Should O Tell Her How I Feel

Should i tell her how i feel?

TELL HER!!! I always texted my guy first, so I stopped and it was months until he finally picks up his *** and texted me! I was so excited, but, us women find ourselves annoying and we tend to over think things, unlike guys, so we feel like we are annoying the guy. Tell her. Usually, the girl waits for the guy to make the first move, but it's only a matter of time before you loose her... You've only got 100 years to live. (Pun intended)

Should I tell her how I feel about her or not?

You are probably obsessed, yes, or infatuated.What do you know about this girl?No, not what she looks like or stuff like that.What do you know about her? The person. What’s her family like? Does she have siblings? Is it a two-parent household? A non-traditional family? Two moms, two dads, step-parents, etc.?What are her interests? What does she like to do? Is she creative, does she play music, draw, act? What does she think she wants to do after finishing all her schooling? How far does she want to go in schooling? What’s her favorite subject, and her least favorite? What kind of music does she listen to?Oh, and — don’t try to ‘find out’ this stuff through some kind of investigation tactic. That’s just stalking. Try talking to her, but just talking to her as a normal person, without the prospect of ohmygodiwanttoaskheroutsobadsobadsobad running through your head.If you spend enough time doing this, then by the time she’s old enough for you to date without any concerns about the age difference, you might know whether or not you’re actually compatible partners and not just infatuated.

Should I tell this girl how I feel?

These problems come all the time in the daily life of any society. There a couple questions you have to ask yourself.
How much she means to me as a friend?
How much you want to be more than friends?
Could you deal with the outcome of the answer?
How would you feel if it ruined your friendship?
Do you feel she feels the same way about you?
Is she the type of girl that will feel ackward around you if things don't go your way.

But...TO ME...I can tell you like this girl very much, if you feel this good about her...You deserve an answer. You should tell her and be confident and ready. Most females love confidence and that's what you should be. I am sure things will work out for you...Good luck. :)

Should I tell her how I feel again?

Hey! you are on right track. From what I see, she likes you too otherwise she would not let you come that close and you both would not get out of 'friend zone'. Ususally, girls are very easy with expressing their feelings out to a guy if she likes or loves him. But, at the same time they are the ones who are hurt the most. The reason being they are very emotional.
In your case, I would strongly say just go with the flow. I know you don't want to make fool of your self by telling her again and again and sound desperate. But, there is nothing wrong in expressing your feelings to a person you like so much and probably love! She doesn't want to be hurt and ruin the best friendship you both share so, she is taking her time and going with the flow. One day and hopefully soon she will realize what she has with you and then will surely express her feelings for you.
Don't lose hope and courage. Be a man, and be the same sweet self to her in order for her to come around. Enjoy the moment and present with her.
I wish you all the best ! :)

Should I tell her about my feelings?

You sound like a man who understands honor, loyalty & honesty. You are young, intense, passionate. You are willing to be BOLD. Dude, this is one of the BEST times to go overboard! Young love is free license to be impulsive and foolish!!!!Over the top! No guts no glory!To go big or go home as the surf boarders say....Hell, yes!!!If you are rejected, you will only regret it ONCE. If you don't try. you might regret it forever.... (Trust me on that.).You need to make a PLAN.A carefully thought out plan. Strategy & tactics:Never TELL a woman you love her without explaining WHY you love her. Without telling her how MUCH you love her (impossible to do because you will always love her MORE tomorrow-got that?)Without telling her HOW she makes you want to a better man than you are now...How you felt when she asked you to go to the prom....How you felt when those guys talked about her...Remember to admit you are vulnerable-but not a doormat. Stay confident, not arrogant.Flowers, candy, etc. are easily forgotten. Emails & texts are too easily deleted.Dude, if you take the time to sit down & write out a letter by hand, the odds that you will get her attention will go ballistic. She will rush to show it to her girlfriends.They will gasp, laugh, cry...Drama! Passion! Laughter! Tears! Then they will read it again! And again...Be absolutely positive she gets this handwritten letter! Mark it personal & confidential on the envelope.Behave like a Ninja for a couple of days afterwards. Shut off all voicemail, texting, emails.You can BET she'll be thinking about you. A lot.  The next time you see her should be in person and surprise her.Possible worst case scenarios here:a) She laughs in your face and sends copies of your letter to the media. (Unlikely)b) She drops the letter in a very public place. (That's why signing it using only your first name or initials isn't necessarily a bad idea..Best case scenario-She reads it on your anniversary 40 + years from now..Good luck!!!

Do you think I should tell her how I feel again?

I told my crush how I felt about her through text 3 months ago and she texted back with "oh cool" and we never talked about it since then. But I want to tell her how I feel in person before this school year ends. I have no intention of asking her out because most likely she will say no. Let me rephrase that, she WILL say no.

So do u think I should tell her how I feel? I feel like I really need to get this off of my chest

Should i wake my mom up and tell her i feel like such crap?

When I was eighteen, nineteen even, and still living with my parents, and I was feeling sick in the middle of the night, I woke my mom up, and she usually came with me to the kitchen, gave me something, and then made sure I was feeling better before going back to my room and tucking me in and kissing me good night, as though I were ten. Most mothers I know are like this to their children, even when they're teenagers. If you're truly sick and are not feeling well, and are worried about it, wake up your mom. She won't get mad at you. If anything, she'll be concerned for you. Just tell her that you aren't feeling well, and I guarantee you she'll help you, either by giving you something, or, if it's really bad, taking you to a doctor. She's your mother, after all, and being a mother comes with being woken up in the middle of the night, all through eighteen years of her child's life due to sometimes small things, like being afraid of the dark, or sometimes big things, like being sick. Good luck. Feel better.

I'm scared to tell her how I feel..?

Tell her! You want to get to know her better and you like her so tell her how you feel! She wont tell those other guys, you are just thinking that because you are nervous! No one will make fun of you by telling someone how you feel, and even if they do they are immature and they dont matter. What matters is that you tell that girl that you like her because there is nothing wrong with that at all!

Should I tell a girl that has a boyfriend how I feel about her or not?

I’d say go ahead. Contrary to other answers, i don’t see anything wrong with a guy telling a girl in a relationship how he feels. Make it clear to her that you’re not trying to steal her away and that you respect boundaries. Don’t pressure or expect her to leave him for you. It has to be her own choice. Just let her know that you’e an option but don’t wait on her. You’ll burn out pretty quickly. Keep your options open in the meantime.Do take into account that you’re taking a risk. If you tell her how you feel and she feels the same, things could get ugly. She may be emotionally hurt that she has to pick between you or him and end the friendship. Either that or she may end it to resist the temptation to cheat. Her boyfriend might get jealous and pressure her to end her friendship with you. There’s lots of things that could compromise the friendship. She might feel awkward and not want to talk anymore.If you think it’s worth it then go for it. Wish you the best of luck.