Should We Just Leave Them

Should I stay as a friend or just leave?

I had a crush in college.  I met him freshman year through other friends, felt a connection, and looked him up.  We became friends, and then I really liked him, and I told him, but he saw me more as a little sister, someone he saw reflections of himself in.  After giving me a month to deal with that, he got back in touch with me, and we were again friends.  After he graduated (he was 2 years my senior in school, but stayed a fifth year), he contacted me over the summer, because his job was in my hometown, so we hung out off and on for awhile.  After I started back for senior year, and I hadn't heard from him in some time, he suddenly appeared at my doorstep.  I guess he figured out where I was living.  We talked on the phone sometimes after that, but I started falling for him and ended up feeling like I was headed for a sad cycle so I said goodbye and we haven't talked since.  I tried to find him on multiple occasions, even years later after I was attached and married happily because I regretted giving up on a friend that repeatedly came to find me.  A few years ago, I found him on Facebook and left a message, but there has been no reply.  I also snooped online and finally found he is happily attached. To a guy.  Just checked recently and he looks still happy and in the same stable relationship.  So. I really regret throwing his friendship away, and I think he maybe held a grudge and then was just over it, but I'm glad he seems happy.  It's just that at the time, falling for him over and over when there was no chance was really painful, and I made the decision to let him go, that it was too hard.  I was young.

Should I tell him or just leave iti {alone}?

Today my boy friend met my sister and I guess I was being a [little] controlling by telling him what he should and shouldn't say because I really wanted my family to like him and now I feel REALLY guilty about it...should I say that I am sorry and tell my family what he is really like...or do you think I should leave it alone?

Should I just leave him alone?

Men want what they can't have!!

First I would like to say that if a guy isn't willing to chase you a little as well, give you some attention, and reply to your messages then he probably isn't the right one for you. Chemistry should come from both ends and it sounds like he isn't on the same level as you.

With that said and because I know that I didn't take no for a anwser I will tell you how I got people who didn't seem interested...although none of those relationship's worked out.

If he ignores you then ignore him back.

If you see him out then be wonderfully happy, but don't over do it.

If he doesn't reply to a message/text erase his number so your not tempted to continue to text with no response. (It looks pathetic)

Don't openly ignore him but wave, smile, chat...just don't give on to the idea that you have thought of him.

When he does text you play it cool, respond after a hour or so, tell him you have plans and don't text him again for 3-5 days.

Most important!! If he never responds to you or shows interest then let it be. Find someone who will. Desperation can be seen and anyone around you who could potentially be interested may turn away if you come on to strong.

A women has grace, composure, and control.

Should we plan what to do in life or just leave it to fate?

When we have opportunity to create a better tomorrow, why shouldn't  we plan? its true many successful people have found their career interest accidentally but i believe their was always a thirst in them to explore things beyond the limit that one creates. When you know what you want , you have to go get it. so i would say planning makes it efficient and easy accessibility.

Why don't we just leave North Korea alone?

I mean, what are they going to do? Bomb people so that any country can just vanish them from the face of the earth with just a couple nukes? They are tiny, no-one likes them, countries all around them try to interfear in places they are not called for. It makes perfect sense a tiny country would want to at least know it can protect themselves.

I just found some baby mice in my grill. Should I leave them?

First of all this belongs under RODENTS category.

I found some baby mice in my dads garage and they didnt have their eyes open yet, meaning they were under 10 days old. I placed them inside an aquarium with some bird fruit pellets. They would not bottle or dropper feed for me so I simply made some goats milk and poured it on the floor of the tiny little aquaium I had them in forcing them to groom themselves to get nutrition. After a few days they got their eyes open and I cleaned the aquarium up of course and put in a tiny little cap of water and cheetos along with with some cheese. They eventually began eating and drinking on their own with what I offered them. there were 4 of them. After I knew they could feed themselves, I took them out into my open greenhouse where they could live under cages eating the insects and cheetos I left for them. I am sure they are all having fun being kid mice right now until it comes a time for them to leave the greenhouse. But the important thing is they survived.

Should they rebuild the Notre Dame or should we just leave it?

Organized religion is not going to die even if Notre Dame becomes nothing but ash. It will still be strong throughout the world.And aside from that, in addition to being a beautiful cathedral, Notre Dame is part of the nucleus of French culture. It is an age old landmark and cultural treasure, and one of the biggest tourist attractions in Europe. Its gothic architecture is gorgeous. And now it is burning to the ground.If some substantial part of it survives, then it could be rebuilt. It has been looted before. But if the whole thing, or most of it, burns down, you can rebuild it, but the culture, the history, the everything, is gone. It is a hollow replacement of one of the greatest sites in all of Europe.

I want out of this world. Why should I not just up and leave it all?

As the Nike ad says “Just do it!” Nothing stopping you except yourself.Not sure what you mean by “leave it all”. If that means something extreme like suicide, fine, there are 7 billion people in the world, and like me you are probably not one that makes the world go around. You won’t be missed except maybe family and a couple of friends. Ditto here, but I choose to stay.If it is something less extreme and you just want to go off grid, fine also, a lot of folks do that and get by perfectly well and are content. Wish you well if that is your choice.Your choice; choose wisely.

Do you remake your bed in the morning or just leave it?

I make my bed every morning. The army instilled that in me.

Should I just leave a book on a desk after reading it in a library? What is the expected behavior? Does it vary according to country?

It depends on the stated or known practices of the library in question. Some libraries require finished books to be placed in finished book trolleys for restacking by library staff. Other libraries simply require users to leave the books on the table in a neat pile. Still others require the books to be turned in at the library staff counters.What most libraries don't want to see is this: users restacking or refiling the books back into the shelves (which some don't do well and causes misorganisation).