Should Meat Eaters Take Pills

Meat-eaters: what are the "benefits" (if there is any) of eating meat?

their ARE benefits, there is protien and many other things you need from meat. Yes you can find them from vegetables, BUT have you noticed there has been more recalls on vegetables/vegetables products lately bc of certain germs and illnesses they carry?

if your a veggie i really hope your following your strict diet. Takeing all your vitamins and supplements. Because of course you could get sick, tired easily, and honestly your body naturally craves meat until you train it not to, but you can actually harm your body doing so. yes their are some that are veggies and healthy, but all face some form of problem now or in the future that either they notice or wont. Im not much of one to pop a bunch of pills. But everyone makes their own choice, you dont want to be critized for yours, so why us? Because we live diffrent. Im personally a christian, and it says in the bible to eat of the meat that he put upon this earth. I personally get my meat from a private butcher, who farm raises his cows and pigs on open fields and they are organic and grass fed.i am though against people just killing for fun or for fur. I do believe if you kill an animal you should use its resourses, skin, fur/hair, w/e you can use from it. everything has some form of purpose on this earth, it just depends on who uses it.

Should meat eaters feel bad?

Its illegal to cause abuse to meat eaters as tigers, lions or any other kind of big cat as they are protective species.

Now with your incorrect usage of the term you meant human omnivores when no why should they and why should you make them feel bad, if you do then accept any come bad you get.

As for meat being bad, yes it can be, but this relates to the dosage you take, the method you take it, and how "toxic" it is.

Lets examine meat, touching meat will not kill you, breathing in chucks of meat will cause some irritation or damage to the airways. Now eating meat is subjective in the damage it can cause, its like water. Drink 2 cups of water and its not going to harm you, drink like 8 pints of water in 5 minutes in which may suffer some brain swelling or some electrolyte imbalance or you will bee needing to pee every 5 minutes for lke the next 2 hrs once t kicks in. Now over eat daily on fatty meat and yes all the fat and cholesterol will build up. Now keep to daily dietary guidelines and your health isn't going to change much from the baseline, unless you have a genetic deflect or have other bad habits, smoking, drinking, causal unproductive sex, at the moment its about 60 g for red meat and processed meat a day. So in terms of health effects its all subject, now if you don't want to eat meat for ethical reasons then thats your choice.

Should meat eaters be thrown in jail and the key thrown away?

No, I see peoples views from both sides.
In one train of thought people look at eating meat in a very natural way. It is natural human instinct to want to eat meat. Take dogs as an example they love steak! Not because they want to be cruel and hurt the animal, but because it taste good. Meats also offer lots of protein that is necessary for the developement of the human body. Although it is cruel how some of the meat in stores is harvested, sometimes it is necessary to control the population of something take deer as a primary example.

On the other side, some places where meat is harvested treats the animals very cruely. Animals live in poor conditions right until their deaths, which is often painful. Animals are live people, they have sentiments, and the same right to live as we do. Even though natural, it can be very cruel.

Why do meat eaters still eat meat?

Yes, science has proven this.
The simple answer is ignorance, The complex answer can range from topics including advertising on one hand to the low carb craze on the other.

I need to respond to a few posts above:

The very fact that animals exist in some of your minds is an excuse to eat them. This is about the stupidest augment I've ever heard. "God put them here for us to eat." No, no s/he didn't you half wit. These animals make up the ecosystem that supports us. with out them we are no longer exist. Get that though your oxygen starved skulls.

Second, Wile it's true we are classified as omnivores, I think maybe some of you should look up the definition of that word. The very fact we CAN eat another animal makes us an omnivore it does not mean we have to or should. In fact our bodies can't hardly even handle eating meat. even a small amount over a sustained period of time raises your risk of coronary artery disease significantly.

The scieance is there people, why dont you read it.

"You're thinking I'm one of those wise-*** California vegetarians who is going to tell you that eating a few strips of bacon is bad for your health. I'm not. I say it's a free country and you should be able to kill yourself at any rate you choose, as long as your cold dead body is not blocking my driveway." -- Scott Adams (writer of "Dilbert").

"The beef industry has contributed to more American deaths than all the wars of this century, all natural disasters, and all automobile accidents combined. If beef is your idea of "real food for real people, you'd better live real close to a real good hospital." -- Neal D. Barnard, M.D., President, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.

Should meat eaters be scared and made to run around naked?

your veganism is probably responsible for your mental illness, yoyocat. Mental illness is much more common among vegans. get the help you need before you start committing acts of murder and terrorism as so many vegans do.

Do you think most meat eaters eat meat because...?

I think you pretty much answered your own question. Not knowing, convenience, and/or not caring. (Though you could add in denying - both genuine (they'd never do that!) or intentional (lalalal don't want to know).) Add in of course a few of the answers here - there are a few posts from people who do care, but... And the but.. is where we get stuck.
(At which point i wonder why - does it go back to convenience? to how we were raised? The but could be a in so I eat a lot less and only support farms I've visited. Or so..I only hunt my own..or so..I only buy third party certified humane meat...but instead we always hit 'but..' I always wonder why that is.)

