Should I Wait A Year To Go To College

Should I take a year off before I go to college?

If you can then YES- this is the time to do that, go travel the world- you might find stuff on yourself that you didn't know and maybe realize what you really wants to do in life.

I can't wait to go to college?

I have wanted to go to college since sixth grade and right now I'm a freshman in high school. I can't wait. I can just picture the atmosphere. And I was just wondering if anyone else felt this way when they were my age?

Should i wait a year before going to college?

I'd go for option #1. Taking a year off to get an odd job or two could actually be beneficial to your future studies, as you will be focusing on acquiring the practical life skills necessary to start being responsible for yourself. If my parents didn't force me to go straight to college, I would have done this. Having a year off before college also gives you the opportunity to explore career options, take up hobbies you'd otherwise have no time for, and just appreciate your own efforts to provide for yourself; so once you get to college you'll have more maturity and stability.

Even if you take a year off, trust me, there will be people your age in your class, and you won't feel left out. I went to college briefly in the US, many students were freshmen well into their midtwenties, sometimes even thirties and forties. I'm currently back in my home country (Indonesia), I'm a 25-year-old senior in a class dominated by 21-year-olds. I managed to make good friends with some of them, and no, I don't feel left out. After all, once you get to college, the age difference won't matter as much as when you were in high school or elementary school. And trust me, in America age difference is not perceived half as bad as it is in Indonesia where parents who can afford higher education force their adult children to go to college and "graduate on time".

Anyway, I'd be interested in following up how your plan to finance college will eventually turn out. I'm actually kinda in the same situation as you for post graduate school, so if you find any useful information, I'd appreciate it if you could share it by answering my question at;... . I'm planning to study in Canada and am also in my initial stages of planning out my finances for then.

Should I wait until after college to get married?

Yes, you should wait! So many reasons to wait. Just a few:

1) You can save some money for the wedding and your lives together.
2) You are very young. Things change a lot in college, and after you graduate. Give yourself some time to decide.
3) Who is paying for your college education? If it's your parents, consider that they have every right to stop, since being married typically means that you are on your own.
4) Does your fiance have a good job? Does he have any plans to go to college? Consider and discuss before you marry.
5) I assume you're 18. Do you know what you want in your life? Does he? I'll reiterate: Things CHANGE. And rapidly. Take your time.

Should I wait until I am 24 to go to college?

An advantage could be that you will be more emotionally mature to handle the stress of college. More and more people are waiting to go to college; I waited three years after graduating high school and I am glad I did. I have never heard of parents having to sign for anything if you are under 24. Although, for financial aid (if you are going to receive it), you have to be legally an independent which means you have to either be 24, married, are in the US armed forces or a veteran, have a child, etc. to not include your parents information on your FAFSA application (financial aid app) which can screw with the amount you will receive.

Should I skip senior year and go straight to College?

There are some important things to think about regarding early enrollment in college. The first is finances, are you able to afford school now? The next is academics, do you think you will be academically competitive and have taken courses that are the requirements for college courses? If not, you might have to spend more time in college. Another is your age, if you are under 18 while in college there are some activities you will not be able to take part in, and will require your parents' signatures for trips etc. There is also the possibility that you will not be 21 at all in college, and it is illegal to drink alcohol while underage, even in college. This may not be a big deal to you, but its something to think about. Lastly, are you sure you want to attend this college? Is it possible you will change your mind? I would also get your parents and guidance counselor involved to see what they think. Another option if you are ready for college but going to wait until you graduate, is to take a few community college courses to test the waters.

Should I get a Macbook now or wait until college?

I was am getting a MacBook either way but I am wondering if I should get one now or wat till I go to college. I am going to college in two years. I am a sophomore in high school. I could get a Macbook for graduation if I wanted. The reason I was thinking of getting one now is because I could get money for graduation instead of a MacBook and use that money towards college expenses. If I got one now I would be getting it for my 16th birthday. If I get a Macbook now will it last through the last two years of highschool and college? Also the reason I am wanting a Macbook is because I prefer Apple computers.