Should We Go Back To The Honey Standard

Is Dabur’s honey pure?

While Dabur Honey might be pure Honey, it is definitely processed Honey. Honey looses most of it's beneficial properties during the processing. It is definitely advisable to consume pure unprocessed raw honey if you want to experience the full range of benefits of Honey.Again, among the unprocessed Honey there are two types of Honey that are being sold. There is Farm Honey or the Honey that is produced in Bee Boxes by Beekeepers. Also we have Wild Honey which is the Honey from trees and cliffs in deep forests. Wild Honey is collected mainly by tribals of India who take enormous risks to collect this Honey by going deep into the forests.Wild Honey has much more health and medicinal benefits compared to the Farm Honey because it is Multi Floral (Meaning the honey is collected from a wide range of flowers) and it is rich in nectar and pollen from various medicinal flowers of the forests.We sell 100% pure raw Wild Honey in Bangalore. We source it from the tribals who take enormous risks to harvest this Honey from the Beehives without damaging them.Here’s a short animation video we made explaining the state of the Indian Honey Industry:You can buy our pure Wild Honey from our Wild Honey Store Bangalore, India.To know more you can call us on 9611963669orEmail us on hello@honeyandspice.inVisit us on Honey and Spice - 100% Raw Organic Wild Honey

Where can we get pure and raw honey in Bangalore?

I am located at Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. I am a bee keeper and also procuring Pure Wild Honey directly from the Forests in Nilgiris. This the real image of the Wild Honey and Stingless Bee Honey (small bottle) The WILD HONEY CURES ALL DIABETIC WOUNDS EASILY WITHOUT ANTIBIOTICS. Tested for its purity by standard lab tests. Money back is guaranteed if you find any problem with the quality of honey. This is pure raw honey. My phone number is 8695458283. The price is Rs. 700 per KG. Please call me for your orders, I can courier the same to you throughout India (courier charges maybe Rs. 50 extra). This honey cannot be given to Children below 1 year of age and will cure a lot of diseases like diabetic wounds, constipation, anemia, cough, cold, loss of appetite, anxiety, etc. Please call 8695458283 for your orders

I don't want custody. Let him and the honey raise the 2 kids. Bad?

Don't be such a lazy parent. Is this what you really want? Or are you just doing this to avoid total responsibility? Sure, you can be that parent that only sees them on weekends and holidays, the one who spoils them, takes them everywhere. But when it comes down to the nitty gritty, they won't be very close to you. You won't get to tuck them in bed every night, scare monsters away for them.
My ex-husband has the same responsibility that you are thinking about. And you know what? My son doesn't enjoy going over there very much b/c he lives with me most of the time. He can't wait to come back home to me and my family.
You are their mother! Stop being so fu ckin lazy and deal with your motherly responsibilities!

What brand sells well-sourced honey, and where could I find it?

I go to farmers markets and buy from local suppliers or direct from family farms.I don’t know of any national or global food companies with “well sourced” honey. Typical high volume honey production sources it from all around the world at the cheapest prices and than simply blends it together.Eating local honey supplies you with nutrients from the regional plants in your area which helps boost your immune system and decrease allergy reactions to plants.Every city I move to (and I seem to move every few years) I seek out local farmers and markets for honey suppliers. By doing this I have managed to reduce my allergy attacks to almost nothing. Growing up I had severe allergy reactions to all plants and trees and suffered for 20 years.Now that I always source local honey I no longer even need allergy medication. My body adjusts to the region I live in much faster.I notice a change within a few months if I go back to using off-the-shelf honey from grocery stores.My experience may be anecdotal but it’s based on tracking my allergy reactions over 5 decades.Even if I could tell you of a good single source honey farm that sells online, its not going to be from your region. It would be boosting your allergy immunity to wherever that honey came from, which in my opinion would be as pointless as buying the standard store brands.I suggest finding local suppliers wherever you happen to be living. The local farm I currently buy from sells me a gallon for $30. Most honey operations are pretty small, but be persistent and you will likely find some in your region.

Child Beauty Pageant moms - double standard?

Yes, you may be right that they are trying to live through their daughters, but it may also be a lot more than that. I think they get into this "pageant world," and there is MORE competition off the stage than on. The mothers are competing against each other to see who has the prettiest toddler - it is all about winning. I think it could also have to do with how the mothers were raised themselves. We all know how it all goes in cycles, and maybe they were in toddler pageants too. It is normal to them, because that is all they knew growing up.

What we also have to realize is, this type of thing also happens in sports. You will see soccer moms and dads or kids in gymnastics and they go overboard on all the competition. The reason we focus on these pageants, is because there is a TV show around them.

As parents, we just need to wake up and realize this is their childhood. We are creating their memories and what these toddlers have to look back on, is pretty sad.

I need a beautiful name for a female standard poodle puppy any suggestions?

What color is she? What's her personality like?

I think you'll probably be the best one to pick out a name for her. Don't rush yourself, take your time, get to know her. I'm sure you'll think of a perfect name.

That being said, I'll suggest a couple names anyways.

Ani - meaning "Very Beautiful"
Ildri - (i-l-d-r-i) meaning "Fire and Peace"
Isimbi - meaning "Precious"

Those are some names I've used for shelter dogs (you'd be amazed at some of the names they get when they come in; I'm a volunteer, so I rename the ones with the horrible names, like Big Pimpin' - I'm not kidding..there actually was a dog named that). They're three of my favorite female names.

Good luck finding a name. Hope this helps!

How can bees survive when we take their honey?

Beekeepers essentially have a deal with the bees: we provide them with a well protected home and as result, often they produce more honey than they need which we can harvest.Beekeepers do several things that allow bees to focus more time on producing honey. For example, a standard Langstroth Hiveprovides protection from the elements and pests. Man-made hives can also typically be expanded or contracted to fit the size of the bee population. In nature, the bees will find a hole in a tree, or even build a hive suspended in the open, using their bodies as the walls:To produce new bees, they must maintain the temperature of the brood in the center of the hive at 95 degrees F. Beehives in nature may need to expend a lot more energy to maintain this temperature than they do in a hive box which can expand or contract to fit them.These are some examples, but essentially most everything beekeepers do is meant to make life easier for bees such that they produce more honey than they need.Next, beekeepers need to make sure they leave enough honey for the bees, since honey is their main food source. (Their other food source is pollen, which is fed to brood, the baby bees.) Typically, in an expandable Lanstroth Hive, the bottom 2 boxes are considered "brood boxes". These provide enough space even for the most successful beehive. In the center of these 2 boxes (the warmest part) is the section of the hive where they grow brood (new bees) roughly in the shape of a sphere. In the remaining space around the brood, the bees store honey which they gather during the spring, summer, fall, and consume during winter.When a beehive grows to fill the bottom 2 brood boxes, beekeepers expand the hive by placing more boxes on top. These boxes are called "supers". Sometimes there is a "queen excluder" placed between the brood boxes and the supers. The queen excluder prevents the queen from passing through, so that the only thing the bees will put in the supers is honey. Any honey that is produced in the supers is considered surplus and available for harvesting by humans.