventually comes to help her out and take the dog off her and the dog left some of his "point of no return" on her pants. Not knowing where it came from she touches it and tastes it. My girlfriend was like to her "omg don't put that in your mouth you just don't do that!" seeing the confused look on my sister i approached her saying u just put dog in your mouth. She looked at me not knowing what i said meant so my girlfriends asks her do you know what sperm is? and she replies "not exactly... but i know what semen is..." and my girlfriend is like oh thank goodness atleast you know that well guess what u just put dog semen in your mouth and shes like "so... semen is sperm right? i was a bit of an jerk and said "no shyt sherlock and now you're going to get pregnant and give birth to human dog hybrid" and she panicked and was shocked saying are you serious!!! omg what am i going to tell mum!! i'm not ready to be a mother yet!. and starts crying. My girlfriend was just starring at her like wow... i was surprised too she's 15 and goes to well educated school how could she not know that? or was she just playing dumb ? well she isn't exposed to the outside world much but really i thought she would of known that by now.

and yeah in the end i told her i was only joking but still asks me here and then whether she's pregnant or not. o my that was a pretty long question sorry guys.

Help! I told everyone I'm pregnant as a prank, how do I tell them I am only joking?

I guess that's something you should have thought about before telling that to people. Don't expect them to trust you the time that you actually get pregnant. I don't understand the need to keep saying things that aren't true to other people. I would just post it on facebook or tell them something like "sorry, the pregnant thingy was meant to be a prank! I didn't expect you to take me seriously, but I'm sorry if anyone did"I hope you'll know understand... that most people won't take it as a joke...people get really excited about pregnancies, and they don't like to be taken the mickey out of them with untrue statements. What do you get from that? Did you get any enjoyment out of telling them something untrue?A prank is more when  you look all with your tummy out and if they say.. "are you pregnant?" you'll say "yes, I reckon is about three months or so" then suck your tummy in....and finish it with "that I've been drinking a lot of beer on a constant basis". That could be way funnier and provides laughs for you and them.

Should I confront this "friend" that's always saying rude things to me (she said she's joking) and tell her to stop, or ignore her comments like I didn't hear her? I can't quit the "friendship" since she's a really important college group member.

She says she’s joking? That’s one of the laziest, but classic, bullying responses.Does she joke like this with everyone? I’m guessing not. Just with you then? I guess she must really like you a lot then, to single you out for her special ‘jokes’?Hogwash.Yes - call her out on it. Tell her that you don’t appreciate her remarks and you’d like her to stop. If she says you’re taking it too seriously and she’s only joking, then say that you clearly don’t share the same sense of humour - and it would be better if she tried out her remarks on someone else.If she continues, remind her that you asked her to stop. I would be surprised if, by this stage, at least one or two others aren’t backing you up. If she is truly an “important group member” and values this, then she won’t want to lose support and may well just back down.If this happens, try not to be too physically close to her for the next couple of weeks. Sit beside other people in the group. Don’t make it easy for her to find opportunities to slide into her old habits. Soon it won’t be ‘normal’ any more for her to say these rude things to you.Worst case scenario - she doesn’t stop and perhaps becomes more vindictive. Tell her its not acceptable, it’s serious. Take advice from your student counselling service. They will no doubt have dealt with similar cases of bullying and should have some good advice on how to tackle this in your particular situation.But if the rest of this college group stick with this bully and don’t back you up in any way - do you really want to be friends with these people?

What can I do to convince a guy that I don't love him?

I think the best thing you can do is to be honest with him. And you also have to be honest with yourself.Let’s start with you. Why did you make the joke? Maybe it’s something you say a lot with your other, in-person friends, so it just slipped out, and he misinterpreted it due to lack of context. Maybe you do feel some affection for him. I’ve had long-distance friendships and crushes with guys in the past, and in my experience, it’s easy to romanticize and idealize someone who you talk to all the time but don’t see in person often. You can have their opinion and company only when you want it. They have time to think about the best response instead of answering immediately as you do face-to-face, so you see only the best side of them, no matter how long you talk. And when you feel isolated or alone in your day-to-day life, the friendship of someone far away become so much more valuable, and the possibility of developing more-than-friendly feelings increases.And on the flip side, he may be feeling all the same things about you. He may feel he has few people to talk to in person. He may have idealized you due to your distance. He may have been starting to wonder if he felt about you as more than a friend, and wonder if you felt the same way.Or I may be jumping to a lot of conclusions and making a lot of assumptions, since I don’t know you or your situation!But I come back to my original point — be honest. And then back up your words with your actions. Tell him, “I was only joking, I’m sorry if I changed your thoughts about me or hurt you. I value you as a friend, and I’ll try to be more careful with my words,” or something that sounds like you. And then act like a friend towards him. If you tell him your feelings are strictly platonic but then you flirt with him, send him texts at 3 in the morning for no reason, joke that you love him, spend more time with him on the phone than with any of your other friends… you can see how he might get the wrong idea?