There are a few though that do fall into the 'so..' - they eat meat and feel fine about doing so as the only meat they consume is from farms they visit, or ones they feel have been properly certified - or they Only eat what they hunt. And since they don't eat much, they know that their diet could be humanely and sustainably implemented on a large scale; to be humane and sustainable doesn't mean we Have to stop eating meat all together. But it does mean that we Have to cut down our flesh consumption. A lot.

The thing I don't get is people who will adamantly defend what is going on declaring our current system as oh so humane and hey look, there's a law that says X.
Know what - there's a law that says kids can't smoke...Guess what I see every day.
And they go on about how we're already as humane as can be. Meanwhile there are organizations such as that still have a ways to go, but even they are already 100x more humane than anything implemented by US law.
And meanwhile some countries in the EU are also far ahead of the US law.
And meanwhile, atrocities keep coming to light via hidden cameras - not via the supposedly flawless USDA inspections.

That is what I don't understand. The only way it would make sense to me is if such people were employed by CAFOs.


Running Bear - I disagree, but hypothetically, say your description of cows was accurate - human babies have the same lack of consciousness that you describe - would such slaughtering methods still be humane on them?
If not, how is the level of self-awareness relevant? These creatures can feel fear and pain. Is that not enough to call 'savage, bloody, & relentless', inhumane?

How do you go from being a meat eater to a vegetarian?

It's a hard transition. It can't happen overnight. A pill can't make you a vegetarian. YOU have to put a lot A LOT of effort as I have tried (Only meats I eat is chicken, turkey, and seafood) and my mom is a vegetarian that only eats eggs. First you have to gradually put a stop to eating red meats. Stop eating Pork, Pork products, beef and other meats first. Next Start canceling out the more healthier meats and poultry like chicken, turkey, goat, and mutton. Then After that cancel out seafood. If you want to become a pure vegetarian start canceling out eggs in the end also.
That is what you should stop eating. Now let us talk about what you should eat.
Start filling up on tree nuts, peanuts, and almonds. Also start filling up on more veggies. There's a bonus for filling up on veggies. You'll have a stronger immunity system. Also eat more beans. (No, they don't make you leave gas. Chew thoroughly and you won't have a problem)

Now it is not as easy as it sounds. Getting rid of eating meats can take a long time. It took my mom 1 1/2 years and it took me 6months. Same thing with what you need to eat. Its not like in 2 days you will love to eat bell peppers and horseradish. Take your time follow the order I gave you and you will suceed. Also one of the main problems is: In what recipes should i add beans, nuts, and veggies ???? I have an answer. Click on the hyperlinks below,,FOOD_9936_36037,00.html,,FOOD_9936_20210,00.html,,FOOD_9936_29860,00.html

I hope I helped a lot and I hope you become a vegetarian


What percentage of meat eaters have killed an animal to eat?

I have. I was raised in a typical Maltese (small Mediterranean Island for those don't know) home, though I grew up in Australia most of my life. We kept rabbits, chickens, quails, pigeons and ducks (there were also cats, dogs and guinea pigs - but we didn't eat those :p) . We'd also go fishing for recreation sometimes. You wouldn't know by looking at me, but I know how to gut, scale, de-feather or skin most animals - my partner jokes that in the case of an apocalypse I'd be the one most likely to survive (I was also taught to cook and tend a garden from the age of 5). I got attached to most of the animals I grew up with, some had names, and I was heartbroken every time one was killed. My experience was more humbling than empowering because of the connection developed with the animal over time. You don't see yourself as being above that rabbit, bird etc. The animal helps you live and you are thankful for that.As an adult I was vegetarian, my upbringing informed that decision, but I gave it up this year due to health complications. I am forever thankful for those early lessons and the opportunities I had to see the cost of what it takes to sustain my diet. It helped me to not take my lifestyle for so granted and understand the life taken to sustain it. I do not waste any of the meat in my kitchen.I can't give you a percentage of how many meat eaters have killed an animal, and it would really depend on where in the world, and what socio-economic lifestyle you were talking about. My dad grew up in a dirt poor farmer family, and he passed what he knew onto me. I'm not sure if my current community would support me passing the same lessons into my future children. I'm just imaging my kid going to school and telling their class that on the weekend they skinned and gutted rabbit and it was a bloody mess. The parent complaints and sideways glances that would likely follow might make things a bit awkward. I hope my experience at least informs you in some way, I think all meat eater should at least once in their live watch what killing an animal and preparing it entails.

What is the right method to swallow pills?

I can swallow a handful of pills in one swallow if I take a sip of beverage first. My son was watching me when he was 6 and said, oh you take a sip to make them go down easier. I told him it was a great observation, but some meds should be taken with a full glass of water so you know that it won’t get hung up somewhere. My dad would flip pills to my sister like a dog so it would hit the back of her throat and she would have to swallow. Unfortunately, he was giving baby aspirin (before it was banned) and she sneezed and it ended up burning her nose, bad scene.

Do you think that in the future eating meat will be banned in some countries?

I think YES! Regarding the increase in vegan population, changes in legal aspects of ritual slaughter, Alternating Social approaches to usage of fur, ivory etc, growing artificial meat and many other changing trends and commons I see that the world is moving there slowly. It's the same about every social norm or demand alternating into a LAW. I guess Financial issues will also play an important role in embeding animal rights social norms (future laws), just the same as using artificial fur has become a much more economical choice for fashion companies these days.