Should Native Indian Americans Take Alaska Back

How can we pay back the Native Americans?

Ahem......The reservations are OUR land. They weren't a gift from the US government. They are what we RESERVED (hence- reservation) for ourselves when we ceded the rest of the land.

College funds come from the tribes' own funds, NOT from the Federal Government.

And tax breaks? Nope, that's a myth. We pay ALL federal taxes. (if you live on the reservation, and work for the tribe, you are exempt from state taxes, but that's because you technically aren't living or working within the state.)

You want to pay us back? How about merely STOPPING the theft of native lands, and resources?

As to what we prefer to be called- we prefer to be called by the name of our tribe. Failing that, Indian is fine. (both "indian" and "native american" are terms YOUR people invented for us. That's not what we call ourselves)

edit*****@ Cassidy- Please look up the definition of "CEDE" and "SECEDE" . You will find they are different words with different meanings. I concur with the other user and strongly suggest you read a few books and improve your education before attempting to correct others.

Were Igorots the ancestors of native Americans (Indians) back to 10,000 years ago ?

Maybe Datu was right.

During the Precambrian era when the earth formed 4.6 billion years ago, all life was in water. Early single celled bacteria and achaea appeared and followed by multi-celled organisms including animals. 200 million years ago, when dinosaurs roamed the earth, all the land was connected in one giant supercontinent. This is "Pangaea" which was surrounded by a single enormous ocean. Literally Asia, North America, South America, Africa, India, Australia and Antartica were interconnected. As human civilization started to evolve and develop 10,000 years ago, these beings migrated by foot in just one big continent. It was all to prove that we all came from one human specie.

I don't have to explain why we have 7 separate continents at present. It's up to you to research about the "continental drifting".

Are native indians of the americas moabites?

Ham= blacks
Shem the father of eber had 2 sons peleg and joktan peleg went to west Asia the middle east making the Jews or Hebrews joktan went to east Asia and created the Asians or orientals now native Indians were from east Asia crossing to Alaska ice bridge to the America's they can't be Caucasian cause there people of color doubt they can be hamitic now shem is pointing to the answer

Can Native Americans claim back the whole US?

Of all the hypothetical questions I've seen floated on Quora, this one is probably the least likely.  But here are a few ways it could happen.1. CIVIL WAR, ROUND 2: Due to hyper-polarization and extreme partisanship, the United States splinters into multiple warring factions.  After years of brutal civil war and severe depopulation, the Unified Native American Alliance emerges victorious.2. PLAGUE & PESTILENCE: A super-plague decimates all racial and ethnic groups in America, yet somehow leaves Native Americans untouched.3. DECOLONIZATION: A brilliant essayist presents a logical and coherent justification for total decolonization of the United States, and a group of wealthy individuals agrees to finance this project.  Virtually all white, black, Latino, and Asian Americans are financially induced to pack up their belongings and move to other countries.4. KRYPTONITE: A mineral is discovered that is so valuable and powerful that it is capable of bestowing supreme military and economic might.  However, this mineral is found only on Native American reservations.  The Native Americans learn to harness and weaponize this mineral before the rest of America finds out.  The American government is blackmailed and forced to abdicate.5. THE ALIENS: The supreme alien race that originally populated the earth returns and wipes out all followers of atheism and false religions. The alien race, however, spares all the shamanistic Native Americans who have kept faith with the true way.6. ELIZABETH WARREN: A Native American is elected president.

If I was born in Alaska, would that make me an Alaska native?

I was born in Alaska but I am caucasian. You would be considered native Alaskan if your parents or grandparents were Alaskan native such as Inuit, Yupik, Aleut, Athabaskan, Tsimshian, Tlingit, Kenaitzi indian, or one of several other native groups that have roots going back many generations in Alaska. Please forgive some spellings or misspellings, as some have many variations.
However it comes down that if your parents are white, oriental, black, or what have you then you are not native Alaskan